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《最后的审判》 第5节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 5

5. On the spiritual meaning of the Word, see my booklet The White Horse Described in Revelation. 1


1. The work mentioned here was published by Swedenborg in London in 1758. It is referred to in this edition by the short title White Horse. [Editors]

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 5

5. On the spiritual sense of the Word see my short book ON THE WHITE HORSE mentioned in Revelation.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 5

5. Concerning the spiritual sense of the Word, see in the small work on the White Horse, mentioned in the Apocalypse.

De Ultimo Judicio 5 (original Latin 1758)

5. De sensu spirituali Verbi, videatur in opusculo De Equo Albo, de quo in Apocalypsi.

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