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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第4节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 4

4. Even so, there are many people in Christian churches who teach that it is faith alone that saves, and living a good life or doing what is good has nothing to do with it. They even go so far as to teach that living an evil life or doing what is evil does not damn those who have been justified by faith alone, because they are in God and in grace. Strange as it may seem, though, despite the fact that this is what they teach, they still have an acknowledgment (which comes from that widespread perception bestowed by heaven) that people are saved if they live a good life and damned if they live an evil life. We can see this acknowledgment in the prayer that is read to people who are taking the Holy Supper in churches in Britain and in Germany, Sweden, and Denmark. It is common knowledge that there are people in these countries who teach faith alone. The prayer that is read in Britain to people taking the sacrament of the Supper is the following.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 4

4. Nevertheless, there are in the Christian churches many who teach that faith alone saves, and not any goodness of life or good work. They add, too, that no evilness of life or evil work condemns those who have been justified by faith alone, because they abide in God and in His grace.

What is astonishing, however, is that although they teach these ideas, still they acknowledge, as a result of their common perception from heaven, that those who live right are saved, and that those who do not live right are damned.

That they still acknowledge this is apparent from the prayer read out to the people in churches, both in England and in Germany, Sweden and Denmark, when they come to Holy Supper. It is common knowledge that in those kingdoms they teach the aforesaid faith alone.

The prayer read out to the people in England who come to the sacrament of the Supper is as follows:

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 4

4. Yet there are many in Christian Churches who teach that faith alone is saving, and not any good of life, or good work; they add also, that evil of life, or evil work, does not condemn those who are justified by faith alone, because they are in God and in grace. But it is remarkable that, although they teach such doctrines, they still acknowledge, from a general perception derived from heaven, that they who live well are saved, and they who live wickedly are condemned. That they nevertheless acknowledge this, is evident from the Exhortation which is read in churches before the people who come to the Holy Supper not only in England, but also in Germany, Sweden and Denmark. It is well known that in these kingdoms there are some who teach faith alone. The Exhortation which is read in England before the people who come to the sacrament of the Supper is as follows: (In English in the original as here quoted.)

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 4

4. In the Christian Churches, however, there are many who teach that faith alone saves, and not any good of life, or good work, and they add that evil of life or evil work does not condemn those who have been justified by faith alone, because such are in God and in grace. Wonderful to say, however, although they teach such things, they nevertheless acknowledge (in consequence of a perception from heaven common to all) that those who lead a good life are saved, and that those who live an evil one are damned. That they do acknowledge this is evident from the Exhortation which not only in England but also in Germany, Sweden, and Denmark is read in the places of worship before the people coming to the Holy Supper. As is well known, it is in these kingdoms that those are found who teach that faith alone.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 4 (original Latin 1763)

4. Sunt tamen in ecclesiis Christianis multi, qui docent quod sola fides salvet, et non aliquod bonum vitae seu bonum opus; hi etiam adjiciunt, quod non malum vitae seu malum opus condemnet justificatos per solam fidem, quia in Deo et in gratia sunt. Sed mirum est, quod tametsi illi talia docent, usque agnoscant, quod fit ex communi perceptione e caelo, quod salventur qui bene vivunt, et condemnentur qui male vivunt. Quod usque agnoscant patet ex Oratione, quae in templis tam in Anglia, quam in Germania, Suecia et Dania legitur coram populo, qui Sacram Cenam obit. Quod in illis regnis sint qui solam illam fidem docent, notum est. Oratio quae in Anglia legitur coram populo qui sacramentum Cenae obit, est haec:-

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