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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第3节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 3

3. Everyone who has any religion knows and acknowledges that those who lead a good life are saved and those who lead an evil life are damned. They know this because heaven is united with people who know from the Word that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death. This [connection with heaven] gives rise to this widespread perception.

For this reason in the Athanasian statement of faith concerning the Trinity, which is accepted throughout the whole Christian world, what it says at the end is also accepted everywhere, namely,

Jesus Christ, who suffered for our salvation, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead; and then those who have done good will go into everlasting life and those who have done evil will go into everlasting fire.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 3

3. Everyone with any religion knows and acknowledges that someone who lives right is saved, and that someone who does not live right is damned. They know and acknowledge this because of heaven’s conjunction with those who know from the Word of the existence of God, of the existence of heaven and hell, and of the existence of life after death. That is what produces this common perception.

Consequently, in the doctrine of the Athanasian Creed regarding the Trinity, which is everywhere accepted in the Christian world, we find at the end also this universally accepted statement, namely,

Jesus Christ, who suffered for our salvation, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Almighty Father. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead..., and then those who have done good will enter into life everlasting, and those who have done evil into everlasting fire.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 3

3. Every one who has any religion knows and acknowledges that he who lives well will be saved, and that he who lives wickedly will be condemned. This is because of the conjunction of heaven with the man who knows from the Word that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death; and consequently there arises this general perception. Therefore in the doctrine of the Athanasian Creed concerning the Trinity, which is universally received in the Christian world, what is said in the conclusion is universally received also, namely:

"Jesus Christ, who suffered for our salvation, ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father Almighty, whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead; and then they who have done good shall enter into life eternal, and they who have done evil into everlasting fire."

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 3

3. That every one who has religion knows and acknowledges that whoever leads a good life is saved, and that whoever leads an evil one is damned, is owing to the conjunction of heaven with the man who knows from the Word that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death. Such is the source of this general perception. Therefore in the doctrine of the Athanasian Creed respecting the Trinity, which has been universally received in the Christian world, the following declaration, at the end of it, has also been universally received:

Jesus Christ, who suffered for our salvation, ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father Almighty, whence He will come to judge the quick and the dead; and then they that have done good will enter into life eternal, and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 3 (original Latin 1763)

3. Quod omnis, cui religio est, sciat et agnoscat, quod qui bene vivit salvetur, et qui male vivit condemnetur, est ex conjunctione caeli cum homine, qui ex Verbo novit quod Deus sit, quod caelum et infernum sint, et quod vita post mortem sit: inde est communis illa perceptio. Quare in Doctrina fidei Athanasianae de Trinitate, quae universaliter in Christiano orbe recepta est, etiam hoc, quod in fine ejus dicitur, universaliter receptum est: nempe,

"Jesus Christus, qui passus est propter salvationem nostram, ascendit in caelum, et sedet ad dextram Patris omnipotentis, unde venturus est ad judicandum vivos et mortuos; et tunc illi, qui bona fecerunt, intrabunt in vitam aeternam, et qui mala fecerunt, in ignem aeternum."

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