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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第44节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 44

44. I explained in 27-28 above that we can know a great deal, can think and understand, and still not be wise; and since faith involves knowing and thinking and especially understanding that something is so, we can believe that we have faith although in fact we do not. The reason we do not have faith is that we are leading an evil life, and there is no way that an evil life and the truth we believe can act in unison. The evil we practice destroys the truth we believe. This is because the evil we practice resides in our will, but the truth we believe resides in our understanding; and will leads understanding and makes it act in unison with itself. So if there is anything in our understanding that does not agree with our will, when we are left to ourselves and are thinking on the basis of our evil and its love, then we either discard the truth that is in our understanding or make it cooperate by distorting it.

It is different if we are leading a good life. Then when we are left to ourselves we think on the basis of what is good, and love the truth that is in our understanding because it agrees. So there is a union of faith and life like the union of what is true and what is good, and both the former and the latter are like the union between understanding and will.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 44

44. We have shown, in nos. 27 and 28 above, that a person may know, think and understand many things and yet not be wise. And because it is the function of faith to know and think, and still more to understand, that something is the case, a person may accordingly believe he has faith and yet not have it. The reason he does not is that he is caught up in the practice of evil, and the practice of evil and faith’s truth can never go together. The practice of evil destroys faith’s truth, because the practice of evil is a matter of the will, and faith’s truth a matter of the intellect, and the will leads the intellect and causes it to function in harmony with it. If, therefore, there is something in the intellect that is not in harmony with the will, then, when the person is left to himself and thinks in accord with his evil and his love of it, he either dismisses the truth he has in his intellect or compels it to be in harmony by a falsification of it.

The case is different with people engaged in the practice of good. When left to themselves, they think in accord with the goodness, and love the truth in their intellect, because it is in harmony with it.

Thus is formed a union of faith and life, a union like the union of truth and goodness, and both of these like the union of intellect and will.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 44

44. It was shown above, Nos. 27, 28, that a man may know, think and understand many things, and yet not be wise; and since it is of faith to know and to think, and still more to understand that a thing is so, it is possible for a man to believe that he has faith, and yet not to have it. Such a man does not have faith because he is in evil of life: and the evil of life and the truth of faith can never act as one. Evil of life destroys the truth of faith, because evil of life has relation to the will and the truth of faith to the understanding, and the will leads the understanding and causes it to act in unity with itself. Therefore if there is anything in the understanding that is not in harmony with the will, when man is left to himself and thinks from his evil and its love, he either casts out the truth which is in his understanding, or by falsification forces it into unity. It is otherwise with those who are principled in the good of life. They, when left to themselves, think from good, and they love the truth which is in the understanding because it harmonises with the will. Thus there is effected a conjunction of faith and life, like the conjunction of truth and good, each resembling the conjunction of the understanding and the will.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 44

44. It has been shown above (n. 27-28) that a man may know many things, may think them over, may understand them, and yet may not be wise. And as it is the province of faith to know and to think, and still more to understand, that a thing is true, a man may well believe that he has faith and yet not have it. The reason why he has it not, is that he is in evil of life, and evil of life and truth of faith cannot possibly act as a one. The evil of life destroys the truth of faith, because the evil of life is of the will and the truth of faith is of the understanding, and the will leads the understanding and makes it act as a one with itself, so that if there is anything in the understanding that is not in accord with the will, and the man is left to himself, and thinks from his own evil and the love of it, he then either casts out the truth that is in the understanding, or else by falsifying it forces it into oneness. Quite different is it with those who are in the good of life: such when left to themselves think from what is good, and love the truth that is in the understanding because it is in accord. In this way there takes place a conjunction of faith and life such as is that of truth and good, and both these conjunctions are like that of the understanding and the will.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 44 (original Latin 1763)

44. Quod homo possit multa scire, cogitare, et intelligere, et tamen non sapere, supra (27, 28) ostensum est; et quia fidei est scire et cogitare, et magis adhuc intelligere quod ita sit, ita potest homo credere quod fidem habeat, et tamen non habet. Causa quod non habeat, est quia in malo vitae est, ac malum vitae et verum fidei nusquam possunt unum agere. Malum vitae destruit verum fidei, quia malum vitae est voluntatis, et verum fidei est intellectus, ac voluntas ducit intellectum, ac facit ut unum secum agat; quare si aliquid in intellectu est quod non concordat cum voluntate, hoc quando homo sibi relictus est, et ex suo malo et ejus amore cogitat, tunc verum, quod est in intellectu, vel ejicit, vel cogit ut unum sit per falsificationem. Aliter apud illos qui in bono vitae sunt; hi sibi relicti ex bono cogitant, et verum, quod in intellectu est, amant, quia concordat. Ita fit conjunctio fidei et vitae, sicut est conjunctio veri et boni, atque haec et illa sicut est conjunctio intellectus et voluntatis.

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