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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第33节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 33

33. Since what is good and what is true are one in the Lord and emanate from him as one, it follows that goodness loves truth, truth loves goodness, and they want to be one. The same holds true for their opposites. What is evil loves what is false and what is false loves what is evil, and they want to be one. In the following pages the union of goodness and truth will be called "the heavenly marriage" and the union of evil and falsity "the hellish marriage."

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 33

33. Since goodness and truth are united in the Lord, and emanate from Him as one, it follows that goodness loves truth, and truth goodness, and they wish to be united. Likewise the opposite of these, that evil loves falsity, and falsity evil, and they wish to be united.

In the following pages, I will call the union of goodness and truth the heavenly marriage, and the union of evil and falsity the infernal marriage.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 33

33. Since good and truth are one in the Lord and proceed as one from Him, it follows that good loves truth and truth loves good, and that they desire to be one. The like is true of their opposites, that evil loves falsity and falsity evil, and that they desire to be one. In the following pages the conjunction of good and truth will be called the heavenly marriage, and the conjunction of evil and falsity, the infernal marriage.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 33

33. As good and truth are a one in the Lord, and proceed as a one from Him, it follows that good loves truth and truth loves good, and they will to be a one. It is the same with their opposites: evil loves falsity, and falsity loves evil, and these will to be a one. In the following pages the conjunction of good and truth will be called the Heavenly Marriage, and that of evil and falsity the Infernal Marriage.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 33 (original Latin 1763)

33. Quoniam Bonum et Verum unum sunt in Domino, ac ut unum procedunt ab Ipso, sequitur quod bonum amet verum, et verum amet bonum, ac velint unum esse. Similiter oppositum illorum, quod malum amet falsum, et falsum malum, ac velint unum esse. Conjunctio boni et veri in sequentibus vocabitur conjugium caeleste; et conjunctio mali et falsi conjugium infernale.

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