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《天堂与地狱》 第227节





227. 他们讲道所依据的教义都视生活为其目的, 无一关注脱离生活的信仰. 至内层天堂的教义比中间层天堂的教义更充满智慧, 而中间层天堂的教义反过来又比最外层天堂的教义更充满聪明. 事实上, 各层天堂的教义都适合天使的理解. 一切教义的本质都是对主之神性人身的承认.



227. 主導講道的一切教義皆以實際生活為目的, 不存在只論信仰無關生活的教義。內層天的教義比中層天的教義智慧更深, 中層天的教義又比外層天的教義智慧更深。事實上, 各天國的教義與其中天人的領悟能力是相稱的。


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Heaven and Hell #227 (NCE, 2000)

227. All the doctrines that govern the preaching focus on life as their end, none on faith apart from life. The doctrine of the inmost heaven is more full of wisdom than that of the intermediate heaven, and this in turn is more full of intelligence than that of the outmost heaven. The doctrines are in fact suited to the grasp of the angels of each heaven.

The essential of all the doctrines is the recognition of the Lord's divine human.


Heaven and Hell #227 (Harley, 1958)

227. The doctrines in accordance with which the preachings are, all look to life as their end, and none to faith separate from the life. The doctrine of the inmost heaven is more full of wisdom than the doctrine of the middle heaven, and this more full of intelligence than the doctrine of the lowest heaven. For, in each heaven, the doctrines are on a level with the perceptions of the angels. The essential of all the doctrines is to acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human.


Heaven and Hell #227 (Ager, 1900)

227. The doctrines with which their preachings are in accord all look to life as their end, and none look to faith separate from the life. The doctrine of the inmost heaven is more full of wisdom than the doctrine of the middle heaven, and this more full of intelligence than the doctrine of the outmost heaven; for in each heaven the doctrines are adapted to the perceptions of the angels. The essential of all doctrines is acknowledging the Divine Human of the Lord.


De Coelo et de Inferno #227 (original Latin)

227. Doctrinae, secundum quas praedicationes fiunt, omnes spectant vitam ut finem, et nulla fidem absque vita. Doctrina intimi caeli est plenior sapientia quam doctrina medii caeli, et haec plenior intelligentia quam doctrina ultimi caeli doctrinae enim sunt adaequatae perceptioni angelorum in unoquovis caelo. Essentiale omnium doctrinarum est agnoscere Divinum Humanum Domini.

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