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《最后的审判》 第44节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 44

44. By way of a preliminary, I should at least mention that everything in the heavenly meaning of the Book of Revelation has now been fulfilled. In this booklet I present some general facts about the Last Judgment and the destruction of Babylon, the first heaven and the first earth that have passed away, the new heaven, the new earth, and the New Jerusalem, in order to let it be known that all these things have occurred already. The specifics cannot be presented, however, except in the context of a detailed explanation of the descriptions of these events in the Book of Revelation.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 44

44. It needs to be said as a preliminary that all the predictions contained in the heavenly sense have now been fulfilled. I should like in the present work to make some general observations about the Last Judgment, the destruction of Babylon, the first heaven and the first earth which passed away, the new heaven and the new earth and the New Jerusalem. This is so that it may be known that all these events have now happened. But it is impossible to go into details until they are all explained as they are described in the book of Revelation.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 44

44. It has been remarked before, that all the things which are contained in that book, in the heavenly sense, are now fulfilled. In this little work I will deliver some general account of the Last Judgment, the Babylon destroyed, the first heaven and the first earth which passed away, the new heaven, the new earth, and the New Jerusalem; in order that it may be known, that all things are now accomplished. But the details can only be delivered, where all these things are explained according to the description of them in the Book of Revelation

De Ultimo Judicio 44 (original Latin 1758)

44. In antecessum memorandum est, quod omnia quae inibi in caelesti sensu continentur, nunc impleta sint. Communia aliqua velim in hoc opusculo tradere, de Ultimo Judicio; de Babylonia destructa; de primo Caelo et prima Terra quae transiverunt; de novo Caelo, deque nova Terra, et de nova Hierosolyma; ob causam ut sciatur quod omnia nunc peracta sint: sed specifica non tradi queunt, nisi ubi explicantur singula secundum descriptiones in Libro Revelationis de illis.

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