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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第2节




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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 2

2. We can see clearly that the specific Word meant here is the Word made known through Moses, the prophets, and the evangelists, since this is the actual divine truth from which angels get all their wisdom and from which we get our spiritual intelligence. In fact, angels in the heavens have the very same Word that we have in the world, though for us in the world it is earthly, while in the heavens it is spiritual. Further, since it is divine truth, the Word is also something divine that is emanating, and this is not only from the Lord but is the Lord himself.

Since it is the Lord himself, absolutely everything written in the Word is about the Lord alone. From Isaiah to Malachi every detail has to do with the Lord, either directly or in an opposite, negative sense.

No one has seen this before, but anyone who knows this and thinks of it can see it while reading, especially given the knowledge that in the Word there is not only an earthly meaning but a spiritual one as well; and that in this latter meaning the names of persons and places are used to mean something about the Lord and therefore something about heaven and the church that come from him-or something opposed to the Lord.

Since absolutely everything in the Word is about the Lord, and since the Word is the Lord because it is divine truth, we can see why it says “The Word became flesh and lived among us; and we saw his glory” [John 1:14]. We can also see why it says “While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of the light. I have come into the world as a light; anyone who believes in me will not remain in darkness” [John 12:36, 46]. “Light” is divine truth and therefore the Word.

For this reason, even nowadays anyone who turns to the Lord alone while reading the Word and who prays to him will find enlightenment in it.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 2

2. Specifically, the Word meant here is the same Word that was given through Moses and the Prophets, and the Evangelists, as can be clearly seen from the fact that it embodies the very same Divine truth from which angels acquire all their wisdom, and from which people acquire their spiritual intelligence. For this same Word that people have in the world is also the one that angels have in heaven. Only the one people have in the world is natural, while in heaven it is spiritual.

So, because it embodies Divine truth, it embodies the emanating Divinity as well. And this Divinity not only emanates from the Lord, but also embodies the Lord Himself.

Because it embodies the Lord Himself, therefore He alone is the subject in each and every thing written in the Word. From Isaiah to Malachi not one thing is to be found that does not have to do with the Lord, or in an opposite sense, something opposed to Him.

[2] The reality of this is something no one has yet seen, but it is nevertheless possible for everyone to see it, provided he is aware of it, and when reading gives thought to it, and if he knows moreover that the Word contains not only a natural sense but also a spiritual one, and that the names of persons and places in the natural sense symbolize something connected with the Lord, and so something having to do with heaven and the church received from Him, or something opposed to them.

Since each and every thing in the Word has to do with the Lord, and the Word is the Lord because it embodies Divine truth, it is clear why we are told, “And the Word...became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory.” Also why we are told, “While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may be children of light.... I have come as a light into the world; whoever believes in Me does not abide in darkness.” The light is Divine truth, thus the Word.

As a result, everyone, even at this day, who turns to the Lord alone when he reads the Word, and prays to Him, is enlightened as regards it.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 2

2. That the Word which is here specifically meant is the same as that which was manifested through Moses and the Prophets, and through the Evangelists, may clearly appear from this consideration, that this Word is Divine Truth itself, from which is derived all wisdom with angels, and all spiritual intelligence with men. For angels have in the heavens the very same Word that men have in the world; save only that in the world with men it is natural, whereas in the heavens it is spiritual. Moreover, since the Word is Divine Truth, it is also the Divine proceeding; and this is not only from the Lord, but it is also the Lord Himself. As this Word is the Lord Himself, therefore all things in general and in particular of the Word are written concerning Him alone: from Isaiah even to Malachi there is not anything which is not about the Lord, or, in the opposite sense, against the Lord.

[2] That this is the case, has not hitherto been seen by anyone; but yet everyone may see it, provided he is made aware of it, thinks of it whilst he reads, and further knows that in the Word there is not only a natural sense but also a spiritual sense; and that in this spiritual sense, by the names of persons and of places is signified something of the Lord, and consequently something of heaven and of the Church from Him, or something of an opposite sense. Now, as all things in general and in particular of the Word concern the Lord, and as the Word, because it is Divine Truth, is the Lord, it clearly appears why it is said, "and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory;" and also why it is said, "While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light ... I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness." The light is the Divine Truth, and consequently the Word. Therefore everyone, even at the present day, who, whilst reading the Word, approaches the Lord alone, and prays to Him, is enlightened therein.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 2

2. That the Word here specifically meant is the same Word that was manifested by means of Moses, the prophets, and the evangelists, is very evident from the fact that the Word is the Divine truth itself from which angels have all their wisdom, and men all their spiritual intelligence. For this same Word that is among men in this world is also among the angels in the heavens, but in this world among men it is natural, whereas in the heavens it is spiritual. And as the Word is the Divine truth, it is also the Divine proceeding; 1and this is not only from the Lord, but is also the Lord Himself; and being the Lord Himself, it follows that each and all things of the Word have been written concerning Him alone. From Isaiah to Malachi there is nothing that is not either concerning the Lord, or, in the opposite sense, against Him. Hitherto no one has ever seen this to be so, and yet everyone can see it, provided he is aware of it, and thinks of it while he is reading, especially if he knows that the Word contains not only a natural but also a spiritual sense, and that in this sense the names of persons and places signify something of the Lord, and, derivatively, something of heaven and the church from Him, or else some thing opposite to them. As all things of the Word both in general and in particular treat of the Lord and as the Word, being the Divine truth, is the Lord, it is evident why it is said, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory;" and also why it is said, "While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be sons of light: I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in Me should not abide in the darkness." The "light" is the Divine truth, thus the Word. This is why, even at this day, every one who, while reading the Word, approaches the Lord alone, and prays to Him, is enlightened in the Word.


1. In the expression "Divine proceeding," Divine is not to be understood as an adjective qualifying proceeding, but proceeding is to be taken as a verb (or participle) describing the act which the divine there performs. Thus, the expression does not mean a proceeding which is Divine, but a Divine that is in the act of proceeding forth. "Divine proceeding," thus understood, exactly translates Swedenborg's Divinum procedens. [Tr.]

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 2 (original Latin 1763)

2. Quod sit idem Verbum quod manifestatum est per Mosen et Prophetas, et per Evangelistas, quod hic in specie intelligitur, manifeste constare potest ex eo, quod illud sit ipsum Divinum Verum ex quo omnis sapientia est angelis, et intelligentia spiritualis hominibus; est enim idem hoc Verbum quod est apud homines in mundo, etiam apud angelos in caelis, at in mundo apud homines est illud naturale, in caelis autem est spirituale: et quia est Divinum Verum, est etiam Divinum procedens; et hoc non modo est a Domino, sed etiam est Ipse Dominus. Quia illud est Ipse Dominus, ideo omnia et singula Verbi de solo Ipso scripta sunt; ab Esaia usque ad Malachiam non datur aliquid quod non de Domino, aut in opposito sensu contra Dominum.

[2] Quod ita sit, nemo adhuc viderat, sed usque omnis id videre potest, modo id scit, et dum legit, id cogitat, ac insuper scit quod in Verbo non modo sit sensus naturalis sed etiam spiritualis, et quod in hoc sensu per nomina personarum et locorum significetur aliquid Domini, et inde aliquid caeli et ecclesiae ab Ipso, aut aliquod oppositum. Quoniam omnia et singula Verbi de Domino sunt, et Verbum est Dominus quia est Divinum Verum, patet cur dicitur, "Et Verbum Caro factum est, et habitavit inter nos, et vidimus gloriam Ipsius:" tum cur dicitur, "Quousque Lucem habetis, credite in lucem, ut filii lucis sitis:.... Ego Lux in mundum veni; qui credit in Me, in tenebris non manet;" "lux" est Divinum Verum, ita Verbum. Propter hoc, omnis, etiam hodie, qui Dominum solum adit, dum legit Verbum, et orat ad Ipsum, illustratur in eo.

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