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《最后的审判》 第62节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 62

62. So the world of spirits has now been freed from people like this, and the angels are overjoyed at this liberation, because the people of Babylon were burdening and leading astray as many as they could, even more there than they had in the world. This was because their trickery was more vicious in that world, since they were now spirits, and any malice in someone hides itself within that person's spirit, because the spirit in each of us is the part that thinks, intends, strives, and plans. Many of them were examined and were found to believe nothing at all. Their minds were found to be obsessed with a heinous desire to lead people astray-doing so to the rich in order to gain their wealth and to the poor in order to gain power. Because this was their purpose they kept everyone in the deepest ignorance and closed off the way to the light and therefore to heaven. The way to the light and to heaven is closed off when knowledge of spiritual things is buried under idolatrous practices and the Word is contaminated, weakened, or taken away altogether.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 62

62. So the spiritual world has now been freed of such people. This pleased the angels, since all the Babylonians who could were attacking and leading people astray, and more so there than in the world. For their tricks there are more malign, since they are then spirits, and it is in the spirit that all a person's malice is stored. A person's spirit is what thinks, wills, intends and devises. Many of them were tested and found to have believed nothing at all; but their minds had been prey to a shocking longing to lead others astray, the rich for the sake of riches, the poor for the sake of power. With that aim they had kept all in the deepest ignorance, so blocking the way to light, and to heaven. The way to light and heaven is obstructed when the knowledge of spiritual matters is obscured by idolatrous practices, and when the Word is adulterated, weakened and taken away.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 62

62. Thus now was the spiritual world freed from such spirits, and the angels rejoiced on account of its liberation from them, because they who were of Babylon infested and seduced all whomsoever they could, and there more than in the world; for their cunning is more malignant there, because they are spirits; for it is the spirit of each in which all his wickedness is hidden, since the spirit of the man is what thinks, wills, intends, and plots. Many of them were explored, and it was found that they believed nothing at all, and that the heinous lust of seducing, the rich for the sake of their riches, and the poor for the sake of dominion, was rooted in their minds, and that on account of that end they kept all in the densest ignorance, thus blocking up the way to light, thus to heaven: for the way to light and to heaven is obstructed, when the knowledges of spiritual things are overwhelmed by idolatries, and when the Word is adulterated, weakened, and taken away.

De Ultimo Judicio 62 (original Latin 1758)

62. Ita nunc mundus spiritualis a talibus liberatus est; et ob liberationem ab illis gavisi sunt angeli, quoniam illi, qui ex Babylonia erant, omnes quotcunque potuerunt, infestabant ac seducebant, et ibi plus quam in mundo; nam astutiae illorum ibi maligniores sunt, quia tunc spiritus sunt, et in spiritu cujusvis se recondit omnis malitia; nam spiritus hominis est qui cogitat, vult, intendit et machinatur. Multi ex illis explorati sunt, ac inventi quod prorsus nihil crediderint, quodque insiderit animis eorum nefanda cupiditas seducendi, divites propter divitias, et pauperes propter dominium; et quod ob illum finem tenuerint omnes in densissima ignorantia, et sic praestruxerint viam ad lucem, ita ad caelum; nam via ad lucem et ad caelum praestruitur, cum cognitiones spiritualium obfunduntur per idololatrica, et cum Verbum adulteratur, infirmatur, et aufertur.

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