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《天堂与地狱》 第461节









461. 四十八, 死后, 人仍享有他在世上所拥有的一切感觉, 记忆, 思维和情感, 除肉体外没有任何遗漏

反复的经历向我证明, 当人从自然界进入灵界时, 如死亡时的情形, 除了肉体外, 他会带走所拥有的一切, 也就是身为世人时属于他的一切事物. 事实上, 当人进入灵界, 或死后生命时, 他在一个身体中, 和在世时一样, 没有明显的不同, 因为他既看不出, 也感觉不到任何区别. 但那时他的身体却是属灵的, 因而从尘世物质中被分离或净化出来. 此外, 属灵物触摸或看见属灵物, 正如属世物触摸或看见属世物. 因此, 当人成为灵时, 他没有感觉到自己已不在他在世上所拥有的肉体中, 因而不知道自己已经死了.

此外, 人的灵享有他在世时所享有的一切感觉, 无论外在的还是内在的. 他和以前一样看见, 和以前一样听见并说话, 也和以前一样闻见, 品尝, 当被触摸时, 和以前一样感觉得到; 他想要, 希望, 渴望, 思考, 反思, 感动, 热爱, 意愿, 仍和以前一样; 好学的人仍像以前一样阅读, 写作. 总之, 当人从一个生命进入另一个生命, 或说从一个世界进入另一个世界时, 就好像从一个地方转到另一个地方, 他仍携带他身为世人时在自己里面所拥有的一切事物, 以至于不能说死后, 也就是仅仅肉体的死亡之后, 人就丧失了自己的任何东西.

再者, 他甚至带走自己的属世记忆, 因为他将在世时从婴儿早期直到生命结束所听见, 看见, 阅读, 学习或思考的一切都保留下来. 然而, 保留在记忆中的属世物体无法在灵界重现, 所以就归于沉寂, 正如人不去思想它们时的情形. 尽管如此, 当主乐意时, 它们就能再现. 我很快就会详细说明这种记忆, 以及死后它的状态. 感官人很难相信这就是人死后的状态, 因为他无法理解. 事实上, 感官人只能在属世层面思考, 甚至在属世层面思考属灵事物. 这意味着凡他感觉不到的事物, 就是他无法用肉眼看见, 用双手摸到的事物, 他都认为不存在, 正如多马那样(约翰福音 20:25, 27, 29). 前面(267节)描述了感官人的特质.



461. 肉體脫去感覺, 記憶, 思想和情感皆保留

頻繁的經歷向我證實, 當人從人間進入靈界, 也就是死亡發生之時, 他將攜帶屬於他的一切, 唯獨丟棄了肉體。事實上, 當人進入靈界或死後生活後, 他也是有形有體的, 正如在人間一樣。兩者似乎沒有分別, 因為他看不出也感覺不出有什麼差別。但是該身體是心靈的或心靈的, 已從人間的物質分離或淨化出來。屬心靈的事物接觸和觀看屬心靈的事物, 恰如屬物質的接觸和觀看屬物質的事物。正因如此, 當人成為靈, 他不會感覺到自己已不在肉身中, 也不知自己已經死了。

作為靈, 人依然享有他在人間所享有的內在和外在的感覺。他像以前一樣看, 一樣聽, 一樣說, 一樣嗅, 一樣嘗, 一樣觸摸, 也像過去一樣希望, 渴求, 思想, 考慮, 感動, 熱愛, 立志。用功的

人還像以前一樣閱讀, 寫作。簡而言之, 當人從一種生活進入另一種生活, 或說從一個世界進入另一個世界, 就好像從一個地方移到了另一個地方。他隨身攜帶著屬於自己的一切, 乃至除了肉體, 他沒有丟失任何東西。

再者, 他將攜帶在世的記憶, 因為他從生到死一切的見聞覺知, 學問思想都完全保留著。不過, 由於他記憶中物質事物不能在靈界再現, 也就處於沉寂狀態, 恰如人不去思想它的狀態一樣。但是, 主若願意, 它們都可以重現。關於該記憶在人死後的狀態, 下文會有更多的闡述。

感官主義者無法相信這將是人死後的狀況, 因為他無法領會。他完全在肉體的層次思考, 面對心靈的事物, 他也同樣如此。這意味著凡是他無法感覺到的一切, 就是他肉眼看不見雙手摸不著的事物, 他都認為不存在(正如多馬那樣, 參看約翰福音20:25, 27, 29)。關於感官主義者的特質, 前文(267)已作過描述。

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Heaven and Hell #461 (NCE, 2000)

461. After Death, We Enjoy Every Sense, Memory, Thought, and Affection We Had in the World: We Leave Nothing Behind except Our Earthly Body

Repeated experience has witnessed to me that when we move from the natural world into the spiritual, which happens when we die, we take with us everything that pertains to our character except our earthly body. In fact, when we enter the spiritual world or our life after death, we are in a body as we were in this world. There seems to be no difference, since we do not feel or see any difference. This body is spiritual, though, so it has been separated or purified from earthly matter. Further, when anything spiritual touches and sees something spiritual, it is just like something natural touching and seeing something natural. So when we have become a spirit, we have no sense that we are not in the body we inhabited in the world, and therefore do not realize that we have died.

[2] As "spirit-people," we enjoy every outer and inner sense we enjoyed in the world. We see the way we used to, we hear and talk the way we used to; we smell and taste and feel things when we touch them the way we used to; we want, wish, crave, think, ponder, are moved, love, and intend the way we used to. Studious types still read and write as before. In a word, when we move from the one life into the other, or from the one world into the other, it is like moving from one [physical] place to another; and we take with us everything we owned as persons to the point that it would be unfair to say that we have lost anything of our own after death, which is only a death of the earthly body.

[3] We even take with us our natural memory, since we retain everything we have heard, seen, read, learned, or thought in the world from earliest infancy to the very end of life. However, since the natural objects that reside in our memory cannot be reproduced in a spiritual world, they become dormant the way they do when we are not thinking about them. Even so, they can be reproduced when it so pleases the Lord. I will have more to say soon, though, about this memory and its condition after death.

Sense-centered people are quite incapable of believing that our state after death is like this because they do not grasp it. Sense-centered people can think only on the natural level, even about spiritual matters. This means that anything they do not sense - that is, see with their physical eyes and touch with their hands - they say does not exist, as we read of Thomas in John 20:25, 27, 29. The quality of sense-centered people has been described above in 267, and in notes there.


Heaven and Hell #461 (Harley, 1958)


It has been proved to me by manifold experience that when man passes from the natural world into the spiritual, as he does when he dies, he carries with him all his things, that is, those things that belong to him as a man, except his earthly body. For when man enters the spiritual world or the life after death, he is in a body as he was in the world, with no apparent difference, since he neither sees nor feels any difference. But his body is spiritual, and thus separated or purified from all that is earthly; and when what is spiritual touches and sees what is spiritual, it is just the same as when what is natural touches and sees what is natural. So when a man has become a spirit he does not know otherwise than that he is in his own body in which he had been in the world and thus does not know that he has died.

[2] Moreover, the spirit man rejoices in every sense, both external and internal, that he enjoyed in the world; he sees as before, he hears and speaks as before, smells and tastes, and when touched, he feels the touch as before; he also strives, desires, longs for, thinks, reflects, is affected, loves, wills, as before; and one who is delighted with studies, reads and writes as before. In a word, when a man passes from one life into the other, or from one world into the other, it is like passing from one place into another, carrying with him all things that he possesses in himself as a man; so that it cannot be said that after death, which is only the death of the earthly body, the man will have lost anything of his own.

[3] Furthermore, he carries with him his natural memory, retaining everything whatever that he has heard, seen, read, learned, or thought in the world from earliest infancy even to the end of life; although the natural objects that are in the memory, since they cannot be reproduced in the spiritual world, are at rest, just as they are with a man when he is not thinking from them. Nevertheless, they are reproduced when it pleases the Lord. But more will be said presently about this memory and its state after death. A sensual man finds it impossible to believe that such is the state of man after death, because he cannot comprehend it; for a sensual man must needs think naturally even about spiritual things; therefore, anything that does not appeal to his senses, that is, that he does not see with his bodily eyes and touch with his hands (as is said of Thomas, John 20:25, 27, 29) he denies that it is. (What the sensual man is may be seen above, 267 and notes.)


Heaven and Hell #461 (Ager, 1900)


It has been proved to me by manifold experience that when man passes from the natural world into the spiritual, as he does when he dies, he carries with him all his possessions, that is, everything that belongs to him as a man, except his earthly body. For when man enters the spiritual world or the life after death, he is in a body as he was in the world, with no apparent difference, since he neither sees nor feels any difference. But his body is then spiritual, and thus separated or purified from all that is earthly; and when what is spiritual touches or sees what is spiritual, it is just the same as when what is natural touches or sees what is natural. So when a man has become a spirit he does not know otherwise than that he is in the same body that he had in the world and thus does not know that he has died.

[2] Moreover, a man's spirit enjoys every sense, both outer and inner, that he enjoyed in the world; he sees as before, he hears and speaks as before, smells and tastes, and when touched, he feels the touch as before; he also longs, desires, craves, thinks, reflects, is stirred, loves, wills, as before; and one who takes delight in studies, reads and writes as before. In a word, when a man passes from one life into the other, or from one world into the other, it is like passing from one place into another, carrying with him all things that he had possessed in himself as a man; so that by death, which is only the death of the earthly body, man cannot be said to have lost anything really his own.

[3] Furthermore, he carries with him his natural memory, retaining everything that he has heard, seen, read, learned, or thought, in the world from earliest infancy even to the end of life; although the natural objects that are contained in the memory, since they cannot be reproduced in the spiritual world, are quiescent, just as they are when one is not thinking of them. Nevertheless, they are reproduced when the Lord so wills. But more will be said presently about this memory and its state after death. A sensual man finds it impossible to believe that such is the state of man after death, because he cannot comprehend it; for a sensual man must needs think naturally even about spiritual things; therefore, any thing that does not appeal to his senses, that is, that he does not see with his bodily eyes and touch with his hands (as is said of Thomas, John 20:25, 27, 29) he denies the existence of. (What the sensual man is may be seen above, 267 and notes.)


De Coelo et de Inferno #461 (original Latin)


Quod homo cum e naturali mundo in spiritualem transit, quod fit cum moritur, omnia sua, seu quae sui hominis sunt, secum ferat, praeter terrestre suum corpus, ex multiplici experientia testatum mihi factum est. Nam homo cum intrat mundum spiritualem, seu vitam post mortem, in corpore est sicut in mundo; ad apparentiam nullum discrimen est, quoniam non sentit et videt discrimen: sed corpus ejus spirituale est, et sic a terrestribus separatum seu purificatum; et cum spirituale tangit et videt spirituale, est prorsus sicut cum naturale tangit et videt naturale. Inde homo cum spiritus factus est, non aliter scit, quam quod in suo corpore sit in quo fuit in mundo, et inde non scit quod obiverit. Homo spiritus etiam gaudet omni sensu externo et interno, quo gavisus est in mundo; videt sicut prius, audit et loquitur sicut prius, odorat quoque et gustat, ac tactu sentit cum tangitur sicut prius; appetit etiam, desiderat, cupit, cogitat, reflectit, afficitur, amat, vult sicut prius; et qui studiis delectatur legit et scribit sicut prius: verbo, homo cum transit ab una vita in alteram, seu ab uno mundo in alterum, est sicut ab uno loco in alterum, et secum fert omnia quae in se ut homo possidet; sic ut non dici possit quod homo, post mortem, quae solum est corporis terrestris, aliquid sui amiserit. Memoriam etiam naturalem secum fert; nam omnia quaecunque in mundo audivit, vidit, legit, didicit, cogitavit a prima infantia usque ad ultimum vitae, retinet; sed objecta naturalia quae insunt memoriae, quia non reproduci possunt in spirituali mundo, quiescunt, sicut fit apud hominem quum non ex illis cogitat; sed usque reproducuntur quando Domino beneplacet. Verum de memoria hac, et de ejus statu post mortem, in mox sequentibus plura dicentur. Quod talis status hominis post mortem sit, sensualis homo prorsus non credere potest, quia non capit; nam sensualis homo non potest aliter quam naturaliter cogitare, et quoque de spiritualibus; quapropter illa quae non sentit, hoc est, videt oculis sui corporis, et tangit manibus ejus, dicit non esse, sicut legitur de Thoma (Johannes 20:25, 27, 29). Qualis sensualis homo est, videatur supra (267, et ibi in notis b).

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