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《天堂与地狱》 第75节






75. 凭我多年的经历, 我可以肯定地说, 天使在形式上完全是人, 有脸, 眼睛, 耳朵, 躯体, 手臂, 手和脚, 能看见, 听见彼此, 能一起交谈. 简言之, 除了不再披戴肉身外, 凡世人所有的, 他们一无所缺. 我在他们自己的光中看到他们, 这光胜过尘世正午之光许多倍. 在这光中, 他们所有的面部特征都能被看到, 远比世人的脸要生动, 清晰得多. 我还被恩准看见至内层天堂的一位天使. 他有一张比低层天堂的天使更光彩照人的脸. 我仔细观察他, 发现他有一个完完整整的人形.



75. 根據經年累月的經歷, 我能證實:天人完全是人的模樣。他們有臉龐, 眼睛, 耳朵, 胸膛, 手臂, 四肢, 能見, 能聞, 能言。簡而言之, 除了不再具有肉體, 他們一無所缺。我在天國之光中觀看他們, 那光比人間正午的光還要明亮得多。在那光裡, 我能看見他們臉部的所有細節, 比我在人間觀察世人的臉龐還要分明。我也曾看見內層天的一位天人, 他的面貌比低層天的天人更加榮光煥發。我仔細觀察, 他有著完美的人相。

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Heaven and Hell #75 (NCE, 2000)

75. On the grounds of all my experience, which has lasted for several years now, I can say with full confidence that in their form, angels are completely human. They have faces, eyes, ears, chests, arms, hands, and feet. They see each other, hear each other, and talk to each other. In short, they lack nothing that belongs to humans except that they are not clothed with a material body. I have seen them in their own light, which is far, far greater than noonday on our earth, and in that light I have seen all the details of their faces more crisply and clearly than I have seen the faces of people here in the world.

I have also been allowed to see an angel of the central heaven. His face was more glorious, more radiant, than that of angels of the lower heavens. I looked at him very closely, and he had a human form in full perfection.


Heaven and Hell #75 (Harley, 1958)

75. From all my experience which is now of several years, I can declare and avow that angels as to their form are wholly men, having faces, eyes, ears, bodies, arms, hands and feet, and that they see and hear one another and talk together. In a word, they lack nothing at all that a man has, except that they are not clothed over all with a material body. I have seen them in their own light which exceeds by many degrees the noonday light of the world, and in that light all their features were seen more distinctly and clearly than the faces of men on the earth. It has also been granted me to see an angel of the inmost heaven. He had a more radiant and resplendent face than the angels of the lower heavens. I observed him attentively, and he had a human form in all perfection.


Heaven and Hell #75 (Ager, 1900)

75. From all my experience, which is now of many years, I am able to say and affirm that angels are wholly men in form, having faces, eyes, ears, bodies, arms, hands, and feet; that they see and hear one another, and talk together, and in a word lack nothing whatever that belongs to men except that they are not clothed in material bodies. I have seen them in their own light, which exceeds by many degrees the noonday light of the world, and in that light all their features could be seen more distinctly and clearly than the faces of men are seen on the earth. It has also been granted me to see an angel of the inmost heaven. He had a more radiant and resplendent face than the angels of the lower heavens. I observed him attentively, and he had a human form in all completeness.


De Coelo et de Inferno #75 (original Latin)

75. Ab omni experientia, quae nunc est plurium annorum, dicere et asseverare possum, quod angeli quoad formam suam sint prorsus homines, quod illis sint facies, sint oculi, aures, pectus, brachia, manus, pedes; quod se mutuo videant, audiant, loquantur inter se; verbo, quod illis prorsus nihil desit, quod est hominis, praeter quod non superinduti sint materiali corpore. Vidi illos in sua luce, quae lucem meridianam mundi multis gradibus excedit, et in illa omnia faciei illorum distinctius et clarius, quam visae sunt facies hominum telluris. Datum etiam est videre angelum intimi caeli: is nitentiori et splendentiore facie erat quam angeli inferiorum caelorum; lustravi eum, et erat ei forma humana in omni perfectione.

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