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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第36节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 36

36. Goodness shapes our will, and truth shapes our understanding. From a love for what is good in our will comes a love for what is true in our understanding. From the love for what is true comes a perception of what is true; from a perception of what is true comes thought about what is true; from these comes the recognition of what is true that is faith in its proper definition. It will be shown in the work Divine Love and Wisdom that this is how we progress to faith from a love for what is good.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 36

36. Goodness is a property of the will, truth a property of the intellect. A love of good in the will produces a love of truth in the intellect. A love of truth produces a perception of truth, and a perception of truth produces thought of truth. All of these lead to an acknowledgment of truth, which is what faith is in its true meaning. The reality of this progression, from a love of goodness to faith, will be demonstrated in the treatise Divine Love and Wisdom.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 36

36. Good relates to the will, truth to the understanding. From the love of good in the will proceeds the love of truth in the understanding; from the love of truth proceeds the perception of truth from the perception of truth, the thought of truth and from these comes the acknowledgment of truth, which is faith in its genuine sense. This is the progression from the love of good to faith, as will be shown in the treatise on THE DIVINE LOVE AND THE DIVINE WISDOM.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 36

36. Good is of the will, truth of the understanding. From the love of good in the will proceeds the love of truth in the understanding; from the love of truth proceeds the perception of truth; from the perception of truth comes thought about truth; and from all of these together comes the acknowledgment of truth which in the true sense is faith. (That this is the progression from the love of good to faith, will be shown in the treatise on Divine Love and Divine Wisdom.)

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 36 (original Latin 1763)

36. Bonum est voluntatis, verum est intellectus. Ab amore boni in voluntate procedit amor veri in intellectu; ab amore veri procedit perceptio veri; a perceptione veri cogitatio veri; ex illis est agnitio veri, quae est fides in suo genuino sensu. Quod haec progressio ab amore boni ad fidem sit, demonstrabitur in transactione de Divino Amore et Divina Sapientia.

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