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《最后的审判》 第4节







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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 4

4. Further, in the spiritual meaning of the Word “to create” means to form, to set up, and to regenerate, 1so creating a new heaven and a new earth means establishing a new church in heaven and on earth. You can see this from the following passages:

A people yet to be created will praise Jah. 2(Psalms 102:18)

You send out your spirit, and they are created; you renew the face 3of the earth. (Psalms 104:30)

Thus says Jehovah, who is your Creator, O Jacob, and your Maker, O Israel: “I have redeemed you and called you by your name. You are mine. For my glory I have created, I have formed, and I have made all those who are called by my 4name.” (Isaiah 43:1, 7)

There are other such passages as well. This is why our own individual “new creation” is our reformation-because we become new, and spiritual rather than earthly; and that is why a “new creation” is someone who has been reformed. 5


1. On regeneration, the process of human spiritual rebirth, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 22. [Editors]

2. “Jah” is a transliteration of the Hebrew יה(yāh), which is an abbreviation of the divine name commonly used in personal names (Isaiah and Jeremiah, for example). Here the reference is clearly to the exclamation “Hallelujah!” meaning “Praise Jah!” [GFD]

3. The Hebrew word for “face,” פָנִים (pānîm), is formally a plural and is usually grammatically so construed. Swedenborg consistently translates it as a plural, as does the Latin translation of the Bible he preferred, the 1696 edition of Sebastian Schmidt (1617-1696). Here it is translated as a singular to conform to English usage. [GFD]

4. As pointed out by Worcester in the second Latin edition (= Swedenborg [1758] 1889), the first edition here reads “your name,” though the original Hebrew text of Isaiah 43:7 and the context clearly calls for “my name.” Elsewhere Swedenborg regularly translates the same Hebrew text as “my name” (see, for example, Secrets of Heaven 10373:2; Revelation Unveiled 254:2; True Christianity 573, 773). [JSR, LSW]

5. [Swedenborg note] “Creating” means creating anew or reforming and regenerating: 16, 88, 10373, 10634. “Creating a new heaven and a new earth” means establishing a new church: 10373. In its inner meaning, the creation of heaven and earth in the opening chapters of Genesis describes the establishment of the heavenly church, which was the earliest church: 8891, 9942, 10545.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 4

4. Further, to create means in the spiritual sense of the Word to form, set up and regenerate. So to create a new heaven and a new earth means to set up a new church in heaven and on earth. This can be seen from these passages:

A people yet to be created shall praise Jah. Psalms 102:18.

You send forth your breath, they are created, and you make new the face of the earth. Psalms 104:30.

Thus spoke Jehovah, your Creator, Jacob, your Fashioner, Israel. [Do not be afraid,] for I have redeemed you and called you by your name. You are mine. Everyone who is called after my name, and created to be my glory, I have fashioned him and I have also made him. Isaiah 43:1, 7 and elsewhere.

This is why a new creation is a person's reformation, since he becomes a new man, becoming spiritual instead of natural. Consequently a new creation is a reformed person. 1


1. To create is to create anew or reform and regenerate (16, 88, 10373, 10634). Creating a new heaven and a new earth is setting up a new church (10373). The creation of heaven and earth in the first chapters of Genesis describes in the internal sense the setting up of a celestial church; this was the Most Ancient church (8891, 9942, 10545).

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 4

4. "To create" in the spiritual sense of the Word also signifies to form, to establish, and to regenerate; so by "creating a new heaven and a new earth" signifies to establish a New Church in heaven and on earth, as may appear from the following passages:

The people who shall be created shall praise Jah (Psalm 102:18).

Thou sendest forth the spirit, they are created; and Thou renewest the faces of the earth (Psalm 104:30).

Thus said Jehovah, thy Creator, O Jacob, thy Former, O Israel, for I have redeemed thee, and I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine; every one called by My name, and for My glory I have created, I have formed him, yea, I have made him (Isaiah 43:1, 7, and in other places).

Hence it is, that "the new creation" of man is his reformation, since he is made anew, that is, from natural he is made spiritual; and hence it is that "a new creature" is a reformed man. 1


1. "To create" is to create anew, or to reform and regenerate (16, 88, 10373, 10634). "To create a New Heaven and a New Earth," is to institute a new church (10373). By "the creation of heaven and earth" in the first chapter of Genesis, in the internal sense, is described the institution of the celestial church, which was the Most Ancient Church (8891, 9942, 10545).

De Ultimo Judicio 4 (original Latin 1758)

4. Per "creare" etiam in sensu spirituali Verbi significatur formare, instaurare, et regenerare; ita per "creare novum caelum et novam terram" significatur instaurare novam ecclesiam in caelo et in terra; ut constare potest ex his locis:-

"Populus, qui creabitur, laudabit Jah" (Psalm 102:19);

"Emittis spiritum..., creantur, et renovas facies terrae" (Psalm 104:30);

"Sic dixit Jehovah, Creator tuus Jacob, Formator tuus Israel, (Ne timeto,) nam redemi te, et vocavi nomine tuo, Mihi tu... omnem vocatum a nomine meo, 1et in gloriam meam creavi, formavi eum, etiamque feci eum" (Esaiam 43:1, 7).

(Praeter alibi.)

Inde est, quod "nova creatio" hominis sit reformatio ejus, quoniam novus fit, nempe ex naturali spiritualis; et inde est quod "nova creatura" sit homo reformatus. 2



"1. meo pro ""Tuo"" (vide"Arcana Caelestia, 10373, et alibi).

"2. Quod ""creare"" sit e novo creare seu reformare et regenerare ("16, 88, 10373, 10634).

Quod "creare novum caelum et novam terram" sit instaurare novam ecclesiam (10373).

Quod per "creationem caeli et terrae" in primis capitibus Geneseos in sensu interno describatur instauratio ecclesiae caelestis, quae fuit Ecclesia Antiquissima (8891, 9942, 10545).

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