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《天堂与地狱》 第211节





211. 由此可见天堂的形式是什么样, 也就是说, 它在至内层天堂是最完美的; 在中间层天堂也是完美的, 但完美程度较低; 在最外层天堂的完美程度更低. 由此也能断定, 这一层天堂的形式通过来自主的流注而靠另一层天堂得以维持. 但是, 人若不知道何为高度层级, 以及它们与长度和宽度层级有何区别, 就无法理解何为藉由流注的交流. 关于这两种层级的性质, 可参看前文(天国的奥秘 38节).



211. 綜上所述, 我們能推斷天國的形態有何特徵, 就是說, 內層天的形態是最完美的, 中層天次之, 外層天又次之。我們也能推斷, 各天國的形態是通過主的流注而彼此維持的。

但是, 人若不瞭解這幾個垂直層次是怎麼回事, 以及這些層次之間的差別, 就無法瞭解流注的性質了(至於兩種層次的性質, 可參看38節)。

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Heaven and Hell #211 (NCE, 2000)

211. This enables us to conclude what heaven's form is like, namely that it is most perfect of all in the inmost heaven, perfect in the intermediate heaven but less so, and still less so in the heaven below that. We can also conclude that the form of one heaven is maintained by another through the inflow from the Lord.

However, there is no way to understand what communication by inflow is like without knowing what vertical levels are like and what the difference is between these levels and degrees of length and breadth. The nature of both kinds of levels may be seen in 38.


Heaven and Hell #211 (Harley, 1958)

211. From these things it can be established what the form of heaven is, namely, that it is the most perfect of all in the inmost heaven. In the middle heaven it is also perfect but in a lower degree, and in the outermost heaven in a still lower degree; also the form of one heaven has its permanent existence from another by means of influx from the Lord. But what communication by influx is cannot be understood unless it is known what degrees of height are, and how they differ from degrees of length and breadth. What these different degrees are may be seen above (38).


Heaven and Hell #211 (Ager, 1900)

211. From all this it can be seen what the form of heaven is, namely, that it is the most perfect of all in the inmost heaven; in the middle heaven it is also perfect, but in a lower degree, and in the outmost heaven in a degree still lower; also that the form of one heaven has its permanent existence from another by means of influx from the Lord. But what communication by influx is cannot be understood unless it is known what degrees of height are, and how they differ from degrees of length and breadth. What these different degrees are may be seen above (38).


De Coelo et de Inferno #211 (original Latin)

211. Ex his constare potest, qualis forma caeli est; quod nempe in intimo caelo omnium perfectissima sit, in medio caelo etiam perfecta sed in inferiori gradu. et in ultimo in adhuc inferiori et quod unius caeli forma ab altera per influxum a Domino subsistat. Sed qualis communicatio per influxum est, non comprehendi potest, nisi sciatur quales sunt gradus altitudinis, et quae illorum graduum differentia est a gradibus longitudinis et latitudinis quales illi et hi gradus sunt. videatur 38

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