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《最后的审判》 第43节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 43

43. No one who is unfamiliar with the inner or spiritual meaning can figure out what is meant in Revelation by the dragon and by Michael and his angels fighting with it [Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9]; by the tail with which the dragon drew down a third of the stars of heaven [Revelation 12:4]; by the woman who bore a male child who was caught up to God, after which the dragon persecuted the woman [Revelation 12:4-5, 13-17]; by the beast rising up out of the sea [Revelation 13:1-10] and the beast rising up out of the earth [Revelation 13:11-18], with their many horns; by the whore with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication [Revelation 17:1-18]; by the first resurrection and the second [death] [Revelation 20:4-5]; by the thousand years [Revelation 20:6]; by the lake of fire and sulfur into which the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet were cast [Revelation 20:10]; by the white horse [Revelation 19:11]; by the first heaven and the first earth that passed away [Revelation 21:1]; by the new heaven and the new earth that took the place of the first ones [Revelation 21:1]; by the sea that was no more [Revelation 21:1]; by the city New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven [Revelation 21:10-22:5]; by its measurements, wall, gates, and foundation made of precious stones, and by the various numbers involved [Revelation 21:16-21]; to say nothing of other things that are completely mystifying to people who know nothing about the spiritual meaning of the Word.

The meanings of all these things will be disclosed in the promised explanation of that book.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 43

43. No one ignorant of the internal or spiritual sense could ever guess what is meant in Revelation by the dragon, the battle of Michael and his angels with it; the tail with which the dragon pulled down a third of the stars from the sky; the woman who gave birth to a male child snatched up to God, and who was pursued by the dragon; the beast which rose up from the sea, and the beast which rose up from the land and had so many horns; the whore with whom the kings of the earth fornicated; the first and the second resurrection; a thousand years; the lake of brimstone and fire into which the dragon, the beast and the false prophet were cast; the white horse; the former heaven and the former earth which passed away; the new heaven and the new earth which took the place of the former ones; the sea which was no more; the city of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, its measurements, wall, gates and foundation of precious stones; the various numbers; and all the remainder which are utter mysteries to those who know nothing of the spiritual sense of the Word. But all these details will be disclosed in the promised explanation of Revelation.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 43

43. He who does not know the internal or spiritual sense, never can divine what is meant in the Apocalypse by "the dragon," and by "the battle" of Michael and his angels with it; what by "the tail" with which the dragon drew down the third part of the stars from heaven; what by "the woman" who brought forth the son a male, which was caught up to God, and whom the dragon persecuted; what by "the beast ascending from the sea," and "the beast ascending from the earth," which had so many horns; what by "the harlot," with whom the kings of the earth committed whoredom; what by the first and second "resurrection," and by "the thousand years;" what by "the lake of sulphur and of fire," into which the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet were cast; what by "the white horse;" also what by "the former heaven, and the former earth" which passed away; and what by "the new heaven and the new earth," in the place of the former; and by "the sea," which was no more; also what by "the city New Jerusalem descending from heaven," and by its "measures," "wall," "gates," and "foundation of precious stones;" what by the various "numbers;" besides other things, which are the deepest mysteries to those who know nothing of the spiritual sense of the Word. But the meaning of all these things shall be unfolded in the promised explanation of that book.

De Ultimo Judicio 43 (original Latin 1758)

43. Qui non sensum internum seu spiritualem novit, nusquam divinare potest quid in Apocalypsi intelligitur per "draconem," et per Michaelis et angelorum ejus "pugnam" cum illo; quid per "caudam" qua draco detraxit e caelo tertiam partem stellarum; quid per "mulierem" quae peperit filium masculum, qui raptus est ad Deum, et quam persecutus est draco; quid per "bestiam ascendentem a mari," et per "bestiam ascendentem a terra," quibus tot cornua; quid per "meretricem" cum qua scortati sunt reges terrae; quid per "resurrectionem" primam et secundam, perque "mille annos;" quid per "stagnum sulphuris et ignis," in quod draco, bestia, et pseudopropheta conjecti sunt; quid per "equum album;" tum quid per "prius' caelum et priorem terram," quae transiverunt: et quid per "novum caelum et novam terram," quae loco priorum; perque "mare" quod non amplius; tum quid per "civitatem Hierosolymam novam descendentem e caelo," perque ejus "mensuras," "murum," "portas," et "fundamentum ex lapidibus pretiosis;" quid per varios "numeros;" praeter reliqua, quae arcanissima sunt illis qui nihil de spirituali sensu Verbi norunt. Sed singula detecta videbuntur in promissa Explicatione super illum Librum.

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