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《天堂与地狱》 第268节





268. 从以下事实能看出天使的智慧何等之大: 天堂有一种涉及每个人的交流. 彼此的聪明和智慧都共享, 天堂就是所有良善的一种共享. 这是因为天堂之爱具有这种性质: 它希望自己的东西属于别人; 故在天堂, 没有人觉得自己的良善真是良善, 除非这良善也是别人的; 这就是天堂幸福的源头和基础. 天使从主获得这种幸福, 因为主的神性就具有这样的品质. 我蒙允许通过经历知道天堂有这种交流. 一些简单的灵人有时被提入天堂, 到了那里后, 他们就进入天使的智慧, 于是便明白了他们以前所不能理解的东西, 所说的话也是他们在之前状态下无法表达出来的话.



268. 從以下事實, 也可推知天人具有何等大的智慧。天國存在一種交流, 涉及到每一個人。在此交流中, 他們分享聰明和智慧。天國正是一個分享價啟的地方, 因為天國之仁愛的本質就是樂於分享。正因如此, 在天國, 沒有人視自己的良善為真正的良善, 除非與他人分享。這也是天國之樂的根本。主將天人引入其中, 因為這正是主的聖仁。

對於天國的這種交流, 我也是通過親身經歷而得知的。曾有愚鈍的人被帶入天國, 到達天國的同時, 也獲得了天人般的智慧, 能領悟之前所不能領悟的, 表達之前所不能表達的。

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Heaven and Hell #268 (NCE, 2000)

268. We may gather how great angels' wisdom is from the fact that in heaven there is a communication that involves everyone. The intelligence and wisdom of one individual is shared with another: heaven is where everyone shares everything of value. This is because the very nature of heavenly love is to want what is one's own to belong to another; so no one in heaven regards his or her good as authentically good unless it is someone else's as well. This is also the basis of heaven's happiness. Angels are led into it by the Lord, whose divine love has this same quality.

I have also been granted knowledge, by experience, of this kind of communication in the heavens. Once some simple people were taken up into heaven, and after they had arrived, they arrived also at an angelic wisdom. They understood things they could not grasp before and said things they could not express in their former state.


Heaven and Hell #268 (Harley, 1958)

268. How great is the wisdom of angels can be confirmed from the fact that in the heavens there is a communication of all things. Intelligence and wisdom are communicated from one to another, and heaven is a communion of all goods. The reason is that heavenly love is such that it wills what is its own to be another's. Consequently, no one in heaven perceives his own good in himself to be good unless it is also in another; and this is the source of the happiness of heaven. This the angels derive from the Lord, whose Divine Love is of such a nature that there is such a communication of all things in the heavens. (It has been granted me to know by experience.) Certain simple spirits have sometimes been taken up into heaven, and when there, they entered into angelic wisdom, and then understood things that they were never before able to comprehend, and spoke things that they were unable to utter in their former state.


Heaven and Hell #268 (Ager, 1900)

268. It can be seen how great the wisdom of angels is from the fact that in the heavens there is a communication of all things; intelligence and wisdom are communicated from one to another, and heaven is a common sharing of all goods; and this for the reason that heavenly love is such that it wishes what is its own to be another's; consequently no one in heaven perceives his own good in himself to be good unless it is also in another; and this is the source of the happiness of heaven. This the angels derive from the Lord, for such is His Divine love. That there is such a communication of all things in the heavens it has been permitted me to know by experience. Certain simple spirits were at one time taken up into heaven, and when there they entered into angelic wisdom, and then understood things that they were never before able to comprehend, and spoke things that they were unable to utter in their former state.


De Coelo et de Inferno #268 (original Latin)

268. Quanta sapientia angelorum est, constare potest ex eo, quod in caelis omnium communicatio sit, unius intelligentia et sapientia communicatur alteri, est caelum communio omnium bonorum: causa est, quia amor caelestis talis est, is vult ut sit alterius quod suum est; quare nemo in caelo percipit bonum suum in se ut bonum, nisi sit etiam in altero, inde quoque est felicitas caeli hoc ducunt angeli a Domino, cujus Divinus Amor talis est. Quod talis communicatio in caelis sit, datum etiam est per experientiam scire: quidam simplices quandoque sublati sunt in caelum et cum illuc, etiam in angelicam sapientiam venerunt, et tunc intellexerunt talia quae prius non comprehendere potuerunt, et locuti sunt quae in priori statu non effari potuerunt.

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