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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第22节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 22

22. Two things are required, though. First, we need to turn our backs on evil deeds because they are sins - that is, because they are hellish and diabolical and therefore contrary to the Lord and to divine laws. Second, we need to turn our backs on evil deeds because they are sins as if we were doing it on our own, but we need to know and believe that it comes from the Lord. Both of these requirements will be discussed under other headings [62-66, 101-107].

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 22

22. There are, however, two requisites:

One, that the person must refrain from evils because they are sins, that is to say, because they are infernal and works of the devil, being thus against the Lord and against His Divine laws.

Second, that the person must refrain from evils as being sins as though of himself, but know and believe that he does so from the Lord.

But we will say more about these two requisites in subsequent sections.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 22

22. Two things, however, are requisite: the first is, that a man ought to shun evils because they are sins, that is, because they are infernal and diabolical, and consequently opposed to the Lord and contrary to Divine laws: the second is, that a man, as from himself, ought to shun evils as sins, but ought to know and believe that he does so from the Lord. But these two requisites will be treated of in the following articles.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 22

22. Two things however are requisite: first, the man must shun evils because they are sins, that is, because they are infernal and diabolical, and therefore contrary to the Lord and the Divine laws, and secondly, he must do this as of himself, while knowing and believing that it is of the Lord. But these two requisites will be considered in subsequent chapters.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 22 (original Latin 1763)

22. Sed duo requisita sunt: unum, quod homo fugere debeat mala quia peccata sunt, hoc est, quia sunt infernalia et diabolica, ita contra Dominum, et contra leges Divinas: alterum, quod homo debeat fugere mala ut peccata sicut ab se ipso, sed sciat et credat quod a Domino, Sed de hoc et de illo requisito dicetur in articulis subsequentibus.

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