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《最后的审判》 第51节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 51

51. The judgment on those of other religions was carried out in almost the same way as the judgment on the Muslims, except that they were not led around in the same kind of circuitous route but rather along a sort of roadway in the west. There the evil were separated from the good. The evil were cast into a pair of vast chasms that sloped down into the depths, while the good were led over the central region where the Christians were, toward the area in the eastern quarter where the Muslims now lived. They were provided with places to live; these were behind the Muslims and beyond, stretching far out into the southern quarter.

However, people of other religions who in the world have worshiped God in human form and have lived caring lives in accord with the principles of their religion are joined to Christians in heaven, because they more than the others acknowledge and revere the Lord. The most intelligent ones come from Africa. 1

The number of Muslims and people of other religions I saw was so immense that it would have had to have been counted in millions. Yet the judgment on such an immense number took only a few days, because once people had been brought into their own love and faith, their true nature was instantly determined, and they were taken to kindred spirits.


1. In several passages-most of them in Supplements and Spiritual Experiences, but prominently too in True Christianity, especially 837-840-Swedenborg describes the spirits and angels who had lived their earthly lives in continental Africa, particularly the inland regions (see Supplements 76 and Spiritual Experiences [= Swedenborg 1998-2013] 4777), as excelling in spiritual perception and interior judgment. [RHK, JSR]

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 51

51. The judgment on the heathen took place in much the same way as on the Mohammedans. But they were not taken likewise by a circuitous route, but only on a part of the road in the west, where the wicked were separated from the good. The wicked were cast into two great chasms there which slanted down to the depths. But the good were taken above the centre occupied by the Christians towards the land in the eastern quarter where the Mohammedans were; they were allotted dwellings beyond them and extending a long way into the southern quarter. However, those of the heathen who in the world have worshipped God in human form, and lived a charitable life in accordance with their own religious beliefs, are associated with the Christians in heaven, since they excel others in their acknowledgment and adoration of the Lord. The most intelligent of these are from Africa. The numbers of heathens and Mohammedans seemed to be so vast they could only be counted in tens of thousands. The judgment on such a great number took several days; for as each one is brought into his own love and his own belief, he is immediately marked, and so taken to join his fellows.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 51

51. The judgment was effected upon the Gentiles in nearly the same manner as upon the Mohammedans; but they were not led like them in a circuit, but only a short way in the west, where the evil were separated from the good, the evil being there cast into two great gulfs, which stretched obliquely into the deep, but the good were conducted above the middle, where the Christians were, towards the land of the Mohammedans in the eastern quarter, and dwellings were given them behind, and beyond the Mohammedans, to a great extent in the southern quarter. But those of the Gentiles who in the world had worshiped God under the Human form, and had led lives of charity according to their religious principles, were conjoined with Christians in heaven, for they acknowledge and adore the Lord more than others; the most intelligent of them are from Africa. The multitude of the Gentiles and Mohammedans who appeared, was so great, that it could be numbered only by myriads. The judgment on this vast multitude was effected in a few days, for every one after being yielded up into his own love and into his own faith, is immediately assigned and carried to his like.

De Ultimo Judicio 51 (original Latin 1758)

51. Judicium super Gentes simili paene modo, quo super Mahumedanos, factum est; sed non perductae Sunt simili modo per circuitum, solum per aliquantum viae in occidente, ubi mali separati sunt a bonis; mali conjecti sunt ibi in binos hiatus magnos, qui oblique tendebant in profundum, boni autem deducti sunt supra medium ubi Christiani, versus terram in plaga orientali ubi erant Mahumedani, et habitationes sortiti sunt post illos, ac ulterius ad multam extensionem in plaga meridionali. Illi autem ex Gentilibus, qui in mundo coluerunt Deum sub Humana forma, et charitatis vitam secundum religiosum suum egerunt, conjunguntur Christianis in caelo, nam Dominum prae reliquis agnoscunt et adorant: illorum intelligentissimi sunt ex Africa. Tanta multitudo Gentium et Mahumedanorum visa est, ut non nisi quam per myriades numerari posset. Judicium super tantam multitudinem per aliquot dies factum est; nam unusquisque cum mittitur in suum amorem et in suam fidem, illico designatus est, et ad similes fertur.

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