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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第45节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 45

45. It then follows that as we turn our backs on evils because they are sins we have faith, because as explained just above this means that we are focused on what is good. There is support for this in the contrasting fact that if we do not turn our backs on evils because they are sins we do not have faith, because we are focused on what is evil, and evil has an intrinsic hatred for truth. Outwardly, yes, we can befriend truth and put up with it and even love having it in our understanding; but when we shed that outwardness, as happens after death, we first discard the truth we befriended in the world, then we deny that it is true, and finally we turn away from it.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 45

45. It now follows from this that insofar as a person refrains from evils as being sins, so far he has faith, because, as we showed above, so far he is prompted by goodness.

Confirmation of this is found also from its converse, that someone who does not refrain from evils as being sins, does not have faith, because he is caught up in evil, and evil fundamentally hates truth. Outwardly, indeed, he may be cordial to it, and permit it, even like to have it present in his intellect. But when the outward appearance is stripped away, as happens after death, then he first rejects the truth he had been cordial to in the world, then denies that it is true, and finally detests it.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 45

45. From these considerations, then, it follows that in proportion as man shuns evils as sins, he has faith, because in that proportion he is principled in good, as was shown above. This is confirmed also by its contrary, that he who does not shun evils as sins has not faith, because he is in evil, and evil inwardly hates truth; outwardly indeed it may act as its friend, and endure, even love, that truth should be in the understanding. When, however, the outward is put off, as is the case after death, then truth, regarded as a friend in the world, is first rejected, then denied to be truth, and finally is held in aversion.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 45

45. From all this then it follows that just insofar as a man shuns evils as sins, just so far has he faith, because just so far is he in good, as shown above. This is confirmed also by its contrary: that he who does not shun evils as sins, has not faith because he is in evil, and evil inwardly hates truth. Outwardly indeed he may act as a friend to truth, and suffer it to be in the understanding, may even love to have it there; but when what is outward is put off, as is done after death, he first casts out truth his friend in this world, then denies that it is truth, and finally feels aversion for it.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 45 (original Latin 1763)

45. Ex his nunc sequitur, quod sicut homo fugit mala ut peccata, ita fidem habeat, quia ita in bono est, ut supra ostensum. Hoc confirmatur etiam ex suo contrario, quod qui non fugit mala ut peccata, non fidem habeat, quia in malo est, ac malum intrinsecus odit verum; extrinsecus quidem potest ejus amicum agere, ac sufferre, immo amare ut in intellectu sit; at cum extrinsecum exuitur, quod fit post mortem, tunc verum suum amicum in mundo primum ejicit, postea negat quod verum sit, et demum aversatur.

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