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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第23节






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Life (Dole translation 2014) 23

23. There are three corollaries to this.

1. If we intend and do good deeds before we turn our backs on evil deeds because they are sins, our good deeds are not good.

2. If we think and speak devoutly but do not turn our backs on evil deeds because they are sins, our devout thoughts and words are not devout.

3. Even if we are well informed and insightful, if we do not turn our backs on evil deeds because they are sins, we are not wise.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 23

23. From all this, three conclusions follow:

1. That if a person wills and does good before he refrains from evils as being sins, the good that he does is not good.

2. That if a person thinks and speaks piously, and does not refrain from evils as being sins, his pious thoughts and words are not pious.

3. That if a person gains much knowledge and wisdom, and does not refrain from evils as being sins, he is still not wise.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 23

23. From what has been said, these three consequences follow:

1. If a man wills and does what is good before he shuns evils as sins, the good things which he wills and does are not good.

2. If a man thinks and speaks pious things, and does not shun evils as sins, the pious things [which he thinks and speaks] are not pious.

3. If a man has much knowledge and much wisdom and does not shun evils as sins, he is nevertheless not wise.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 23

23. From what has been said three things follow:

1) If a man wills and does goods before he shuns evils as sins, the goods are not good.

2) If a man thinks and speaks pious things while not shunning evils as sins, the pious things are not pious.

3) If a man knows and is wise in many things, and does not shun evils as sins, he is nevertheless not wise.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 23 (original Latin 1763)

23. Ex his sunt tria haec consequentia:

(i.) Quod si homo bona vult et facit, antequam fugit mala ut peccata, bona non sint bona.

(ii.) Quod si homo pia cogitat et loquitur, et non fugit mala ut peccata, pia non sint pia.

(iii.) Quod si homo scit et sapit multa, et non fugit mala ut peccata, usque non sapiat.

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