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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第81节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 81

81. The evil of theft infects us more deeply than some other evils because it is united with guile and trickery, and guile and trickery work their way into our spiritual mind where our thinking with understanding takes place. We shall see below that we have a spiritual mind and an earthly mind [86].

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 81

81. The evil of stealing enters more deeply into a person than any other evil, because it is accompanied by guile and deceit, and guile and deceit insinuate themselves even into a person’s spiritual mind, which is the seat of his thinking with understanding.

That a person has a spiritual mind and a natural mind will be seen below.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 81

81. The evil of theft enters more deeply into man than any other evil, because it is united with cunning and deceit; and cunning and deceit insinuate themselves into the spiritual mind of man, which is the seat of thought combined with understanding. That man has a spiritual mind and a natural mind, will be seen below.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 81

81. The evil of theft enters more deeply into a man than any other evil, because it is conjoined with cunning and deceit; and cunning and deceit insinuate themselves even into the spiritual mind of man in which is his thought with understanding. That man possesses a spiritual mind and a natural mind will be seen below.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 81 (original Latin 1763)

81. Malum furti intrat altius apud hominem, quam aliud quoddam malum, quia conjunctum est cum astu et dolo, ac astus et dolus se insinuant usque in spiritualem hominis mentem, in qua est cogitatio ejus cum intellectu, Quod homini mens spiritualis et mens naturalis sit, infra videbitur.

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