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《最后的审判》 第63节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 63

63. 6. How all the people among them who were engaged in doing good and had a longing for truth were saved. Catholics who had lived reverent lives and were devoted to doing good and who, although they did not know truths, felt a longing to know them, were rescued and brought to a particular area toward the front of the western region on its border with the north. There they were given places to live and were established in communities. Then they were sent some Protestant clergy to teach them the Word, and as they learned it they were received into heaven.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 63

63. Those of them who had an affection for truth arising from good were preserved. Those of the Roman Catholic people who had lived pious and good lives, even if not in possession of truths, but who had had an affection for learning truths, were taken out and carried to a district well forward in the western quarter, where it borders the north; there they were given dwellings and communities were established. Subsequently priests from the Reformed were sent to them to instruct them from the Word. As they are instructed, they are accepted into heaven.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 63

63. VI. Those of them who were in the affection of truth from good were preserved. Those of the Papal nation who lived piously, and were in good, although not in truths, and still from affection desired to know truths, were taken away and carried into a certain region, in front in the western quarter, near the north, and there habitations were given them, and societies of them were instituted, and then priests from the Reformed were sent to them, who instructed them from the Word, and as they are instructed, they are accepted in heaven.

De Ultimo Judicio 63 (original Latin 1758)

63. ((vi.)) Quod conservati sint qui ex illis in affectione 1veri ex bono fuerunt.- Illi ex Pontificia gente qui pie vixerunt, et fuerunt in bono, tametsi non in veris, et usque ex affectione desideraverunt scire vera, exempti sunt, et delati sunt in tractum quendam anterius in plaga occidentali juxta septentrionalem, et ibi datae illis sunt habitationes, ac institutae societates; et dein ad illos missi sunt sacerdotes ex Reformatis, qui instruerent illos ex Verbo, et sicut instruuntur acceptantur in caelum.


"1. in affectione pro ""qui in affectione"""

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