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《天堂与地狱》 第247节






247. 天使和灵人之所以与人结合得如此紧密, 以致他们只知道凡属于人的, 都是他们自己的, 还有另外一个原因, 即: 灵界与自然界之间存在这样一种结合: 这二者似乎合而为一. 只因人远离天堂, 故主规定, 天使和灵人当与每个人同在, 主通过他们掌管人. 这就是存在这种紧密结合的原因. 如果人未曾远离天堂, 情况就不同了. 因为在这种情况下, 主就可以通过来自天堂的总体流注掌管人, 无需将灵人和天使指派给他. 关于这个主题, 等到描述天堂如何与人联结时我们再予以充分考虑.



247. 天人和靈, 與世人緊密連接, 以致在他們看來, 我們的一切都屬於他們, 這是因為心靈世界與物質世界在我們之中的緊密連接, 乃至合二為一。但是, 由於我們遠離了天國, 主便安排天人和靈與每個人同在, 好讓我們藉由他們得蒙主的引導。天人和靈與世人緊密連接, 原因在此。

我們若未曾遠離天國, 情況就不同了。因為那樣的話, 我們能藉由天國之流得蒙主的引導, 無需靈和天人分配與我們。關於這些, 等到解釋天國如何與人類相通時再作進一步的介紹。

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Heaven and Hell #247 (NCE, 2000)

247. The reason angels and spirits are so intimately united to us that it seems to them as though our characteristics were their own is that there is such an intimate union within us of the spiritual and the natural worlds that they are virtually one. However, because we have separated ourselves from heaven, the Lord has provided that there should be angels and spirits with each of us and that we should be governed by the Lord through them. This is the reason there is such an intimate union.

It would have been different if we had not separated ourselves, because then we could have been governed by the Lord through a general inflow from heaven without having spirits and angels assigned to us.

There will be more on this later, though, where we describe how heaven is united to us.


Heaven and Hell #247 (Harley, 1958)

247. There is another reason why angels and spirits conjoin themselves so closely with man as not to know but that what is man's is their own, namely, that there is such conjunction between the spiritual world and the natural world in man that the two are as if one. But inasmuch as man has separated himself from heaven, the Lord has provided that there should be angels and spirits with each individual, and that man should be ruled by the Lord through them. This is the reason for such close conjunction. It would have been otherwise if man had not separated himself; for in that case he could have been ruled by the Lord through the general influx from heaven, without spirits and angels being adjoined to him. But this subject will be specially considered in what follows, in connection with the conjunction of heaven with man.


Heaven and Hell #247 (Ager, 1900)

247. There is another reason why angels and spirits conjoin themselves so closely with man as not to know but that what is man's is their own, namely, that there is such conjunction between the spiritual world and the natural world in man that the two are seemingly one. But inasmuch as man has separated himself from heaven the Lord has provided that there should be angels and spirits with each individual, and that man should be ruled by the Lord through these. This is the reason for such close conjunction. It would have been otherwise if man had not separated himself; for in that case he might have been ruled by the Lord through the general influx from heaven, without spirits and angels being adjoined to him. But this subject will be specially considered in what follows when the conjunction of heaven with man is treated of.


De Coelo et de Inferno #247 (original Latin)

247. Quod angeli et spiritus se tam arcte conjungant cum homine, usque ut non aliter sciant quam [quod] quae hominis sunt sua sint, est quoque causa, quia conjunctio talis est inter spiritualem et naturalem mundum apud hominem, ut quasi unum sint at quia homo se separaverat a caelo, provisum est a Domino ut apud unumquemvis hominem essent angeli et spiritus, et quod homo per illos a Domino regeretur, propter eam causam est tam arcta conjunctio. Aliter fuisset, si homo non se separavisset; tunc enim potuisset ille regi per influxum communem a 1caelo a Domino absque spiritibus et angelis ei adjunctis. Sed de hac re in specie in sequentibus, ubi de conjunctione caeli cum homine.


1. "a:"--sic editio princeps; fortasse legeres e.

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