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《天堂与地狱》 第235节






235. 和人类语言一样, 天使语言也分为词语. 它也清楚发出声音, 并听得见. 事实上, 和世人一样, 天使同样有嘴巴, 舌头, 耳朵, 赖以清晰发出说话声的大气, 尽管这大气是适合天使的属灵大气, 因为天使是属灵的. 天使在自己的大气中呼吸, 并用自己的呼吸发出声音, 和世人一样.

注: 天堂也有呼吸, 但天堂的呼吸更内在(天国的奥秘 3884, 3885节); 通过经历说明(天国的奥秘 3884, 3885, 3891, 3893节). 他们的呼吸方式照他们的状态而各不相同, 多种多样(天国的奥秘 1119, 3886, 3887, 3889, 3892, 3893节). 恶人在天堂完全不能呼吸, 他们到了那里就会窒息(天国的奥秘 3894节).



235. 天人的語言由不同的詞語構成, 這一點和世人的語言相似, 其說話和聆聽的方式也相似。他們也有嘴巴, 舌頭, 耳朵, 和我們一樣, 也有語言賴以傳播的空氣。但這空氣是屬心靈的, 適合天人, 因為天人是屬靈的。他們在心靈的空氣中呼吸, 用氣息發出聲音, 和我們一樣。

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Heaven and Hell #235 (NCE, 2000)

235. Angelic language, like human language, is differentiated into words. It is similarly uttered audibly and heard audibly. Angels have mouths and tongues and ears just as we do; and they also have an atmosphere in which the sound of their language is articulated. However, it is a spiritual atmosphere that is adapted to angels, who are spiritual. Angels breathe in their atmosphere and use their breath to utter words just the way we do in ours. 1


1. There is a breathing in the heavens, but it is more inward: 3884-3885; from experience: 3884-3885, 3891, 3893. The ways they breathe differ and vary depending on their states: 1119, 3886-3887, 3889, 3892-3893. Evil people are utterly incapable of breathing in heaven and suffocate if they come there: 3893 [3894?].


Heaven and Hell #235 (Harley, 1958)

235. Angelic speech, equally with human speech, is distinguished into words. It is also by sound uttered and heard. For angels, like men, have mouth, tongue, and ears. They also have an atmosphere in which the sound of their speech is articulated, although it is a spiritual atmosphere adapted to angels, who are spiritual. In their atmosphere angels breathe and utter words by means of their breath, as do men in their atmosphere. 1


1. In the heavens there is respiration, but it is of an interior kind (Arcana Coelestia 3884-3885); from experience (Arcana Coelestia 3884-3885, 3891, 3893).

There are differing respirations there, varying in accordance with their states (Arcana Coelestia 1119, 3886-3887, 3889, 3892-3893).

The evil are wholly unable to breathe in heaven, and they are suffocated if they go there (Arcana Coelestia 3894).


Heaven and Hell #235 (Ager, 1900)

235. Angelic speech, like human speech, is distinguished into words; it is also audibly uttered and heard; for angels, like men, have mouth, tongue, and ears, and an atmosphere in which the sound of their speech is articulated, although it is a spiritual atmosphere adapted to angels, who are spiritual. In their atmosphere angels breathe and utter words by means of their breath, as men do In their atmosphere. 1


1. In the heavens there is respiration, but it is of an interior kind (Arcana Coelestia 3884-3885) from experience (3884-3885, 3891, 3893).

There are differing respirations there, varying in accordance with their states (1119, 3886-3887, 3889, 3892-3893).

The evil are wholly unable to breathe in heaven, and they are suffocated if they go there (3894).


De Coelo et de Inferno #235 (original Latin)

235. Loquela angelica aeque distincta est in voces, sicut loquela humana; etiam aeque sonore enuntiatur et sonore auditur; sunt enim illis aeque os, lingua, et aures; et quoque illis est atmosphaera, in qua articulatur sonus loquelae illorum; sed est atmosphaera spiritualis, quae accommodata est angelis qui spirituales: respirant etiam angeli in sua atmosphaera, et media respiratione edunt voces, sicut homines in sua. 1


1. Quod in caelis sit respiratio, sed interior (3884, 3885): ab experientia (3884, 3885, 3891, 3893).

Quod respirationes ibi sint dissimiles et variae secundum status eorum (1119, 3886, 3887, 3889, 3892, 3893).

Quod mali prorsus non respirare possint in caelo, et quod si illuc veniunt, suffocentur (3893 [3894?]).

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