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《天堂与地狱》 第122节



{注1}:“自我之爱”也可以译为“爱自己”或“对自己的爱”,在这里被描述为与神性之爱对立;在《属天的奥秘》(1675:6) 中则被描述为与“主的人性本质”相对立;在下文第558节中被描述为与爱邻舍相对立。在史威登堡看来,自我之爱是人类邪恶的本质。唯一可能更糟的“爱”是支配他人的爱,但这也是爱自己的一种形式。关于爱自己的主要讨论出现在下面的第556-565节中;另见注释【英171】。【中】史威登堡著作中的“自我之爱”并非是一般意义上的对自己关心、爱护自己,而是以自己为中心的、自私自利之爱,超过了对上帝、邻舍的爱。




122. 在天使看来, 尘世的太阳看似一团漆黑, 与天堂的太阳对立; 尘世的月亮则看似一片幽暗, 与天堂的月亮对立, 并且始终如此. 因为尘世的火热对应于自我之爱, 它所发出的光对应于来自这爱的虚假; 自我之爱是神性之爱的直接对立面; 由这爱所产生的虚假是神性真理的直接对立面; 神性之爱和神性真理的对立面在天使看来, 都是黑暗. 因此, 在圣言中, 敬拜尘世的太阳和月亮, 并向它们下拜表示爱自我和源于自我之爱的虚假, 故经上说必尽行除灭(申命记 4:19; 16:3-5; 耶利米书 8:1, 2; 以西结书 8:15, 16, 18; 启示录 16:8; 马太福音 13:6).

注: 天使看不见尘世太阳, 取而代之的是看到后面某种黑暗之物, 与天堂太阳或主对立(天国的奥秘 7078, 9755节). 太阳在反面意义上表示自我之爱(天国的奥秘 2441节); 就这层意义而言, “拜太阳”表示敬拜那些与天堂之爱或对主之爱相反的事物(天国的奥秘 2441, 10584节). 对地狱里的人来说, 天堂太阳就是黑暗(天国的奥秘 2441节).



122. 對天人而言, 物質界的太陽看似一片朦朧, 與天國的太陽恰好相反;他們看物質界的月亮則看似一片暗淡, 與天國的月亮正好相反, 且恒常如此。因為物質界的火對應於愛自己, 由它發出的光對應於由愛自己而起的偽謬。對自己的愛與神性之愛(即聖仁)完全相反, 因曲解而產生的謬誤與神性之理(即聖理)完全相反。一切與聖仁聖理相反對立的, 在天人看來都是黑暗的。

正因如此, 在聖言中, 屈身敬拜人間的太陽月亮, 乃象徵對自己的愛及其產生的偽謬, 理當遭到廢除(申命記4:19, 17:3-5);耶利米書8:1-2; 以西結書8:15-16, 18; 啟示錄16:8; 馬太福音13:6)。

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Heaven and Hell #122 (NCE, 2000)

122. To angels, our world's sun looks like something murky opposite to heaven's sun, and our moon like something dim opposite to heaven's moon, consistently. This is because our world's fire corresponds to a love for ourselves, and the light it emits corresponds to the distortion that arises from that love. Love for oneself is the absolute opposite of divine love, and the distortion that arises from it is the absolute opposite of divine truth. Anything that is opposed to divine love and truth is darkness to angels.

This is why in the Word, worshiping our world's sun and moon and bowing down to them means loving oneself and the distortion that arises from self-love, and why these are to be abolished (Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3-5; 18:0, Jeremiah 8:1-2, Ezekiel 8:15-16, 18, Revelation 16:8, Matthew 13:6). 1


1. Our world's sun is not visible to angels, but instead something dim behind them, opposite to heaven's sun or the Lord: 7078, 9755. In its opposite meaning, the sun means love for oneself: 2441; and in this meaning "worshiping the sun" means worshiping things that are contrary to heavenly love, or to the Lord: 2441, 10584. For people in the hells, heaven's sun is darkness: 2441.


Heaven and Hell #122 (Harley, 1958)

122. The sun of the world appears to the angels as a dense darkness from being opposite to the Sun of heaven, and the moon as a darkness from being opposite to the Moon of heaven, and this constantly. The reason is that the world's fieriness corresponds to the love of self, and the illumination from it corresponds to what is false from that love. The love of self is the direct opposite of the Divine love, what is false from that love is the direct opposite of the Divine truth, and the opposite of the Divine love and the Divine truth is, to the angels, dense darkness. Therefore, in the Word, to worship the sun and moon of this world and bow down to them, signifies to love self and the falsities that are from the love of self, and such will be cut off.

(Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3-5, Jeremiah 8:1-2, Ezekiel 8:15-16, 18, Revelation 16:8, Matthew 13:6) 1.


1. The sun of the world is not visible to the angels, but, in its place, something dark at the back, opposite to the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 7078, 9755).

The sun in the opposite sense signifies the love of self (Arcana Coelestia 2441); in which sense, by adoring the sun, is signified to worship those things that are contrary to heavenly love, or to the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 2441, 10584).

To those who are in the hells, the Sun of heaven is thick darkness (Arcana Coelestia 2441).


Heaven and Hell #122 (Ager, 1900)

122. To the angels the sun of the world appears like a dense darkness opposite to the sun of heaven, and the moon like a darkness opposite to the moon of heaven, and this constantly; and for the reason that the world's fieriness corresponds to the love of self, and the light from it corresponds to what is false from that love; and the love of self is the direct opposite of the Divine love; and what is false from that love is the direct opposite of the Divine truth; and the opposite of the Divine love and the Divine truth is to the angels thick darkness. Therefore, in the Word, to worship the sun and moon of this world and bow down to them, signifies to love self and the falsities that spring from the love of self, and it is said that such would be cut off. (Deuteronomy 4:19; Deuteronomy 16:3-5; Jeremiah 8:1, 2; Ezekiel 8:15, 16, 18; Revelation 16:8; Matthew 13:6). 1


1. The sun of the world is not seen by the angels, but in its place something dark behind, opposite to the sun of heaven or the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 7078, 9755).

In the opposite sense the sun signifies the love of self (2441); and in this sense "to worship the sun" signifies to worship what is contrary to heavenly love or to the Lord (2441, 10584).

To those in the hells the sun of heaven is thick darkness (2441).


De Coelo et de Inferno #122 (original Latin)

122. Sol mundi apparet angelis ut caliginosum quid ex opposito ad Solem caeli, et luna ut tenebrosum quid ex opposito ad Lunam caeli, et hoc constanter: causa est, quia igneum mundi correspondet amori sui, et luminosum inde correspondet falso ex illo amore et amor sui est prorsus oppositus Divino amori, et falsum ex illo amore est prorsus oppositum Divino vero; et quod oppositum est Divino amori ac Divino vero, hoc caligo est angelis. Inde est, quod adorare solem mundi et lunam, ac incurvare se illis, in Verbo significet amare se et falsa quae ex sui amore, et quod illi exscinderentur (Deuteronomius 4:19; 17:3-5; 1Jeremias 8:1-2; Ezechiel 8:15-16, 18; Apocalypsis 16:8; Matthaeus 13:6). 2


1. xvii. pro "xviii."

2. Quod sol mundi non appareat angelis, sed loco ejus tenebricosum quid a tergo ex opposito ad Solem caeli seu Dominum (7078, 9755).

Quod "sol" in opposito sensu significet amorem sui (2441): in quo sensu per "adorare solem" significatur adorare illa quae contraria sunt amori caelesti seu Domino (2441, 10584). Quod Sol caeli illis qui in infernis, sit caligo (2441).

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