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《天堂与地狱》 第260节






260. 另有一次, 一张小纸从天堂被传给我, 上面只有几个以希伯来字母所写的字. 我被告知, 每个字母都涉及智慧的奥秘, 这些奥秘就包含在这些字母的屈折变化和弯弯曲曲当中, 因而也包含在发音当中. 我由此明白主的这些话是什么意思:

我实在告诉你们, 就是到天地都废去了, 律法的一点一划也不能废去. (马太福音 5:18)

在教会, 众所周知, 圣言的一点一划都是神性; 至于这一点一划里的神性到底藏在何处, 却至今不为人知, 所以需要解释. 在至内层天堂, 文字由各种屈折变化和弯弯曲曲的形式构成, 这些屈折变化和弯弯曲曲符合天堂的形式. 天使通过它们表达其智慧的奥秘, 包括他们无法以话语来表达的许多事物. 神奇的是, 天使无需练习, 也不用老师教就知道这种文字, 它们就像天使的语言那样被植入他们(参看236节). 因此, 这种文字是天上的文字. 它们之所以被植入, 是因为思维和情感的一切延伸, 因而天使聪明和智慧的交流都照着天堂的形式发出(201节). 由于同样的原因, 他们的文字也流入该形式. 我被告知, 地球上的上古之人在字母发明之前就拥有这种文字; 它转变为希伯来语的字母, 这些字母在古时都是屈折变化的, 无一像现在那样以直线来划定. 正因如此, 在圣言中, 神性事物和天堂的奥秘就包含在圣言的一点一划, 以及小角当中.



260. 另有一次, 天國向我傳來一張紙片, 上有少許希伯來字母。我被告知, 每個字母皆包含智慧的奧秘, 蘊藏在它的一彎一曲之中, 也蘊藏在字母的發音之中。由此我理解了主的話, 祂說:"我實在告訴你們, 就是到天地都廢去了, 律法的一點一畫也不能廢去。"(馬太福音5:18)

教會承認聖言是上帝的話語, 小到一點一畫都是神聖的, 只是其神聖性何在, 人們尚不得而知, 故有必要加以解釋。在內層天, 文字由各種彎彎曲曲的形狀構成, 與天國的形態相應。天人藉此表達他們豐富的智慧, 包括許多不可言說的事物。神奇的是, 天人不用教, 也不用練, 就懂得這種文字。這是一種內在的恩賜, 正如他們本能地知道使用語言一樣(236), 所以, 這種文字是屬天國的文字。天人有這種本能, 因為其思維和情感的延伸, 聰明和智慧的交流, 與天國的形態是一致的(201)。正因如此, 他們的文字流為同樣的形態。

我被告知, 在世間文字發明之前, 地球上的祖先使用這種文字。後來它轉變為希伯來字母, 起初全是彎彎曲曲的, 沒有現在這種由直線劃出的樣式。正因如此, 聖言的一點一畫都蘊含神性的事物與天國的珍貴。

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Heaven and Hell #260 (NCE, 2000)

260. Another time I was sent a small page from heaven with only a few words written on it in Hebrew letters. I was told that each letter enfolded treasures of wisdom, and that these were contained in the bends and curves of the letters and therefore in the sounds as well. I could see from this the meaning of the Lord's words, "I tell you in truth, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law" (Matthew 5:18). It is acknowledged in the church that the Word is divine right down to the smallest point, but where in each point the Divine lies hidden - that is not known as yet, so it needs to be explained. In the inmost heaven, the writing consists of various curving and bending forms, and these curves and bends are in keeping with the form of heaven. Through them, angels express the treasures of their wisdom, including many things that they cannot say in words. Believe it or not, the angels know this writing without practice or teachers. They are inwardly gifted with it as they are with the language itself (236), so this writing is heavenly writing. The reason they are inwardly gifted with it is that all the outreach of angels' thoughts and affections and therefore all communication of their intelligence and wisdom takes place in keeping with heaven's form (201). This is why their writing flows into that same form.

I have been told that before letters were invented, the earliest humans on our planet had this kind of writing, and that it was transferred into the Hebrew letters, which in early times were all curved, with none marked off by straight lines the way they are now. This is why there are divine things and treasures of heaven in the Word even in its jots and points and little horns.


Heaven and Hell #260 (Harley, 1958)

260. Once there was sent to me from heaven a little paper on which were written only a few words in Hebrew letters, and it was said that every letter involved arcana of wisdom, which were contained in the inflections and curvatures of the letters, and thus also in the sounds. This made clear to me what is signified by these words of the Lord:

Verily I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle (corniculum) shall not pass away from the law. Matthew 5:18.

That the Word in every tittle of it is Divine is acknowledged in the Church; but where the Divine lies hid in every tittle has not yet been known, and therefore will be told. In the inmost heaven the writing consists of various inflected and circumflected forms, and the inflections and circumflections are in accordance with the form of heaven. By means of these, angels express the arcana of their wisdom, and also many things which they are unable to express in spoken words; and, what is wonderful, the angels know this writing without training or teacher, it being implanted in them like their speech (see 236); therefore this writing is heavenly writing. It is implanted because all extension of thoughts and affections and consequent communication of intelligence and wisdom of the angels proceeds in accordance with the form of heaven (201); and for the same reason their writing flows into that form. I have been told that the most ancient people on this earth, before letters were invented, also had such writing; and that it was copied into the letters of the Hebrew language, which letters in ancient times were all inflected, and none of them, as at present, were defined as straight lines. Thus it is that in the Word, Divine things and arcana of heaven are contained even in its jots (iota), points (apex) and little horns (corniculum).


Heaven and Hell #260 (Ager, 1900)

260. A little paper was at one time sent to me from heaven, on which there were a few words only written in Hebrew letters, and I was told that every letter involved arcana of wisdom, and that these arcana were contained in the inflections and curvatures of the letters, and thus also in the sounds. This made clear to me what is signified by these words of the Lord:

Verily I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one tittle shall not pass away from the law (Matthew 5:18).

That the Word in every tittle of it is Divine is known in the church; but just where the Divine lies hid in every tittle has not been known heretofore, and therefore shall be told. In the inmost heaven the writing consists of various inflected and circumflected forms, and the inflections and circumflections are in accordance with the forms of heaven. By means of these angels express the arcana of their wisdom, and also many things that they are unable to express in spoken words; and what is wonderful, the angels know this writing without training or a teacher, it being implanted in them like their speech (see 236); therefore this writing is heavenly writing. It is implanted because all extension of thoughts and affections and consequent communication of intelligence and wisdom of the angels proceeds in accordance with the form of heaven (201); and for the same reason their writing flows into that form. I have been told that the most ancient people on this earth, before letters were invented, had such writing; and that it was transferred into the letters of the Hebrew language, and these letters in ancient times were all inflected, and none of them, as at present, were bounded by straight lines. Thus it is that in the Word Divine things and arcana of heaven are contained even in its iotas, points and tittles.


De Coelo et de Inferno #260 (original Latin)

260. Quondam etiam ad me e caelo missa est chartula, in qua solum aliquae voces litteris Hebraicis scriptae erant; et dicebatur quod unaquevis littera involvat arcana sapientiae, et quod illa insint inflexionibus et curvaturis litterarum, et inde quoque sonis. Inde patuit mihi, quid significatur per haec Domini verba,

Amen dico vobis, usque dum praeterierit caelum et terra, iota unum aut corniculum unum non praeteribit de Lege," (Matthaeus 5:18).

Quod Verbum Divinum sit quoad omnem ejus apicem, etiam notum est in ecclesia sed ubinam Divinum latet in omni apice, nondum notum est; quapropter dicetur. Scriptura in caelo intimo consistit ex variis formis inflexis et circumflexis; et inflexiones et circumflexiones sunt secundum formam caeli. Angeli per illas exprimunt arcana sapientiae suae, et quoque plura quae non possunt vocibus enuntiare et, quod mirabile, illam scripturam sciunt angeli absque arte et magistro; est illis indita sicut ipsa loquela (de qua 236): quapropter scriptura haec est scriptura caelestis. Quod indita sit, est quia omnis extensio cogitationum et affectionum, et inde omnis communicatio intelligentiae et sapientiae angelorum vadit secundum formam caeli (201): inde est, quod in illam fluat scriptura illorum. Dictum est mihi, quod antiquissimis in hac tellure, antequam litterae inventae sunt, etiam talis scriptura fuerit et quod illa translata sit in litteras linguae Hebraicae, quae litterae antiquis temporibus omnes inflexae fuerunt, et non aliquae, sicut hodie, terminatae ut lineae: inde est, quod in Verbo sint Divina et arcana caeli etiam in iotis, apicibus, et corniculis ejus.

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