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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第3节











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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 3

3. I need at this point to say briefly what all the prophets of the Old Testament from Isaiah to Malachi have to say about the Lord, in general and in some detail.

1. The Lord came into the world in the fullness of time [Galatians 4:4], which was when he was no longer recognized by Jews and when for this reason there was no longer anything left of the church; and unless the Lord had come into the world and revealed himself at that time, humankind would have suffered eternal death. He says in John, “If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins” (John 8:24).

2. The Lord came into the world to carry out a last judgment, thereby subduing the hells that were then in control, and doing so by means of battles or trials that were permitted to attack the human nature he had received from his mother, and by a constant succession of victories. Unless the hells had been subdued, no one could have been saved.

3. The Lord came into the world to glorify his human nature-that is, to unite it to the divine nature that he had from conception.

4. The Lord came into the world to found a new church that would recognize him as Redeemer and Savior and that would be redeemed and saved through its love for and faith in him.

5. At the same time he was reorganizing heaven and uniting it with the church.

6. The suffering on the cross was the final battle or trial by means of which he completely subdued the hells and completely glorified his human nature.

In my forthcoming booklet on Sacred Scripture it will become evident that these are the sole subjects of the Word.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 3

3. We must briefly say here, too, what themes concerning the Lord are found in general and in particular throughout the Prophets of the Old Testament, from Isaiah to Malachi:

1. The Lord came into the world in the fullness of time, which is to say, when the Jews no longer knew Him, and when for that reason nothing of the church remained. And if the Lord had not then come into the world and revealed Himself, mankind would have perished in eternal death. He Himself says in John, “If you do not believe that I am [who I am], you will die in your sins” (John 8:24).

[2] 2. The Lord came into the world to execute a last judgment, and by doing so conquer the hells that were reigning at the time. This He did by combats, that is, by temptations or trials, which He permitted His humanity from His mother to undergo, and by continual victories in them then. If the hells had not been conquered, no one could have been saved.

[3] 3. The Lord came into the world to glorify His humanity, that is, to unite it to the Divinity that He had in Him from conception.

[4] 4. The Lord came into the world to establish a new church which would acknowledge Him as its Redeemer and Savior, so as to be redeemed and saved through love for and faith in Him.

[5] 5. At the same time He did so in order to set heaven in order, in order for it to be in harmony with the church.

[6] 6. His suffering of the cross was the last combat, or temptation or trial, by which He thoroughly conquered the hells and fully glorified His humanity.

That the Word deals with no other matters will be seen later in a short work on the Sacred Scripture.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 3

3. It will also be stated here, in a few words, what is treated of in general and in particular concerning the Lord in all the Prophets of the Old Testament, from Isaiah even to Malachi:

1 The Lord would come into the world in the fulness of time; that is, when He was no longer known by the Jews, and consequently when nothing of the Church remained; and unless He should then come into the world and reveal Himself, mankind would perish in eternal death; as He Himself says in John,

If ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24.

2 The Lord would come into the world to accomplish a last judgment, and thereby subjugate the then dominant hells. This was effected by combats, that is, by temptations admitted into His Human from the mother, and by continual victories then; and unless the hells should be so subjugated, no man could possibly be saved.

3 The Lord would come into the world to glorify His Human, that is, to unite it to the Divine which was in Him from conception.

4 The Lord would come into the world to establish a new Church, which should acknowledge Him as Redeemer and Saviour and by love and faith towards Him be redeemed and saved.

5 He would then also arrange heaven in order, so that it might make one with the Church.

6 The passion of the cross would be the last combat or temptation, by which He would fully conquer the hells and fully glorify His Human.

That the Word treats of no other subjects will be seen in the small treatise which is to follow, concerning THE SACRED SCRIPTURE.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 3

3. Briefly stated, the subjects concerning the Lord that are treated of in all the Prophets of the Old Testament, from Isaiah to Malachi, both in general and in particular, are these:

i. The Lord came into the world in the fullness of times, which was when He was no longer known by the Jews, and when, consequently, there was nothing of the church left; and unless He had then come into the world and revealed Himself, mankind would have perished in eternal death. As He Himself says in John: "Except ye believe that I am, ye shall die in your sins" (8:24).

ii. The Lord came into the world to execute a Last Judgment, and thereby to subdue the existing dominance of the hells; which was effected by means of combats (that is, temptations) admitted into his maternal human, and the attendant continual victories; for unless the hells had been subjugated no man could have been saved.

iii. The Lord came into the world in order to glorify His Human, that is, unite it to the Divine which was in Him from conception.

iv. The Lord came into the world in order to set up a new church which should acknowledge Him as the Redeemer and Savior, and be redeemed and saved through love to Him and faith in Him.

v. He at the same time reduced heaven into order, so that it made a one with the church.

vi. The passion of the cross was the last combat or temptation, by means of which He completely conquered the hells and fully glorified His Human.

In the following small work on The Holy Scripture it will be seen that the Word treats of no other subjects than these.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 3 (original Latin 1763)

3. Paucis hic etiam dicetur quid de Domino apud omnes Prophetas Veteris Testamenti, ab Esaia usque ad Malachiam in genere et in specie agitur:-

(i.) Quod Dominus in mundum venerit in plenitudine temporum, quae erat quando Ipse non amplius a Judaeis cognoscebatur, et ex eo quando non aliquid ecclesiae supererat; et nisi tunc Dominus in mundum venisset et Se revelavisset, homo morte aeterna periisset: dicit Ipse apud Johannem,

"Nisi credideritis quod Ego sim, moriemini in peccatis vestris" (8:24).

(ii.) Quod Dominus in mundum venerit ut ultimum judicium faceret, et per id inferna tunc dominantia subjugaret; quod factum est per pugnas, seu per tentationes in humanum suum a Matre, admissas, et per continuas tunc victorias: quae nisi subjugata fuissent, nullus homo potuisset salvari.

(iii.) Quod Dominus in mundum venerit ut glorificaret Humanum, hoc est, uniret illud Divino, quod in Ipso ex conceptione erat.

(iv.) Quod Dominus in mundum venerit ut novam ecclesiam instauraret, quae Ipsum agnosceret Redemptorem et Salvatorem, ac per amorem et fidem in Ipsum redimeretur et salvaretur.

(v.) Quod simul tunc ordinaret caelum, ut unum faceret cum ecclesia.

(vi.) Quod passio crucis fuerit ultima pugna seu tentatio, per quam plene vicit inferna, et plene glorificavit Humanum suum.

Quod Verbum non de aliis rebus agat, videbitur in sequente opusculo De Scriptura Sacra.

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