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《天堂与地狱》 第459节






459. 要知道, 死后, 每个人的人形随着他更深切地热爱神性真理并照之生活而愈加美丽, 因为人的内层照着他对真理的爱和生活被打开并形成. 因此, 情感越内在, 就越与天堂一致, 脸就越漂亮. 这就是为何至内层天堂的天使最美丽, 因为他们是属天之爱的形式. 而另一方面, 那些对真理的爱更为外在, 因而以更外在的方式照之生活的人则不那么美丽. 因为仅外在情感从他们脸上闪耀出来; 而内在的天堂之爱, 因而本来的天堂形式并没有通过这些外在情感闪耀出来. 你可以在他们脸上看到某种相对暗淡, 没有被透过它闪耀的内在生命之光照亮的东西. 简言之, 一切完美皆朝内层增长, 朝外层减少; 美丽则随着完美的增长或减少而增长或减少. 我曾看见第三层天堂天使的脸如此美丽, 以致没有一个画家能用尽所有技艺和颜料将他们的一点光芒描绘出来, 甚至连从他们脸上所闪耀出的千分之一的光辉和生命也描绘不出. 不过, 最低层天堂天使的脸可在某种程度上被刻画出来.



459. 我們需要知道, 人的內心越熱衷與踐行聖理, 死後的形像就越美, 因為人的心靈是照著對真理的熱愛以及踐行真理的生活而開放並形成。所以, 情感越是內在, 就越似天國, 面容就越美。正因如此, 內層天的天人是最美的, 因為他們是仁愛的形相。反之, 熱衷聖理的形式越外在, 以越外在的方式踐行聖理, 其美麗的程度也越遜色, 因為外在之美透過面容煥發出來, 內在之仁, 或說天國最根本的形相, 未能透過其外在的形像煥發出來。相對而言, 他們的面容較為暗淡, 沒有內在生命的光照耀出來。簡而言之, 越往內, 完美性越高;越往外, 完美性越低。隨著完美程度的遞增或遞減, 美的程度也遞增或遞減。

我見過第三層天的天人, 他們的美, 他們臉上的光明和神采, 是任何畫家無法用技巧和顏料描繪出來的, 連千分之一也不能。但外層天的天人, 其面貌能或多或少被刻畫出來。

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Heaven and Hell #459 (NCE, 2000)

459. It does need to be known that our human form is lovelier after death to the extent that we have more deeply loved divine truths and have lived by them, since our deeper levels are opened and formed according to both our love of these truths and our life. So the deeper the affection and the more it accords with heaven, the lovelier the face. This is why the angels who are in the inmost heaven are the loveliest - because they are forms of heavenly love. On the other hand, people who have loved divine truths more outwardly and have therefore lived by them more outwardly are less lovely, since only the more outward aspects radiate from their faces, and the deeper heavenly love - which means the form of heaven as it is in its own right - does not shine through these more outward forms. You can see something relatively dim in their faces, not enlivened by a light of their inner life shining through. In short, all perfection increases as you move inward and lessens as you move outward. As the perfection increases or lessens, so does the beauty.

I have seen faces of angels of the third heaven so beautiful that no painters, with all their skill, could render a fraction of their light with their pigments or rival a thousandth part of the light and life that show in their faces. The faces of angels of the outmost heaven, though, can be mirrored to some extent.


Heaven and Hell #459 (Harley, 1958)

459. It is to be known that everyone's human form after death is the more beautiful in proportion as he has more interiorly loved Divine truths and lived according to them; for everyone's interiors are opened and formed in accordance with his love and life; therefore the more interior the affection is, the more like heaven it is, and in consequence the more beautiful the face is. This is why the angels in the inmost heaven are the most beautiful, for they are forms of celestial love. But those who have loved Divine truths more exteriorly, and thus have lived in accordance with them in a more external way, are less beautiful; for exterior affections only shine forth from their faces; and through these no interior heavenly love shines, consequently nothing of the form of heaven as it is in itself. There is seen in the faces of such, something comparatively obscure, not vivified by anything of interior life shining through it. In a word, all perfection increases towards interiors and decreases towards exteriors, and as perfection increases and decreases so does beauty. I have seen angelic faces of the third heaven of such radiance that no painter with all his art could possibly give any such light to his colours as to equal a thousandth part of the brightness and life that shone forth from their countenances. But the faces of the angels of the lowest heaven may in some measure be equalled.


Heaven and Hell #459 (Ager, 1900)

459. It should be known that everyone's human form after death is the more beautiful in proportion as he has more interiorly loved Divine truths and lived according to them; for everyone's interiors are opened and formed in accordance with his love and life; therefore the more interior the affection is the more like heaven it is, and in consequence the more beautiful the face is. This is why the angels in the inmost heaven are the most beautiful, for they are forms of celestial love. But those that have loved Divine truths more exteriorly, and thus have lived in accordance with them in a more external way, are less beautiful; for exterior affections only shine forth from their faces; and through these no interior heavenly love shines, consequently nothing of the form of heaven as it is in itself. There is seen in the faces of such something comparatively obscure, not vivified by any thing of interior life shining through it. In a word, all perfection increases toward interiors and decreases toward exteriors, and as perfection increases and decreases so does beauty. I have seen angelic faces of the third heaven of such radiance that no painter with all his art could possibly give any such light to his colors as to equal a thousandth part of the brightness and life that shone forth from their countenances. But the faces of the angels of the lowest heaven may in some measure be equalled.


De Coelo et de Inferno #459 (original Latin)

459. Sciendum est, quod forma humana cujusvis hominis post mortem eo pulchrior sit, quo interius amaverat Divina vera, et vixerat secundum illa; nam interiora cujusvis secundum illorum amorem ac vitam et aperiuntur et formantur quapropter quo interior affectio, eo conformior caelo, et inde eo formosior facies. Inde est, quod angeli, qui in caelo intimo sunt, pulcherrimi sint, quia sunt amoris caelestis formae qui autem exterius amaverunt Divina vera, et sic exterius vixerunt secundum illa, minus pulchri sunt; nam exteriora modo elucent ex facie illorum, et non amor interior caelestis per exteriora translucet, proinde non forma caeli qualis in se est apparet respective obscurum quid e facie illorum, non vivificatum a translucentia vitae interioris. Verbo, crescit omnis perfectio versus interiora, et decrescit versus exteriora; et sicut perfectio, ita quoque pulchritudo crescit et decrescit. Vidi facies angelicas tertii caeli, quae tales erant ut nusquam ullus pictor posset omni arte sua aliquid talis lucis dare coloribus, ut aequaret millesimam partem lucis et vitae quae apparuit in facie illorum: sed facies angelorum ultimi caeli possunt aliquatenus aequari.

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