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《天堂与地狱》 第282节






282. 由于对天堂天使来说, 纯真是良善的真正存在, 故显而易见, 从主发出的神性良善就是纯真本身, 因为它就是那流入天使, 感染其至内层, 并排列它们, 使之适合接受天堂的一切良善的良善. 孩童也一样, 他们的内层不仅通过从主流经他们的纯真形成, 还不断被调整并排列, 以接受天堂之爱的良善, 因为纯真的良善从至内层起作用. 事实上, 如前所述, 纯真的良善就是一切良善的存在. 由此可见, 一切纯真皆来自主. 故在圣言中, 主被称为“羔羊”, 因为羔羊表示纯真. 纯真因是天堂一切良善的核心, 故如此感染心智, 以致当有人感觉到它时, 如当至内层天堂的天使靠近时, 他仿佛不能自持, 并被这样一种喜乐打动, 可以说忘乎所以: 与这喜乐相比, 世上的一切快乐似乎什么也不是. 我因体验过才这样说.

注: 在圣言中, “羔羊”表示纯真及其良善(天国的奥秘 3994, 10132节).



282. 對天人而言, 天真既是其良善的根本, 那麼主所發的聖善必是天真本身, 因為流入天人, 感動其至深的本性, 使之適於接受天國一切福分的正是此善。孩子的情況與之相似:主的天真流經其心, 使之成形並適於接受天國之仁的良善, 因為天真之善在其內心運行, 是一切良善的根本。這說明一切天真皆出於主, 主在聖言中也因此被稱為"羔羊,"因為羔羊代表天真。

天真既是一切天國之善的核心, 自然就強烈影響人的心靈, 以致當內層天的天人靠近時, 感受到的人感覺自己好像失去了控制, 喜不自禁, 與之相比, 世間的一切樂事都顯得微不足道。我說這些, 是根據自己的親身經歷。

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Heaven and Hell #282 (NCE, 2000)

282. Since innocence, for heaven's angels, is the very essence of what is good, we can see that the divine good emanating from the Lord is innocence itself, inasmuch as it is this good that flows into angels, moves their deepest natures, and aligns and adapts them to accept all the blessings of heaven. Much the same happens with infants, whose deeper natures are not only formed by the passage of innocence from the Lord but are also constantly adapted and aligned to accept the good of heavenly love, because the good of innocence acts from deep within, being, as already noted, the very essence of all good. This shows that all innocence is from the Lord, which is why the Lord is called the Lamb in the Word, since a lamb means innocence. 1

Because innocence is the very heart of all the good of heaven, it also affects minds so strongly that people who feel it - which happens at the approach of an angel of the inmost heaven - feel as though they are not under their own control. They are moved by such a joy, so taken out of themselves, so to speak, that it seems as though all the pleasure of the world is nothing by comparison. I speak of this from having experienced it.


1. A lamb in the Word means innocence and the good it does: 3994, 10132.


Heaven and Hell #282 (Harley, 1958)

282. Because innocence is the very being (esse) of good with the angels of heaven, it is evident that the Divine Good that goes forth from the Lord is innocence itself, for it is that good that flows into angels, and affects their inmosts, and disposes and fits them to receive all the good of heaven. It is the same with little children, whose interiors are not only formed by means of innocence flowing through them from the Lord, but also are continually being adapted and disposed to receive the good of celestial love, since the good of innocence acts from the inmost; for that good, as has been said, is the being (esse) of all good. From all this it can be confirmed that all innocence is from the Lord. Thus it is that in the Word the Lord is called the "Lamb", for a lamb signifies innocence. 1Because innocence is the inmost in all the good of heaven, it so affects minds that when it is felt by anyone-as when an angel of the inmost heaven approaches-he seems to himself to be no longer his own master and is moved and, as it were, carried away by such a delight that no delight of the world seems to be anything in comparison with it. This I say from having perceived it.


1. In the Word a "lamb" signifies innocence and its good (Arcana Coelestia 3994, 10132).


Heaven and Hell #282 (Ager, 1900)

282. Because innocence With the angels of heaven is the very being [esse] of good, it is evident that the Divine good that goes forth from the Lord is innocence itself, for it is that good that flows into angels, and affects their inmosts, and arranges and fits them for receiving all the good of heaven. It is the same with children, whose interiors are not only formed by means of innocence flowing through them from the Lord, but also are continually being fitted and arranged for receiving the good of heavenly love, since the good of innocence acts from the inmost; for that good, as has been said, is the being [esse] of all good. From all this it can be seen that all innocence is from the Lord. For this reason the Lord is called in the Word a "lamb," a lamb signifying innocence. 1Because innocence is the inmost in all the good of heaven, it so affects minds that when it is felt by any one-as when an angel of the inmost heaven approaches-he seems to himself to be no longer his own master and is moved and as it were carried away by such a delight that no delight of the world seems to be anything in comparison with it. This I say from having perceived it.


1. In the Word a "lamb" signifies innocence and its good. (3994, 10132).


De Coelo et de Inferno #282 (original Latin)

282. Quia innocentia est ipsum Esse boni apud angelos caeli, patet quod Divinum Bonum procedens a Domino sit ipsa Innocentia, nam id Bonum est quod influit apud angelos, et afficit illorum intima, ac disponit et adaptat ad recipiendum omne bonum caeli: similiter fit apud infantes, quorum interiora per transfluxum innocentiae a Domino non modo formantur, sed etiam continue adaptantur et disponuntur ad recipiendum bonum amoris caelestis, quoniam bonum innocentiae ab intimo agit, est enim, ut dictum est, Esse omnis boni. Ex his constare potest, quod omnis innocentia sit a Domino: inde est, quod Dominus in Verbo dicatur Agnus, nam "agnus", significat innocentiam. 1Quia innocentia est intimum in omni bono caeli, ideo quoque illa ita afficit mentes, ut qui illam sentit, quod fit appropinquante angelo intimi caeli, videatur sibi non sui juris esse, et inde tali jucundo affici et quasi auferri, ut appareat omne jucundum mundi nihil esse respective: ex apperceptione ejus hoc loquor.


1. Quod "agnus" in Verbo significet innocentiam et ejus bonum (3994, 10132).

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