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《最后的审判》 第34节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 34

34. We can conclude that the equilibrium between heaven and hell begins to fail when the church comes to an end from the fact that heaven and hell come from humankind (see the chapter on that subject above [14-22]); and when there are few people entering heaven and many entering hell, the evil on the one side outstrips the good on the other, because the growth of hell entails a corresponding growth of evil. Everything evil within us comes from hell and everything good comes from heaven. Since evil is outstripping good as the church comes to an end, everyone is then judged by the Lord, the evil are separated from the good, and everything is put back into order; a new heaven is set up, and a new church on earth as well, and in this way equilibrium is restored.

This, then, is what the term Last Judgment refers to. It will be described in more detail in later pages [45-52 ].

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 34

34. It can be established that the equilibrium between heaven and hell begins to be destroyed when a church comes to its end by considering the fact that heaven and hell come from the human race (on which see the appropriate chapter above [14-22]). Since people then rarely come to heaven, and many go to hell, evil grows on the one side at the expense of good on the other. For the growth of hell produces a corresponding growth of evil; and all the evil a person experiences comes from hell, all the good from heaven. Since at the end of a church evil grows to outweigh good, the Lord then judges all, the wicked are separated from the good, and everything is restored to order; a new heaven is set up and also a new church on earth, thus restoring the equilibrium. This then is what is called the Last Judgment; more on this in what follows.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 34

34. That the equilibrium between heaven and hell begins to perish at the end of the church, may appear from this, that heaven and hell are from the human race, as shown above in its own article, and that when few men come into heaven, and many into hell, evil on the one part increases over good on the other; for evil increases in proportion as hell increases, and all man's evil is from hell, and all his good is from heaven. Now since evil increases over good at the end of the church, all are then judged by the Lord, the evil are separated from the good, all things are reduced into order, and a new heaven is established, and also a new church upon earth, and thus the equilibrium is restored. It is this then which is called the Last Judgment, of which more will be said in the following articles.

De Ultimo Judicio 34 (original Latin 1758)

34. Quod aequilibrium inter caelum et infernum perire incipiat in fine ecclesiae, constare potest ex eo, quod caelum et infernum, sint ex humano genere, de qua re videatur supra in suo articulo; et cum homines rari in caelum veniunt, et multi in infernum, quod malum ab una parte crescat super bonum ab altera; nam quantum infernum crescit, tantum crescit malum; et omne malum homini est ex inferno, et omne bonum ei est e caelo: quia malum crescit super bonum in fine ecclesiae, quapropter a Domino tunc judicantur omnes, et separantur mali a bonis, ac rediguntur omnia in ordinem, ac instauratur novum caelum, et quoque nova ecclesia in terris, et sic restauratur aequilibrium. Hoc nunc est, quod vocatur ultimum judicium, de quo plura in sequentibus.

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