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《天堂与地狱》 第585节





585. 平原和山谷之下的地狱开口或门户具有不同的形式. 其中有的就像大山, 小山和悬崖峭壁之下的开口或门户; 有的像大大小小的洞穴; 有的像大裂口和泥潭; 有的像沼泽; 有的像死水塘. 它们都被遮盖起来, 只在恶灵从灵人界被投入其中时才被打开. 当它们被打开时, 从它们当中喷发出来的东西或像燃烧的建筑物周围空气中所看到的烈火和浓烟, 或像无烟的火焰, 或像热烟囱冒出的烟灰, 或像雾霭和乌云. 我听说, 地狱灵既看不见, 也感受不到这一切, 因为当身处其中时, 他们如同在自己的大气中, 因而在其生命的快乐中. 因为这些事物对应于他们所陷入的邪恶与虚假; 其中烈火对应于仇恨与报复, 烟与灰对应于由此而来的虚假, 火焰对应于自我之爱的邪恶, 雾霭或乌云对应于来自这爱的虚假.



585. 平原, 山谷之下的地獄, 其入口顯現各種不同的形狀。有的與高山, 小山, 峭壁之下的地獄相似, 有的像洞穴, 有的像深淵, 有的像沼澤, 有的像池塘, 平時都是隱藏的, 只有惡靈從靈界被投入其中時才會打開。打開時, 有時會冒出大火和濃煙, 有時只有火苗, 沒有濃煙, 有時像煙啟冒出的黑煙, 有時像濃密的烏雲。我聽說惡靈既看不見也感受不到這些, 因為他們處身其中, 享受其中。這些現象與他們所陷入的惡欲和偽謬相對應, 其中火與仇恨, 報復對應, 煙與仇恨, 報復所生的偽謬對應, 火苗與我欲所含的種種邪惡對應, 烏雲與這種種邪惡所生的偽謬對應。

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Heaven and Hell #585 (NCE, 2000)

585. The entrances or gates to the hells that are under the plains and valleys have different forms. Some of them are like the ones under the mountains, hills, and cliffs; some of them are like caves and caverns; some are like large chasms and quagmires, some like swamps; and some like stagnant ponds. All of them are covered over and are visible only when evil spirits are being cast in there from the world of spirits. When they are opened, something breathes out like the smoky fire we see in the air from conflagrations, or like flame without smoke, or like the kind of soot that comes from a hot chimney, or like a dark storm cloud. I have heard that evil spirits neither see nor feel this because when they are in it, they are in their element and therefore in the delight of their life. This is because these appearances correspond to the evils and distortions they are absorbed in, the fire corresponding to their hatred and vengefulness and the smoke and soot to their consequent distortions, the flame to the evils of their self-love, and the dark storm cloud to the distortions that follow from it.


Heaven and Hell #585 (Harley, 1958)

585. The openings or gates to the hells that are beneath the plains and valleys present to the sight different appearances. Some resemble those that are beneath the mountains, hills and rocks; some resemble dens and caverns, some great chasms and whirlpools; some resemble bogs, and some standing water. They are all covered over, and do not open except when evil spirits from the world of spirits are cast in hither; and when they open there bursts forth from them either something like the fire and smoke that is seen in the air from burning buildings, or like a flame without smoke, or like soot such as comes from a burning chimney, or like a mist and thick cloud. It has been heard that the infernal spirits neither see nor feel these things, because when they are in them they are as in their own atmosphere, and thus in the delight of their life; and this for the reason that these things correspond to the evils and falsities in which they are, namely, fire corresponding to hatred and revenge, smoke and soot to the falsities therefrom, flame to the evils of the love of self; and a mist or thick cloud to falsities from that love.


Heaven and Hell #585 (Ager, 1900)

585. The openings or gates to the hells that are beneath the plains and valleys present to the sight different appearances. Some resemble those that are beneath the mountains, hills and rocks; some resemble dens and caverns, some great chasms and whirlpools; some resemble bogs, and some standing water. They are all covered, and are opened only when evil spirits from the world of spirits are cast in; and when they are opened there bursts forth from them either something like the fire and smoke that is seen in the air from burning buildings, or like a flame without smoke, or like soot such as comes from a burning chimney, or like a mist and thick cloud. I have heard that the infernal spirits neither see nor feel these things, because when they are in them they are as in their own atmosphere, and thus in the delight of their life; and this for the reason that these things correspond to the evils and falsities in which they are, fire corresponding to hatred and revenge, smoke and soot to the falsities therefrom, flame to the evils of the love of self, and a mist or thick cloud to falsities from that love.


De Coelo et de Inferno #585 (original Latin)

585. Aperturae seu portae ad inferna, quae sub planitiebus et vallibus, ad aspectum apparent diversimode: quaedam similes illis quae sub montibus, collibus et petris, quaedam sicut antra et cavernae, quaedam sicut hiatus magni et voragines, quaedam sicut paludes, et quaedam sicut stagna aquarum. Omnes sunt coopertae, nec patent nisi cum mali spiritus e mundo spirituum injiciuntur: cumque patent, exhalatur inde vel sicut ignis cum fumo, qualis apparet in aere ex incendiis, vel sicut flamma absque fumo; vel sicut fuligo qualis ex incenso camino, vel sicut nimbus ac nubes densa. Auditum est quod infernales spiritus illa non videant, nec sentiant, quia cum in illis sunt, sicut in sua atmosphaera sunt, et sic in suae vitae jucundo et hoc ex causa, quia correspondent malis et falsis in quibus sunt; nempe ignis odio et vindictae, fumus et fuligo falsis ex illis, flamma malis amoris sui, ac nimbus et densa nubes falsis inde.

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