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《天堂与地狱》 第471节




















471. 圣言多处声称, 人将照他的行为和作为受审判, 得报应. 我在此引用其中一些经文:

人子要在祂父的荣耀里同着众使者降临, 那时侯, 祂要照各人的行为报应各人. (马太福音 16:27)

在主里面而死的死人有福了. 圣灵说, 是的, 他们息了自己的劳苦, 他们所作的工也随着他们. (启示录 14:13)

我要照你们的行为报应你们各人. (启示录 2:23)

我又看见死了的人, 无论大小, 都站在神面前. 案卷展开了, 并且另有一卷展开, 就是生命册. 死了的人都凭着这些案卷所记载的, 照他们所行的受审判. 于是海交出其中的死人, 死亡和阴间也交出其中的死人. 他们都照各人所行的受审判. (启示录 20:12-13)

看哪, 我必快来! 赏赐在我, 要照各人所行的报应他. (启示录 22:12)

凡听见我这话就去行的, 好比一个聪明人; 凡听见我这话不去行的, 好比一个愚拙的人. (马太福音 7:24, 26)

凡称呼我主啊, 主啊的人不能都进天堂, 惟独遵行我天父旨意的人, 才能进去. 当那日, 必有许多人对我说, 主啊, 主啊, 我们不是奉你的名说预言, 奉你的名赶鬼, 奉你的名行许多异能吗? 我必向他们声明, 我从来不认识你们, 你们这些作恶的人, 离开我去吧! (马太福音 7:21-23)

那时, 你们开始说, 我们在你面前吃过喝过, 你也在我们的街上教训过人. 祂要说, 我告诉你们, 我不认识你们, 你们这作恶的人. (路加福音 13:26-27)

我也必照他们的行为, 按他们手所做的报应他们. (耶利米书 25:14)

耶和华注目观看世人一切的举动, 为要照各人所行的和他做事的结果报应他. (耶利米书 32:19)

我必因他所行的惩罚他, 照他所做的报应他. (何西阿书 4:9)

耶和华定意按我们的行动作为向我们怎样行, 祂已照样行了. (撒迦利亚书 1:6)

在预言最后的审判时, 主所数算的, 无非是行为, 祂教导说: 行善的, 必进入永生; 作恶的, 必进入永刑(马太福音 25:32-46). 还有其它许多经文论述了人的救赎和诅咒. 显然, 作为和行为构成人的外在生命, 其内在生命的品质则通过它们体现出来.



471. 聖言的確多處說到人將照各自的行為受審判, 得報應。下面就讓我引用一些經文:人子要在祂父的榮耀裡同著眾使者降臨, 那時侯, 祂要照各人的行為報應各人。(馬太福音16:27)在主裡面而死的人有福了。聖靈說, 是的, 他們息了自己的勞

苦, 作工的果效也隨著他們。(啟示錄14:13)我要照你們的行為報應你們各人。(啟示錄2:23)我又看見死了的人, 無論大小, 都站在寶座前。案卷展開了,

並且另有一卷展開, 就是生命冊。死了的人都憑著這些案卷所記載的, 照他們所行的受審判。於是海交出其中的死人, 死亡和陰間也交出其中的死人。他們都照各人所行的受審判。(啟示錄20:12-13)

看哪, 我必快來!賞罰在我, 要照各人所行的報應他。(啟示錄22:12)

凡聽見我這話就去行的, 好比一個聰明人…凡聽見我這話不去行的, 好比一個無知的人。(馬太福音7:24, 26)

凡稱呼我主啊主啊的人不能都進天國, 惟獨遵行我天父旨意的人才能進去。當那日, 必有許多人對我說, 主啊, 主啊, 我們不是奉你的名傳道, 奉你的名趕鬼, 奉你的名行許多異能嗎?我就明明地告訴他們說, 我從來不認識你們, 你們這些作惡的人, 離開我去吧!(馬太福音7:21-23)

那時, 你們要說, 我們在你面前吃過喝過, 你也在我們的街上教訓過人。他要說, 我告訴你們, 我不曉得你們是哪裡來的, 你們這一切作惡的人, 離開我去吧!(路加福音13:26-27)我也必照他們的行為, 按他們手所做的報應他們。(耶利米書25:14)

耶和華注目觀看世人一切的舉動, 為要照各人所行的和他做事的結果報應他。(耶利米書32:19)

我必因他們所行的懲罰他們, 照他們所做的報應他們。(何西阿書4:9)

萬軍之耶和華定意按我們的行動作為向我們怎樣行, 祂已照樣行了。(撒迦利亞書1:6)

主在預告最後的審判時, 沒說別的, 只提行為:行為善良者進入永生, 行為敗壞者進入永刑(馬太福音25:32-46)。

此外, 還有很多經文論及人的得救或滅亡。由此可見, 人的外在生活由行為構成, 內在生命的品質通過行為動作體現出來。

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Heaven and Hell #471 (NCE, 2000)

471. It does say in many places in the Word that we will be judged and requited according to our deeds and works. I should like to cite a few passages here.

The Human-born One is to come in the glory of the Father with his angels, and then he will render to everyone according to his or her works. (Matthew 16:17 [16:27])

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Truly, says the spirit, so that they may rest from their labors, their works follow them. (Revelation 14:11 [Revelation 14:13]?)

I will give to all according to their works. (Revelation 2:23)

I saw the dead, small and great, standing in the presence of God, and books were opened, and the dead were judged according to what was written in the books, according to their works; the sea gave up those who had died in it, and death and hell gave up the people who were in them, and they were all judged according to their works. (Revelation 20:13, 15 [Revelation 20:12-13])

See, I am coming; and my reward is with me, and I will give to all according to their works. (Revelation 22:12)

Everyone who hears my words and does them I will compare to a prudent person, but everyone who hears my words and does not do them is like a foolish person. (Matthew 7:24, 26)

Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Many people will say to me on that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied through your name, and through your name cast out demons, and in your name done many powerful deeds?" But then I will confess to them, "I do not recognize you. Get away from me, workers of iniquity." (Matthew 7:22-23)

Then you will begin to say, "We have eaten in your presence and drunk, and you have taught in our streets." But he will say, "I tell you, I do not recognize you, workers of iniquity." (Luke 13:25-27)

I will repay them according to their work, and according to the deeds of their hands. (Jeremiah 25:14)

Jehovah, whose eyes are open upon all our paths, to give to us all according to our ways and according to the fruit of our works. (Jeremiah 32:19)

I will visit upon their ways and repay them their works. (Hosea 4:9)

Jehovah deals with us according to our ways and according to our works. (Zechariah 1:6)

Where the Lord is predicting the Last Judgment, he recounts only deeds, and [says] that the people who have done good works will enter eternal life, and that the people who have done evil works will enter damnation (Matthew 25:32-46). There are many other passages as well that deal with our salvation and damnation.

We can see that our outward life consists of our works and deeds, and that the quality of our inner life is manifested through them.


Heaven and Hell #471 (Harley, 1958)

471. That man will be judged and rewarded according to his deeds and works is declared in many passages in the Word, some of which I would here quote:

The Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels and then He will render unto everyone according to his works. Matthew 16:27.

Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, for their works follow them. Revelation 14:13.

I will give to everyone according to his works. Revelation 2:23.

I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God; and the books were opened and the dead were judged out of the things that were written in the books according to their works. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up those that were in them, and they were judged everyone according to their works. Revelation 20:12-13.

Behold I come, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his works. Revelation 22:12.

Everyone that heareth My words and doeth them I will liken to a prudent man; but everyone that heareth My words and doeth them not is likened to a foolish man. Matthew 7:24, 26.

Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in the heavens. Many will say unto Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and through Thy name cast out demons, and in Thy name done many mighty works? But then will I confess to them, I know you not; depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23.

Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk before Thee; Thou hast taught in our streets. But He will say, I tell you I know you not, ye workers of iniquity. Luke 13:26-27.

I will recompense them according to their work and according to the doing of their hands. Jeremiah 25:14.

Jehovah, whose eyes are open upon all the ways of men, to give to everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works. Jeremiah 32:19.

I will visit upon his ways and recompense to him his works. Hosea 4:9.

Jehovah doeth with us according to our ways and according to our works. Zechariah 1:6.

In foretelling the last judgment the Lord recounts nothing but works, teaching that those who have done good works will enter into eternal life, and those who have done evil works will enter into damnation, as in Matthew (25:32-46), and in many other passages that treat of the salvation and condemnation of man. It is clear that works and deeds constitute the external life of man, and that the quality of his internal life is made evident by means of them.


Heaven and Hell #471 (Ager, 1900)

471. That man will be judged and rewarded according to his deeds and works is declared in many passages in the Word, some of which I will here quote:

The Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels and then He will render unto everyone according to his works (Matthew 16:27).

Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them (Revelation 14:13).

I will give to everyone according to his works (Revelation 2:23).

I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God; and the books were opened and the dead were judged out of the things that were written in the books according to their works. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up those that were in them, and they were judged everyone according to their works (Revelation 20:12, 13).

Behold I come, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his works (Revelation 22:12).

Everyone that heareth My words and doeth them I will liken to a prudent man; but everyone that heareth My words and doeth them not is likened to a foolish man (Matthew 7:24, 26).

Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in the heavens. Many will say unto Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and through Thy name cast out demons, and in Thy name done many mighty works? But then will I confess to them, I know you not: depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity (Matthew 7:21-23).

Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk before Thee; Thou hast taught in our streets. But He will say, I tell you I know you not, ye workers of iniquity (Luke 13:25-27).

I will recompense them according to their work and according to the doing of their hands (Jeremiah 25:14).

Jehovah, whose eyes are open upon all the ways of men, to give to everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works (Jeremiah 32:19).

I will visit upon his ways and recompense to him his works (Hosea 4:9).

Jehovah doeth with us according to our ways and according to our works (Zechariah 1:6).

In foretelling the last judgment the Lord recounts nothing but works, teaching that those that have done good works will enter into eternal life, and those that have done evil works will enter into damnation, as in Matthew (Matthew 25:32-46), and in many other passages that treat of the salvation and condemnation of man. It is clear that works and deeds constitute the outward life of man, and that the quality of his inward life is made evident in them.


De Coelo et de Inferno #471 (original Latin)

471. Quod homo secundum facta et opera judicabitur et ei retribuetur, multis in locis in Verbo dicitur, quorum aliqua hic adducere velim:

"Venturus... est Filius hominis in gloria Patris sui cum angelis suis, et tunc reddet unicuique secundum opera sua," (Matthaeus 16:27) 1

"Beati mortui, qui in Domino moriuntur..;immo dicit Spiritus, ut requiescant ex laboribus suis, opera illorum sequuntur illos," (Apocalypsis 14:13). 2

"Ego dabo unicuique secundum opera sua," (Apocalypsis 2:23).

"Vidi mortuos parvos et magnos stantes coram Deo; et libri aperti sunt: et judicati sunt mortui juxta ea quae scripta in libris, secundum opera illorum:... dedit mare eos qui in eo mortui sunt, ac mors et infernus dederunt 1illos qui in iis; et judicati sunt quilibet secundum opera illorum," (Apocalypsis 20:[12,] 13, 15).

"Ecce venio, et merces mea Mecum, ut dem unicuique secundum opera ejus," (Apocalypsis 22:12).

"Omnis... qui audit mea... verba et facit ea, comparabo viro prudenti... at omnis qui audit verba mea... et non facit ea, comparatur viro stulto," (Matthaeus 7:24, 26).

"Non omnis dicens Mihi, Domine, Domine, intrabit in regnum caelorum, sed faciens voluntatem Patris mei qui est in caelis: multi dicent Mihi in die illo, Domine, Domine, nonne per nomen tuum prophetavimus, et per nomen tuum daemonia ejecimus, et in nomine tuo virtutes multas fecimus? sed tunc confitebor illis, Non novi vos, discedite e Me, operarii iniquitatis," (Matthaeus 7:[21,] 22-23).

"Tunc incipietis dicere, edimus coram Te et bibimus, in plateis nostris docuisti; sed dicet, Dico vobis, Non novi vos... operarii iniquitatis," (Luca 13:25-27).

"Retribuam illis juxta opus illorum, et juxta factum manuum illorum," (Jeremias 25:14).

Jehovah, "cujus oculi aperti sunt super omnes vias hominis, ad dandum cuivis secundum vias ejus, et secundum fructum operum ejus," (Jeremias 32:19).

"Visitabo super... vias ejus, et opera ejus retribuam illi," (Hoschea 4:9).

"Jehovah... juxta vias nostras, et juxta opera nostra facit nobiscum," (Sacharia 1:6).

Ubi Dominus de ultimo judicio praedicit, non nisi quam opera recenset, et quod intrabunt in vitam aeternam qui bona opera fecerunt, et in damnationem qui mala opera, Matthaeus 25:32-46; praeter in multis aliis locis, ubi agitur de salvatione et de condemnatione hominis. Quod opera et facta sint vita externa hominis, et quod per illa manifestetur vita ejus interna, qualis est, patet.


1. 27 pro "17"

2. 13 pro "11"

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