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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第10节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 10

10. Good deeds that come from God and good deeds that come from ourselves could be compared to gold. Gold that is nothing but gold and is called unalloyed gold is good gold. Gold that is alloyed with silver is gold, too, but its value depends on the alloy, while gold alloyed with copper is less valuable.

Artificial gold, though, and things given the color of gold, are not good; there is no real gold in them.

There is also gilding. There is gilt silver, copper, iron, tin, and lead, and also gilt wood and gilt stone. They may look like gold superficially, but since they are not gold they are valued according to their artistry or the cost of the gilding or the cost of the gold that can be stripped from them. This value is as different from that of gold as the value of clothes is from the value of the one who is wearing them.

For that matter, you can cover rotten wood or slag or even excrement with gold. This is "gold" that could be compared to pharisaical "good works."

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 10

10. Goods done from God and goods done of oneself may be likened to gold. Gold that is gold throughout, called pure gold, is good gold. Gold alloyed with silver is also gold, but more or less good depending on the percentage of it in the alloy. And still less good is gold alloyed with copper.

On the other hand, something golden produced artificially and like gold only in its color is not good gold, for it contains no element of gold.

It is possible also for something to be gilded, such as gilded silver, copper, iron, tin, or lead, or even gilded wood or gilded stone, which superficially may also appear as though made of gold. But because such objects are not actually gold, they are valued either for their art, or for the value of the gilded material, or for the value of the gold that can be shaved off. Such objects differ in their goodness from real gold as a person’s clothing does from the person himself.

A piece of rotten wood or slag, too, even a piece of dung, may be covered with gold. This kind of gold is one that may be likened to Pharisaic good.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 10

10. Good deeds done from God, and from self, may be compared with gold. Gold which is gold from its inmost and is called pure gold, is good gold; gold alloyed with silver is also gold, but it is good according to the alloy; while gold alloyed with copper is less good. Gold, however, artificially made and resembling gold only in colour is not good, as the substance of gold is not in it. There is also material gilded with gold; as gilded silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and also gilded wood and stone, which superficially may also appear as gold; but as they are not gold, they are valued either according to the workmanship, or according to the price of the material gilded, or according to the value of the gold that may be scraped off. These articles differ in goodness from real gold as the garment differs from the man. It is possible also for rotten wood, dross and even dung to be overlaid with gold: such gold may be compared with Pharisaical good.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 10

10. Goods from God, and goods from self, may be compared to gold. Gold that is gold from the inmost, called pure gold, is good gold. Gold alloyed with silver is also gold, but is good according to the amount of the alloy. Less good still is gold that is alloyed with copper. But a gold made by art, and resembling gold only from its color, is not good at all, for there is no substance of gold in it. There is also what is gilded, such as gilded silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and also gilded wood and gilded stone, which on the surface may appear like gold; but not being such, they are valued either according to the workmanship, the value of the gilded material, or that of the gold which can be scraped off. In goodness these differ from real gold as a garment differs from a man. Moreover rotten wood, dross, or even ordure, may be overlaid with gold; and such is the gold to which pharisaic good may be likened.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 10 (original Latin 1763)

10. Bona ex Deo, et ex se, possunt comparari auro. Aurum quod ab intimo aurum, et vocatur aurum obryzum, hoc bonum aurum est; aurum commixtum argento est quoque aurum, sed bonum secundum commixtionem; minus autem aurum commixtum cupro. At aurum arte factum, et simile auro ex colore, non est bonum; non enim substantia auri in eo est. Datur etiam auratum; ut auratum argentum, cuprum, ferrum, stannum, plumbum, tum auratum lignum et auratus lapis, quae superficietenus etiam possunt apparere sicut aurum; sed quia non sunt aurum, aestimantur vel secundum artem, vel secundum pretium aurati, vel secundum pretium auri quod abradi potest. Haec bonitate differunt ab ipso auro, sicut vestis ab homine. Potest etiam lignum putidum et scoria, immo fimus, induci auro; hoc aurum est, quod cum bono Pharisaico comparabile est.

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