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《灵魂与身体的相互作用》 第4节

(一滴水译本 2022)






(瑞安译本 2020)






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Interaction of the Soul and Body (Elliott translation 2012) 4

4. II. The spiritual world first existed and continually subsists from its own sun; and the natural world from its own sun.

That there is one sun of the spiritual world and another of the natural world is because those worlds are altogether distinct from each other, and a world derives its origin from a sun. For a world in which all things are spiritual cannot originate from a sun, all the products of which are natural, since thus there would be physical influx, which, however, is contrary to order. That the world came into existence from the sun, and not the sun from the world, is evident from the consequence of the fact that the world, as to all things belonging to it, in general and in particular, subsists by means of the sun; and subsistence proves existence, hence it is said that subsistence is perpetual existence: thus it is evident that if the sun were removed its world would fall into chaos, and this chaos into nothing.

[2] That in the spiritual world there is a sun different from that in the natural world I am able to testify, for I have seen it: in appearance it is fiery, like our sun, of nearly the same magnitude, and at a distance from the angels as our sun is from men. It does not rise or set, however, but stands immovable in a middle altitude between the zenith and the horizon, whence the angels enjoy perpetual light and perpetual spring.

[3] A man given to reasoning, who knows nothing concerning the sun of the spiritual world, easily becomes insane in his idea of the creation of the universe. When he deeply considers it, he perceives no otherwise than that it is from nature; and because the origin of nature is the sun, that it is from its sun as a creator. Moreover, no one can have a perception of spiritual influx, unless he also knows its origin: for all influx proceeds from a sun; spiritual influx from its sun, and natural influx from its sun. The internal sight of a man, which is the sight of his mind, receives influx from the spiritual sun; but the external sight, which is that of the body, receives influx from the natural sun, and in operation they unite, just as the soul does with the body.

[4] Hence it is evident into what blindness, darkness, and stupidity those may fall who know nothing of the spiritual world and its sun; into blindness, because the mind, depending solely upon the sight of the eye, becomes in its reasonings like a bat, which flies by night in a wandering course, and sometimes into linen clothes which may be hanging up; into darkness, because the sight of the mind, when the sight of the eye is flowing into it from within, is deprived of all spiritual light [lumen], and becomes like that of an owl; into stupidity, because the man still thinks, but from natural things about spiritual, and not the other way round; consequently, idiotically, foolishly, and insanely.

Interaction of the Soul and Body (Hartley translation 1924) 4


That there is one sun of the spiritual world and another of the natural world is because those worlds are altogether distinct from each other, and a world derives its origin from a sun. For a world in which all things are spiritual cannot originate from a sun, all the products of which are natural, since thus there would be physical influx, which, however, is contrary to order. That the world came into existence from the sun, and not the sun from the world, is evident from the consequence of the fact that the world, as to all things belonging to it, in general and in particular, subsists by means of the sun; and subsistence proves existence, hence it is said that subsistence is perpetual existence: thus it is evident that if the sun were removed its world would fall into chaos, and this chaos into nothing.

[2] That in the spiritual world there is a sun different from that in the natural world I am able to testify, for I have seen it: in appearance it is fiery, like our sun, of nearly the same magnitude, and at a distance from the angels as our sun is from men. It does not rise or set, however, but stands immovable in a middle altitude between the zenith and the horizon, whence the angels enjoy perpetual light and perpetual spring.

[3] A man given to reasoning, who knows nothing concerning the sun of the spiritual world, easily becomes insane in his idea of the creation of the universe. When he deeply considers it, he perceives no otherwise than that it is from nature; and because the origin of nature is the sun, that it is from its sun as a creator. Moreover, no one can have a perception of spiritual influx, unless he also knows its origin: for all influx proceeds from a sun; spiritual influx from its sun, and natural influx from its sun. The internal sight of a man, which is the sight of his mind, receives influx from the spiritual sun; but the external sight, which is that of the body, receives influx from the natural sun; and in operation they unite, just as the soul does with the body.

[4] Hence it is evident into what blindness, darkness, and stupidity those may fall who know nothing of the spiritual world and its sun; into blindness, because the mind, depending solely upon the sight of the eye, becomes in its reasonings like a bat, which flies by night in a wandering course, and sometimes into linen clothes which may be hanging up; into darkness, because the sight of the mind, when the sight of the eye is flowing into it from within, is deprived of all spiritual light (lumen), and becomes like that of an owl; into stupidity, because the man still thinks, but from natural things about spiritual, and not the other way round; consequently, idiotically, foolishly, and insanely.

Interaction of the Soul and Body (Whitehead translation 1892) 4

4. II. The spiritual world existed and subsists from its own sun, and the natural world from its own sun.

That there is one sun of the spiritual world and another of the natural world, is because those worlds are altogether distinct; and a world derives its origin from its sun; for a world in which all things are spiritual cannot arise from a sun all things from which are natural, for thus there would be physical influx, which however is contrary to order. That the world existed from the sun, and not the reverse, is manifest from the effect of the cause, namely, that the world, in each and every part subsists by means of the sun; and subsistence demonstrates existence, wherefore it is said that subsistence is perpetual existence; from which it is evident, that if the sun were removed, its world would fall into chaos, and this chaos into nothing.

[2] That in the spiritual world there is a sun other than that in the natural world, I can testify, for I have seen it. It appears fiery like our sun, of a nearly similar magnitude, it is distant from the angels as our sun is from men; but it does not rise nor set, but stands immovable at a middle altitude between the zenith and the horizon, whence the angels have perpetual light and perpetual spring.

[3] The man of reason, who knows nothing concerning the sun of the spiritual world, easily goes astray in his idea of the creation of the universe, which, when he deeply considers it, he perceives no otherwise than as being from nature; and as the origin of nature is the sun, no otherwise than as being from its sun as a creator. Moreover no one can apprehend spiritual influx, unless he also knows its origin; for all influx is from a sun, spiritual influx from its sun, and natural influx from its sun. The internal sight of man, which is that of his mind, receives influx from the spiritual sun, but his external sight, which is that of his body, receives influx from the natural sun; and both conjoin themselves together in operation, in like manner as the soul conjoins itself with the body.

[4] From these things it is evident into what blindness, thick darkness, and foolishness they may fall who know nothing about the spiritual world and its sun: into blindness, because the mind that depends on the sight of the eye alone becomes in its reasonings like a bat, which flies by night here and there to a suspended cloth; into thick darkness, because the sight of the mind, when the sight of the eye flows into it from within, is deprived of all spiritual light, and becomes like an owl; into foolishness, because the man still thinks, but from natural things concerning spiritual things, and not the reverse; thus insanely, stupidly, and foolishly.

De Commercio Animae et Corporis 4 (original Latin 1769)

4. II. Quod Mundus Spiritualis exstiterit et subsistat ex Suo Sole, et quod Mundus naturalis ex suo.

Quod sit alius Sol Mundi Spiritualis, et alius Mundi naturalis, est quia Mundi illi prorsus distincti sunt, ac Mundus trahit suam originem ex Sole; non enim potest Mundus, in quo omnia spiritualia sunt, oriri ex Sole, ex quo omnia naturalia sunt, nam sic foret Influxus physicus, qui tamen est contra ordinem. Quod Mundus exstiterit ex Sole, et non vicissim, constat ex effectu causae, quod Mundus in omnibus et singulis ejus subsistat per Solem, ac subsistentia demonstrat existentiam, quare dicitur quod subsistentia sit perpetua existentia; ex quo patet, quod si removeretur Sol, caderet Mundus ejus in Chaos, et hoc in nihilum. Quod in Mundo spirituali sit alius Sol quam in Mundo naturali, possum testari, quia illum vidi; apparet igneus sicut noster Sol, paene simili magnitudine, distat ab Angelis sicut noster Sol ab hominibus; at non oritur nec occidit, sed stat immotus in media altitudine inter zenith et horizontem, inde est Angelis perpetua lux, et perpetuum ver. Homo rationis, qui non aliquid novit de Sole Mundi Spiritualis, facile delirat in sua idea de Creatione Universi, quam, cum profunde volvit, non aliter percipit, quam quod sit ex natura, et quia origo naturae est Sol, quam quod sit ex Sole ejus ut Creatore. Insuper non potest aliquis percipere Influxum spiritualem, nisi etiam sciat originem ejus, omnis enim Influxus est ex Sole, Influxus Spiritualis ex suo, et Influxus naturalis ex suo; Internus visus hominis, qui est Mentis ejus, influxum recipit ex Sole spirituali, Externus autem Visus, qui est corporis, influxum recipit ex Sole naturali, et in Operatione se conjungunt, similiter ut Anima cum Corpore. Ex his patet, in quam caecitatem, caliginem, et fatuitatem incidere possunt illi qui nihil sciunt de Mundo Spirituali, et ejus Sole; in Caecitatem, quia Mens ex solo visu oculi pendens, in ratiociniis fit similis vespertilioni, qui vage et modo ad appensa lintea noctu volat: in Caliginem, quia visus mentis, dum in illum ab interiori influit visus oculi, orbatur omni spirituali lumine, et fit similis noctuae: in Fatuitatem, quia nihilominus homo cogitat, sed ex naturalibus de spiritualibus, et non vicissim, ita amenter, stulte, et fatue.

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