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《天堂与地狱》 第476节





476. 这一切清楚表明, 人死后等待他的生活是什么, 即: 这生活就是人的爱和由此而来的信, 不仅包括理论上的, 还包括行为上的. 因此, 它是人的行为或作为, 因为这些将人的整个爱和信都包含在自己里面.



476. 由此可知人死後其生命將要延續是何含義:人的仁與信將在行為中(非僅僅在理論上)延續, 也就是人的行為將要延續, 因為行為之中包含著人全部的仁與信。

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Heaven and Hell #476 (NCE, 2000)

476. We may gather from this what is meant by the life that stays with us after death. It is actually our love and our consequent faith, not only in theory but in act as well. So it is our deeds or works because these contain within themselves our whole love and faith.


Heaven and Hell #476 (Harley, 1958)

476. From these things it can now be established what is meant by the life that awaits man after death, namely, that it is his love and his faith therefrom, not only in potency, but also in act; thus that it is his deeds or works, because these in themselves contain all things of man's love and faith.


Heaven and Hell #476 (Ager, 1900)

476. All this makes clear what the life is that awaits man after death, namely, that it is his love and his faith therefrom, not only in potency, but also in act; thus that it is his deeds or works, because in these all things of man's love and faith are contained.


De Coelo et de Inferno #476 (original Latin)

476. Ex his nunc constare potest, quid intelligitur per vitam, quae hominem manet post mortem, quod nempe sit ejus amor et inde fides, non modo in potentia sed etiam in actu; ita quod sint facta seu opera, quia haec in se continent omnia amoris et fidei hominis.

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