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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第37节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 37

37. Since goodness is not genuinely good unless it is united to what is true, as noted [32], it follows that goodness does not become manifest prior to that union, and yet it is constantly trying to become manifest. So in order to become manifest, it longs for and acquires truths for itself. These are the means of its nourishment and its formation. This is why we love what is true to the extent that we are focused on what is good, and accordingly to the same extent that we turn our backs on evils because they are sins; because that determines the extent to which we are focused on what is good.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 37

37. Since goodness is not good unless it is, as we said, united with truth, goodness consequently does not find expression prior to that, and yet it strives continually to find expression. In order to find expression, it therefore desires truths and acquires them for itself. By these it is nourished and given form. For this reason, insofar as someone is prompted by goodness, so far he loves truths, which is accordingly the case insofar as he refrains from evils as being sins; for so far he is prompted by goodness.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 37

37. Since good is not good, as was said above, unless it is united with truth, it follows that good does not exist before it is so united. Nevertheless it continually wills to exist; and therefore, in order that it may exist, it desires truths and procures them for itself; and from them it derives its nourishment and its form. This is the reason that, so far as any one is principled in good, so far he loves truths; and similarly, he so far loves truths as he shuns evils as sins, for so far he is principled in good.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 37

37. As good is not good unless it is conjoined with truth, as already said, it follows that previous thereto good does not come into manifest being. But as it continually desires to come into manifest being it longs for and procures truths in order to do so, for truths are the agency of its nourishment and formation. This is the reason why a man loves truths in the same proportion that he is in good, consequently in the same proportion that he shuns evils as sins, for it is in proportion that he does this that anyone is in good.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 37 (original Latin 1763)

37. Quoniam bonum non est bonum nisi sit conjunctum, vero, ut dictum est, consequenter bonum non prius existit; et tamen continue vult existere, quare ut existat, desiderat et comparat sibi vera; ex his est nutritio ejus et formatio ejus. Haec causa est, quod quantum quis in bono est, tantum amet Vera, proinde quantum quis fugit mala ut peccata, nam tantum in bono est.

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