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《天堂与地狱》 第451节





451. 人死后的第一个阶段仅持续几天. 接下来我会描述他后来如何从一个状态被引入另一个状态, 直到最终或上天堂, 或下地狱. 这也是我蒙允许通过大量经历所获知的事.



451. 人死後的第一個階段一般只持續幾天。接下來, 我會描述怎樣從一個狀態被帶入另一個狀態, 直到最終進入天國或地獄。大量親身經歷讓我對此事實有所瞭解。

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Heaven and Hell #451 (NCE, 2000)

451. This first stage of our life after death does not last more than a few days, though. In the following pages I will be describing how we are then brought from one state into another until finally we arrive either in heaven or in hell. This too is something I have been allowed to learn from a great deal of experience.


Heaven and Hell #451 (Harley, 1958)

451. This opening state of man's life after death lasts only a few days. How he is afterwards led from one state to another, and finally either into heaven or into hell, will be told in the things that follow. This, too, I have been permitted to know by much experience.


Heaven and Hell #451 (Ager, 1900)

451. This opening state of man's life after death lasts only a few days. How he is afterwards led from one state to another, and finally either into heaven or into hell, will be told in what follows. This, too, I have been permitted to learn by much experience.


De Coelo et de Inferno #451 (original Latin)

451. Sed hoc exordium vitae hominis post mortem, non perstat ultra quam per aliquot dies. Quomodo autem dein perducitur ab uno statu in alterum, et demum vel in caelum vel in infernum, in sequentibus dicetur; hoc quoque per multam experientiam scire datum est.

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