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《天堂与地狱》 第407节


407、有一个人活在肉身时曾大权在握,在来世仍保留着统治的欲望。他被告知, 现在他身处另一个永恒的国度,他在地上的统治已经消亡了。在他现在所在的地方,人按照他的良善和真理以及凭着他活在世上时所享有的主的怜悯而受到尊重。他还被告知, 在这个国度和在地上一样,人们同样是凭他们的财富和君王恩惠而被尊重,只是这里的财富是良善和真理,君王的恩惠是主照人在世上的生活而赐予他的怜悯。任何想以其他方式去统治的愿望都会使他成为叛逆者,因为他是在别人的国度。听到这些,他感到羞愧。



407. 有一个人活在肉身时曾大有权势, 在来世仍有掌权的欲望. 但他被告知, 现在他身处另一个永恒的国度, 并且他在地上的权势已经消亡了. 在这里, 人人唯独凭自己的良善与真理, 凭活在世上时所享有的主的怜悯而被看重. 他还被告知, 在这个国度, 人们同样凭财富和领导地位被看重, 和地上一样. 只是这里的财富是良善与真理, 领导地位是主照人在世上的生活而赋予他的怜悯. 他若想基于其它掌权, 就是叛逆者, 因为他是在别人的国度. 听到这些话, 他感到很尴尬.



407. 有一人在肉身時曾大有權勢, 進入靈界以後, 他依然有掌權的欲望。他被告知, 他已進入另一個國度, 一個永恆的國度, 他昔日的權勢已經過去了。到了此地, 人的價啟在於擁有良善與真理, 憑著在世的生活而獲主憐憫的程度而受到尊重。他也被告知, 在天國, 人同樣憑財富和領導能力受尊重, 這和地上的國一樣。但是在此地, 財富是良善與真理, 領導能力是人們憑在世的生活所獲得的主的憐憫。他若想以其它為基礎來掌權, 就是叛逆者, 因為他是在另一個人的國度。聽了這些話, 他感到十分窘迫。

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Heaven and Hell #407 (NCE, 2000)

407. There was one man who had been particularly powerful during his physical life, and who in the other life still had his desire to be in control. He was told that he was in another kingdom now, an eternal one, and that his own dominion was in the land of the dead. Here no one was valued for anything but their virtue and truth, and for the Lord's mercy they had enjoyed through their earthly lives. He was also told that this kingdom was like earthly ones where people were valued for their wealth and their standing with the leadership. Here wealth was virtue and truth, and standing with the leadership was the mercy the individual had enjoyed from the Lord through life in the world. If he wanted to rule on any other basis he was a revolutionary, since he was in someone else's kingdom. He was embarrassed when he heard this.


Heaven and Hell #407 (Harley, 1958)

407. There was one who in the life of the body had exercised power over others, and who had retained in the other life the desire to rule. He was told that he was now in another kingdom, which is eternal, and that his rule on earth had perished, and that he was now where no one is esteemed except in accordance with his goodness and truth and that measure of the Lord's mercy which he enjoyed by virtue of his life in the world; also that the same is true in this kingdom as on the earth, where men are esteemed for their wealth and for their favour with the prince, wealth here being good and truth, and favour with the Prince the mercy bestowed on a man by the Lord in accordance with his life in the world. Any wish to rule otherwise would make him a rebel, since he is in Another's kingdom. On hearing these things he was ashamed.


Heaven and Hell #407 (Ager, 1900)

407. There was one who in the life of the body had exercised power over others, and who had retained in the other life the desire to rule; but he was told that he was now in another kingdom, which is eternal, and that his rule on earth had perished, and that he was now where no one is esteemed except in accordance with his goodness and truth, and that measure of the Lord's mercy which he enjoyed by virtue of his life in the world; also that the same is true in this kingdom as on the earth, where men are esteemed for their wealth and for their favor with the prince, wealth here being good and truth, and favor with the prince the mercy bestowed on man by the Lord in accordance with his life in the world. Any wish to rule otherwise would make him a rebel, since he is in another's kingdom. On hearing these things he was ashamed.


De Coelo et de Inferno #407 (original Latin)

407. Quidam qui in vita corporis potens fuit prae aliis, in altera vita retinuit quod etiam imperare vellet: cui dictum est, quod in alio regno sit, quod aeternum, et quod imperare ejus in terra mortuum sit, et quod nunc non aestimetur quisquam quam secundum bonum et verum, et secundum misericordiam Domini, in qua ex vita in mundo sit; tum quod hoc regnum se habeat sicut in terra, ubi aestimantur propter opes, et propter gratiam apud principem opes hic sunt bonum et verum, et gratia apud Principem est misericordia in qua est homo secundum vitam suam in mundo apud Dominum; si aliter velit imperare, rebellis est, nam in Alius regno est. His auditis pudefactus est.

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