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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第19节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 19

19. As long as we are in this world we are in between hell and heaven - hell is below us and heaven above us - and during this time we are kept in a freedom to turn toward hell or toward heaven. If we turn toward hell we are turning away from heaven, while if we turn toward heaven we are turning away from hell.

In other words, as long as we are in this world we are placed in between the Lord and the Devil and are kept in a freedom to turn toward the one or the other. If we turn toward the Devil we turn our backs on the Lord, while if we turn toward the Lord we turn our backs on the Devil.

Or to put it yet another way, as long as we are in this world we are in between what is evil and what is good and are kept in a freedom to turn toward the one or the other. If we turn toward what is evil we turn our backs on what is good, while if we turn toward what is good we turn our backs on what is evil.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 19

19. During the time a person is in the world, he is between heaven and hell, having hell below and heaven above; and he is kept free then to turn either in the direction of hell or in the direction of heaven. If he turns in the direction of hell, he turns away from heaven. But if he turns in the direction of heaven, he turns away from hell.

In other words, during the time a person is in the world, he stands between the Lord and the devil, and he is kept free to turn either to the one or to the other. If he turns to the devil, he turns away from the Lord. But if he turns to the Lord, he turns away from the devil.

Or to put it another way, during the time a person is in the world, he is between evil and good, and he is kept free to turn either to the one or to the other. If he turns to evil, he turns away from good. But if he turns to good, he turns away from evil.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 19

19. While man is in the world, he is in the midst between hell and heaven: beneath is hell, and above is heaven; and he is kept in freedom to turn himself either to hell or to heaven. If he turns himself to hell, he turns away from heaven; but if he turns himself to heaven, he turns away from hell. Or, what is the same, while man is in the world, he stands in the midst between the Lord and the devil and is kept in freedom to turn himself either to the one or to the other. If he turns himself to the devil, he turns away from the Lord; but if he turns himself to the Lord, he turns away from the devil. Or, what is the same, while man is in the world, he is in the midst between evil and good, and is kept in freedom to turn himself either to the one or to the other. If he turns himself to evil, he turns away from good; but if he turns himself to good, he turns away from evil.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 19

19. So long as a man is in this world, he is midway between hell and heaven: hell is below him, and heaven is above him, and he is kept in freedom to turn himself to either the one or the other; if he turns to hell he turns away from heaven; if he turns to heaven he turns away from hell. Or what is the same, so long as a man is in this world he stands midway between the Lord and the devil, and is kept in freedom to turn himself to either the one or the other; if he turns to the devil he turns away from the Lord; if he turns to the Lord he turns away from the devil. Or what is again the same, so long as a man is in this world he is midway between evil and good, and is kept in freedom to turn himself to either the one or the other; if he turns to evil he turns away from good; if he turns to good he turns away from evil.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 19 (original Latin 1763)

19. Homo, quamdiu est in mundo, in medio est inter infernum et caelum; infra est infernum et supra est caelum; et tunc tenetur in libero convertendi se aut ad infernum aut ad caelum: si se convertit ad infernum, avertit se a caelo; si autem convertit se ad caelum, avertit se ab inferno. Seu quod idem est; homo, quamdiu est in mundo, in medio stat inter Dominum et diabolum, ac tenetur in libero convertendi se aut ad unum aut ad alterum: si se convertit ad diabolum, se avertit a Domino; si autem convertit se ad Dominum, avertit se a diabolo. Seu quod idem est; homo, quamdiu in mundo est, in medio est inter malum et bonum, et tenetur in libero convertendi se aut ad unum aut ad alterum: si se convertit ad malum, avertit se a bono; si autem convertit se ad bonum, avertit se a malo.

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