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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第34节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 34

34. One consequence of this is that to the extent that we turn our backs on evils because they are sins, we love what is true. That is, we are to that extent focused on what is good, as explained under the previous heading [18-31]. Conversely, to the extent that we do not turn our backs on evils because they are sins, we do not love what is true, because to that same extent we are not focused on what is good.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 34

34. It is in consequence of this that insofar as someone refrains from evils as being sins, so far he loves truths, for so far he is prompted by goodness, as we showed in the previous chapter. And conversely, that insofar as someone does not refrain from evils as being sins, so far he does not love truths, because so far he is not prompted by goodness.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 34

34. It follows from these considerations that so far as any one shuns evils as sins, so far he loves truths; for so far he is principled in good, as was shown in the article immediately preceding. On the other hand, also, it follows that so far as any one does not shun evils as sins, so far he does not love truths, because so far he is not principled in good.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 34

34. It follows from these premises that in proportion as anyone shuns evils as sins, in the same proportion he loves truths (for in the same proportion he is in good, as has been shown in the preceding chapter); and also that in proportion as anyone does not shun evils as sins, in the same proportion he does not love truths, because in the same proportion he is not in good.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 34 (original Latin 1763)

34. Horum consequens est, quod quantum quis fugit mala ut peccata, tantum amet vera; tantum enim in bono est, ut in mox praecedente articulo ostensum est. Tum vicissim, quod quantum quis non fugit mala ut peccata, tantum non amet vera, quia tantum non in bono est.

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