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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第83节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 83

83. "Honesty" also means integrity, fairness, faithfulness, and morality. On our own, we cannot be devoted to these so as to love them for what they are, for their own sakes, but if we turn our backs on deception, guile, and trickery as sins, we have a devotion to these virtues that comes not from ourselves but from the Lord, as explained in 18-31 above. This applies to priests, administrators, judges, merchants, and laborers - to all of us then, in our various roles and tasks.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 83

83. By honesty we also mean integrity, righteousness, fidelity, and rectitude. A person cannot possess these virtues of himself so as to love them in themselves and for themselves. But someone who refrains from fraudulent, cunning and deceitful practices as being sins does possess them, not of himself, but from the Lord, as shown in nos. 18-31 above. Such is the case with priests, magistrates, judges, businessmen, and workmen — with everyone engaged in his occupation and work.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 83

83. By sincerity is also meant integrity, justice, fidelity, and uprightness. Man cannot be principled in these virtues of himself, so as to love them from them and for the sake of them. But he who shuns fraud, cunning and deceit as sins, is thus principled in these virtues not of himself but from the Lord, as was shown above Nos. 18-31. This is true in regard to every one in his office and occupation, as in regard to a priest, a magistrate, a judge, a merchant and a workman.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 83

83. Sincerity is to be understood as including integrity, justice, fidelity, and rectitude. In these no man can be from himself so as to love them from and for themselves. But he is in them who shuns as sins, fraud, cunning, and deceit, and is therefore in them not from himself but from the Lord (as shown above, n. 18-31) Such is the case with a priest, a magistrate, a judge, a trader, and with everyone in his own office and his own work.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 83 (original Latin 1763)

83. Per sinceritatem etiam intelligitur integritas, justitia, fidelitas et rectitudo. In his homo non potest esse a se ita ut amet illa ex illis et propter illa: sed qui fugit fraudes, astus et dolos ut peccata, is in illis ita est non a se sed a Domino, ut supra (18-31) ostensum est: ita sacerdos, ita persona magistratus, ita judex, ita negotiator, ita operarius, ita omnis in suo functione et in suo opere.

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