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《天堂与地狱》 第509节






509. 当恶灵处于第二个状态时, 他们因冲进各种邪恶, 故经常受到严厉的惩罚. 在灵人界, 惩罚的方式多种多样; 并且不会考虑等级地位, 考虑某人在世时是君王还是奴仆. 每种邪恶都自带惩罚, 这二者构成一体; 因此, 凡作恶者, 必受该邪恶的惩罚. 然而, 在来世, 没有人会因他在尘世所行的邪恶受惩罚, 只因他现在所行的邪恶受惩罚. 无论你说人们因他们在世时的邪恶受惩罚, 还是说因他们在来世所行的邪恶受惩罚, 归根结底都是一回事, 没什么区别, 因为每个人死后仍回到自己的生活, 因而回到类似邪恶中; 他仍旧和活在肉身时一样, 或说他的性质取决于他所过的那种肉身生活(天国的奥秘 470-484节). 恶人之所以受惩罚, 是因为在这种状态下, 对惩罚的恐惧是制服其邪恶的唯一手段. 劝诫, 教导, 对法律和丧失名声的畏惧等等都已经行不通了, 因为那时, 每个人都出于自己的本性行事; 这种本性只能通过惩罚被压制和破碎. 但善灵从不受惩罚, 尽管他们在世时也曾做过坏事, 因为他们的邪恶不再返回. 此外, 我还得知, 他们的邪恶具有不同的性质或属于不同的种类, 并非源于对真理的故意抗拒, 也不是源于任何坏心肠; 而是源于他们通过遗传从父母那里所得来的恶心, 其盲目的快乐会在他们处于脱离内在的外在时驱使他们陷入这些邪恶.



509. 進入第二個狀態以後, 惡靈既情不自禁地往各種罪惡裡直奔, 自然就時常受到嚴厲的懲罰。在靈界, 懲罰的方式多種多樣。不論你曾貴為君王, 或賤如奴隸, 均一視同仁。每種惡皆有相應的罰相隨, 如影隨形。所以, 凡作惡者, 必受相應之罰。但是, 沒有人需為人間的惡行受罰, 只需為當前的惡行受罰。不過, 或說因人間的惡行受罰, 或說為靈界的惡行受罰, 兩者是一回事。因為死後, 人必恢復各自的生命狀態, 回到同樣的惡行之中, 因為人的秉性取決於他在人間的生活方式。

行惡必須受罰, 因為在此狀態下, 對懲罰的恐懼是約束他們的唯一手段。勉勵, 教導已不再有效, 法律, 名聲等因素也不再起作用。因為他們照秉性而行, 唯有懲罰能給予強制。

善靈卻從不受罰(雖然他們在人間曾作過惡事), 因為他們的惡不再返複。我還得知, 他們所作之惡事屬於不同的性質, 因為不是出於故意抵擋真理, 也非出於噁心, 而是因為父母遺傳而來的惡性, 生來就陷入如此盲目的滿足中, 不過這只是發生在外在層次, 而非內在的層次。

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Heaven and Hell #509 (NCE, 2000)

509. Since evil spirits plunge into all kinds of evils when they are in this second state, it is normal for them to be punished often and severely. There are many kinds of punishments in the world of spirits, and there is no respect for rank, for whether someone was a king or a servant in the world. Every evil brings its own punishment with it. They are united; so whoever is involved in something evil is involved in the punishment of the evil as well. Still, no one suffers any punishment for evil things done in the world, only for current evil deeds. It boils down to the same thing, though, and makes no difference whether you say that we suffer punishments because of our evil deeds in the world or that we suffer punishments because of our evil deeds in the other life, because after death we all return to our life, which means that we are involved in the same kinds of evil. This is because our nature is determined by the kind of physical life we led (470-484).

The reason they are punished is that fear of punishment is the only means of taming their evils in that state. Encouragement does not work any more, or teaching or fear of the law or fear for their reputation, because they are acting from their nature, which cannot be compelled or broken by anything but punishments.

Good spirits are never punished, though, even though they have done bad things in the world. This is because their evils do not come back. I have also been granted a knowledge that their evils are of a different kind or nature. They do not stem from any deliberate resistance to what is true, and they are not from any evil heart except the one they acquired by heredity from their parents, which blind pleasure drove them into when they were involved in outward concerns separated from inner ones.


Heaven and Hell #509 (Harley, 1958)

509. When evil spirits are in this second state, as they rush into evils of every kind they are subjected to frequent and grievous punishments. In the world of spirits there are many kinds of punishment; and there is no regard for person, whether one had been in the world a king or a servant. Every evil carries its punishment with it, the evil and the punishment being connected; therefore whoever is in evil is also in the punishment of evil. And yet no one in the other world suffers punishment on account of the evils that he had done in this world, but only on account of the evils that he then does; although it amounts to the same and is the same thing whether it be said that they suffer punishment on account of their evils in the world or that they suffer punishment on account of the evils they do in the other life, since everyone after death returns into his own life and thus into like evils; and the man continues the same as he had been in the life of the body (470-484). They are punished because the fear of punishment is the sole means of subduing evils in this state. Exhortation is no longer of any avail, neither is instruction or fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, since everyone then acts from his nature; and that nature can be restrained and broken only by punishments. But good spirits, although they had done evils in the world, are never punished, because their evils do not return. Moreover, it is granted to know that the evils they did were of a different kind or nature, not being done purposely in opposition to the truth, or from any other badness of heart than that which they received by inheritance from their parents, and that they were borne into this by a blind delight when they were in externals separate from internals.


Heaven and Hell #509 (Ager, 1900)

509. When evil spirits are in this second state, as they rush into evils of every kind they are subjected to frequent and grievous punishments. In the world of spirits there are many kinds of punishment; and there is no regard for person, whether one had been in the world a king or a servant. Every evil carries its punishment with it, the two making one; therefore whoever is in evil is also in the punishment of evil. And yet no one in the other world suffers punishment on account of the evils that he had done in this world, but only on account of the evils that he then does; although it amounts to the same and is the same thing whether it be said that men suffer punishment on account of their evils in the world or that they suffer punishment on account of the evils they do in the other life, since everyone after death returns into his own life and thus into like evils; and the man continues the same as he had been in the life of the body (470-484). Men are punished for the reason that the fear of punishment is the sole means of subduing evils in this state. Exhortation is no longer of any avail, neither is instruction or fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, since everyone then acts from his nature; and that nature can be restrained and broken only by punishments. But good spirits, although they had done evils in the world, are never punished, because their evils do not return. Moreover, I have learned that the evils they did were of a different kind or nature, not being done purposely in opposition to the truth, or from any other badness of heart than that which they received by inheritance from their parents, and that they were borne into this by a blind delight when they were in externals separate from internals.


De Coelo et de Inferno #509 (original Latin)

509. Mali spiritus quando in secundo hoc statu sunt, quia ruunt in omnis generis mala, frequenter et graviter solent puniri. Poenae sunt multiplices in mundo spirituum; nec ullus respectus personae habetur, sive rex sive servus fuerat in mundo. Omne malum secum fert poenam; sunt conjuncta; quare qui in malo est etiam in poena mali est: sed usque nullus ibi luit poenam propter mala quae in mundo egerat, sed propter mala quae tunc agit. Eodem tamen recidit, et simile est, sive dicatur, quod luant poenas propter mala sua in mundo, sive dicatur quod luant poenas propter mala quae agunt in altera vita, quoniam unusquisque redit in suam vitam post mortem, et sic in similia mala; nam talis homo est qualis in vita corporis sui fuerat (470-484). Quod puniantur, est quia timor pro poena est unicum medium domandi mala in hoc statu nihil valet amplius exhortatio, nihil informatio, nec timor legis et famae, quoniam agit ex natura, quae non coerceri nec frangi potest quam per poenas. At boni spiritus nusquam puniuntur, tametsi mala in mundo egerant, nam mala eorum non redeunt et quoque datur scire, quod mala illorum alius generis aut naturae fuerint; non enim ex proposito contra verum, et non ex corde malo alio quam quod fuerat illis ex hereditario a parentibus, in quod, cum in externis separatis ab internis fuerunt, ex caeco jucundo perlati sunt.

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