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《最后的审判》 第30节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 30

30. Add to this that none of us is judged on the basis of our earthly self; therefore we are not judged while we are still living in the physical world, because during that time we are in our earthly body. Rather, we are judged on the basis of our spiritual self, so our judgment occurs when we have come into the spiritual world, because then we are in our spiritual body. 1It is our spiritual nature that is judged, not our earthly nature, since our earthly nature is not accountable for any blame or crime, because it has no life of its own; it is simply a tool or an instrument through which the spiritual self acts (see 24 above).

That leads us to another reason why judgment is carried out on us when we have put off our earthly body and put on our spiritual one. When we are in our spiritual body, others can actually see what our love and faith are really like, because in the spiritual world all of us are an embodiment of what we love, not only in face and body but also in speech and actions (see Heaven and Hell 481). That is why in that world you can tell what people are really like, and why people can be sorted instantly whenever it pleases the Lord.

From these points as well we can see that judgment takes place in the spiritual world and not on earth or in the physical world.


1. According to Swedenborg's explanations in Heaven and Hell 73-75, 453-460; True Christianity 697, the spiritual body is in complete human form, including every part and every organ that the physical body has. However, instead of being made of physical matter it is made of spiritual substance. It is therefore not perceptible to the physical senses; but to the spiritual senses, when they are opened, it is as real and tangible as the physical body is to the physical senses. For a biblical occurrence of the term “spiritual body,” see 1 Corinthians 15:44. [LSW, JSR]

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 30

30. Moreover no one is judged on the basis of his natural man, and so not so long as he lives in the natural world, for then a person is in his natural body. But judgment is passed on his spiritual man, so when he comes into the spiritual world, for then a person is in his spiritual body. It is the spiritual element in a person which is judged, not the natural; for this is not answerable to any blame or charge, because it has no life of its own, but is merely the tool and instrument by means of which the spiritual element acts (see 24 above). That is another reason why judgment is passed on people after they have put off their natural bodies and assumed their spiritual ones. In this body a person reveals what he is like as regards love and faith; for each is in the spiritual world a likeness of his love, not only in face and body, but also in speech and actions (see HEAVEN AND HELL 481). This enables all to be recognised for what they are, and they are instantly separated at the Lord's good pleasure. This too makes it plain that judgment takes place in the spiritual world, not in the natural one or on earth.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 30

30. Moreover, no one is judged from the natural man, thus not so long as he lives in the natural world, for man is then in a natural body; but every one is judged in the spiritual man, and therefore when he comes into the spiritual world, for man is then in a spiritual body. It is the spiritual in man which is judged, but not the natural, for this cannot be held guilty of any fault or crime, since it does not live of itself, but is only the servant, and instrument by which the spiritual man acts (see 24). Hence also it is, that judgment is effected upon men when they have put off their natural, and put on their spiritual bodies. In the spiritual body moreover, man appears such as he is with respect to love and faith, for every one in the spiritual world is the effigy of his own love, not only as to the face and the body, but also as to the speech and the actions (see the work on Heaven and Hell, 481). Hence it is, that the qualities of all are known, and they are immediately separated, whenever the Lord pleases. From what has been said it is plain, that judgment is effected in the spiritual world, but not in the natural world, or on the earth.

De Ultimo Judicio 30 (original Latin 1758)

30. Praeterea nullus judicatur ex naturali homine, ita non quamdiu in naturali mundo vivit, nam tunc homo in naturali corpore est; sed judicatur in spirituali homine, ita dum in spiritualem mundum venit, nam tunc homo in spirituali corpore est. Spirituale apud hominem est, quod judicatur, non autem naturale, hoc enim non reum alicujus culpae aut criminis est, quia non vivit ex se, sed est modo administrum et instrumentale, per quod spiritualis homo agit (videatur supra, 24); inde etiam est, quod judicium fiat super homines, quando exuerunt naturale suum corpus, ac induerunt spirituale. In hoc corpore homo etiam apparet qualis est quoad amorem et fidem, nam unusquisque in spirituali mundo est effigies sui amoris, non modo quoad faciem et corpus, sed etiam quoad loquelam et actiones (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 481): inde est, quod noscantur omnes quales sunt, ac illico separentur, quando Domino beneplacet. Ex his quoque patet, quod judicium fiat in mundo spirituali, et non in naturali seu in terris.

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