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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第11节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 11

11. We can tell by science whether gold is substantially good, whether it is alloyed or fake, or whether it is just gilding; but science cannot tell us whether the good we are doing is essentially good. All we know is that good actions that come from God are good and good actions that come from ourselves are not good; so since it is important for our salvation to know whether the good things we are doing come from God or not, this needs to be revealed. Before it is revealed, though, something needs to be said about good works.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 11

11. Empirical observation enables a person to know whether gold is elemental gold, whether it is an alloy or fake, or whether it is an overlay; but empirical observation does not enable him to know whether the good he does is good in itself. He knows only that good from God is good, and that good from man is not good. Therefore, because it is important to his salvation for him to know whether the good he does comes from God or not, it must be revealed. But before it can be revealed, we must say something about goodness in its several kinds.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 11

11. Man knows from science whether gold is good in substance, whether it is alloyed and counterfeit, and whether it is overlaid; but he does not know from science whether the good he does is good in itself. This only he knows, that good from God is good, and that good from man is not good. Therefore, because it is of importance to his salvation to know whether the good he does is from God, or whether it is not from God, this must be revealed. But before it is revealed, something will be said concerning the kinds of good.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 11

11. From science a man knows whether gold is good in substance, is alloyed and falsified, or is merely overlaid; but he does not know from science whether the good he does is good in itself. This only does he know: that good from God is good, and that good from man is not good. Therefore, as it concerns his salvation for him to know whether the good he does is from God, or is not from God, this must be revealed. But before this is done something shall be said about goods.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 11 (original Latin 1763)

11. Homo ex scientia novit, num aurum in substantia bonum est, num commixtum et falsificatum, et num inductum; sed non ex scientia novit, num bonum quod facit in se bonum est: hoc solum novit, quod bonum a Deo bonum sit, et quod bonum ab homine non bonum sit. Quare quia interest saluti scire, num bonum quod facit a Deo sit, vel num a Deo non sit, ideo revelandum est; sed antequam revelatur, dicetur aliquid de bonis.

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