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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第20节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 20

20. I have stated that we are kept in a freedom of turning either way. This freedom never comes from us; it comes from the Lord, which is why I just said that we are kept in it.

On the balance between heaven and hell, our being in that balance, and our therefore being in freedom, see, Heaven and Hell 597-603. As for everyone being kept in freedom and no one being deprived of it, that will come up in its own place [101-102].

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 20

20. We say that a person is kept free to turn one way or the other. This freedom is something every person has, not of himself, but from the Lord, and that is why we say he is kept free.

Regarding the equilibrium between heaven and hell, and a person’s being in it and so in a state of freedom, see the book Heaven and Hell 589-596 and nos. 597-603.

We will see in its own place that everyone is kept in a state of freedom, and that no one has that freedom taken from him.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 20

20. It is stated that man is kept in freedom to turn himself this way or that. Every man has this freedom not from himself but from the Lord; and therefore it is said that he is kept in it. Concerning the equilibrium between heaven and hell, and that man is in this equilibrium and consequently in freedom, see the work on Heaven and Hell 589-596, and Heaven and Hell 597-603. That every man is kept in freedom, and that freedom is taken away from no one, will be seen in the proper place.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 20

20. We have said that a man is kept in freedom to turn himself one way or the other. It is not from himself that every man has this freedom, but he has it from the Lord, and this is why he is said to be kept in it. (Concerning the equilibrium between heaven and hell, and that man is in it and owes his freedom to that fact, see the work on Heaven and Hell 589-596; 597-603. That every man is kept in freedom, and that from no one is it taken away, will be seen in its proper place.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 20 (original Latin 1763)

20. Dicitur quod homo teneatur in libero convertendi se huc illuc; hoc liberum est cuivis homini non ab ipso, sed a Domino; quare dicitur quod teneatur in illo. De aequilibrio inter caelum et infernum, et quod homo sit in illo, et inde in libero, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 589-603. Quod quivis homo in libero teneatur, et quod id nemini auferatur, videbitur in suo loco.

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