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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第33节










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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 33

33. 4. The Lord made his human nature divine by the trials to which he made himself vulnerable and by then constantly being victorious. This was discussed in above (12-14). I need add only the following.

Trials are battles against what is evil and false, and since what is evil and false comes from hell, they are also battles against hell. For us too, when we are subjected to spiritual trials, it is evil spirits from hell who are inflicting them. We are not aware that evil spirits are behind the trials, but an abundance of experience has taught me that they are.

[2] This is why we are rescued from hell and raised into heaven when the Lord enables us to be victorious in our trials. This is how we become spiritual individuals by means of our trials or battles against our evils-how we therefore become angels.

The Lord, though, fought against all the hells with his own power and completely tamed and subdued them; and by doing so, since at the same time he glorified his human nature, he keeps them tamed and subdued to eternity.

[3] Before the Lord’s Coming the hells had risen so far that they were beginning to trouble even angels of heaven, and with them, everyone who was entering the world and leaving the world. The reason for this rise of the hells was that the church was in utter ruins, and the people of our world were wholly devoted to evil and falsity because of their idolatrous practices; and it is people on earth who make up hell. That is why no one could have been saved if the Lord had not come into the world.

There is a great deal in the Psalms of David and the prophets about these battles of the Lord, but little in the Gospels. These battles are what we refer to as the trials that the Lord underwent, the last being his suffering on the cross.

[4] This is why the Lord is called the Savior and Redeemer. The church is sufficiently aware of this to say that the Lord conquered death or the Devil (that is, hell) and that he rose from death victorious, as well as that there is no salvation apart from the Lord. We shall see shortly that he also glorified his human nature and in this way became the Savior, Redeemer, Reformer, and Regenerator to eternity.

[5] We can see from the ample supply of passages cited in above that the Lord became our Savior by means of battles or trials; and there is also this from Isaiah:

“The day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of my redeemed has arrived. I have trodden them in my wrath; I have driven their victory down into the earth.” Therefore he became their Savior. (Isaiah 63:4, 6, 8)

This chapter is about the Lord’s battles. There is also this in David:

Lift your heads, gates! Be raised up, doors of the world, so that the King of Glory may come in! Who is this King of Glory? Jehovah, strong and heroic, Jehovah, a hero in war. (Psalms 24:7-8)

This too is about the Lord.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 33

33. The Lord made His humanity Divine through temptations or trials that He underwent and by continual victories then. This we discussed in nos. 1214 above. To that we need only add the following:

Temptations or trials are nothing but battles against evils and falsities, and because evils and falsities originate from hell, they are also battles against hell. Moreover, present in people who are undergoing spiritual trials are evil spirits from hell, who induce those trials. No one is aware that it is evil spirits inducing the temptations or trials. Yet that such is the case is something I have been given to know from a good deal of experience.

[2] That is why, when a person by the Lord’s power overcomes in temptations or trials, he is withdrawn from hell and raised into heaven. It is why through trials or battles against evils a person becomes a spiritual being, thus an angel.

The Lord, on the other hand, fought against the hells by His own power, and completely subdued and overcame them. And by at the same time glorifying His humanity, He kept them subdued and overcome to eternity.

[3] In fact, before the Lord’s advent, the hells had risen to such a height that they began to harass even the angels in heaven, and likewise every person coming into the world and departing from the world. The hells rose to such a height because the church was completely destroyed, people in the world were by their idolatries caught up in nothing but falsities and evils, and the hells are composed of people. As a consequence, if the Lord had not come into the world, no mortal could have been saved.

Regarding these battles of the Lord, much is said in the Psalms of David and in the Prophets, but little in the Gospels. These battles are those meant by the temptations and trials that the Lord endured, the last of which was the suffering of the cross.

[4] It is because of those battles that the Lord is called the Savior and Redeemer. This is so well known in the church that people say that the Lord conquered death or the devil, that is, hell, and that He rose victorious. Moreover, that without the Lord there is no salvation.

That He also glorified His humanity and thereby became the Savior, Redeemer, Reformer and Regenerator to eternity, will be seen hereafter.

[5] That the Lord became the Savior through battles or trials is apparent from the numerous passages cited in nos. Isaiah 63:4, 6, 8)

The Lord’s battles are the subject in this chapter. And in Psalms:

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you doors of the world, that the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and a hero, Jehovah a hero of war. (Psalms 24:7-8)

This, too, refers to the Lord.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 33

33. 4. THE LORD MADE His HUMAN DIVINE BY TEMPTATIONS ADMITTED INTO HIMSELF, AND THEN BY CONTINUAL VICTORIES. This has been treated of above in Numbers 12-14; and only the following observations will now be added. Temptations are nothing else but combats against evils and falsities; and since evils and falsities are from hell, they are also combats against hell. Moreover, with men who are undergoing spiritual temptations, there are evil spirits from hell who induce temptations. Man does not know that evil spirits induce them; yet that such is the fact has been given me to know by much experience.

[2] Therefore it happens that, when a man conquers from the Lord in temptations, he is drawn out of hell and raised up into heaven. Hence it is that by means of temptations, or combats against evils, a man is made spiritual and thus an angel. The Lord, however, fought from His own power against all the hells and completely conquered and subjugated them; and so, having at the same time glorified His Human, He keeps them conquered and subjugated to eternity.

[3] For, before the Lord's Coming, the hells had grown to such a degree that they began to infest the very angels of heaven; and in like manner to infest every man that came into the world, and every man that went out of it. The hells grew to such a degree because the Church was utterly devastated, and men in the world, from idolatrous practices, were in sheer falsities and evils: and the hells are from men. Hence it was, that unless the Lord had come into the world, no man could have been saved. Much is said of these combats of the Lord in the Psalms of David and in the Prophets, but little in the Evangelists. These combats are what are meant by the temptations which the Lord endured, the last of which was the passion of the cross; and it is from them that He is called the Saviour and Redeemer.

[4] This is so far known in the Church that men say that the Lord conquered death, or the devil, that is, hell, and that He rose victorious; and also, that without the Lord there is no salvation. Moreover, it will be seen in what follows that He glorified His Human, and that He thereby became the Saviour, Redeemer, Reformer and Regenerator to eternity. That the Lord became the Saviour through His combats, or temptations, is evident from the numerous passages quoted above, in Numbers 12-14; and from the following in Isaiah:

The day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

I have trodden them down in mine anger ... I have brought down their victory (A.V. strength) to the earth ...

So He became their Saviour. Isaiah 63:4, 6, 8.

In this chapter the Lord's combats are treated of. And in the Psalms:

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye doors of the world (A.V. everlasting); and the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah Mighty in battle. Psalm 24:7-8.

These words are also spoken in reference to the Lord.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 33

33. iv. That the Lord made His Human Divine by means of temptations admitted into Himself, and by means of continual victories in them, has been treated of above, 12-14; to which shall be added only this: Temptations are nothing but combats against evils and falsities; and as evils and falsities are from hell, temptations are combats against hell. Moreover with the men who are undergoing spiritual temptations, there are present evil spirits from hell, who induce them. The man is unaware that evil spirits induce the temptations; yet that they do so has been granted me to know from much experience.

[2] This is the reason why man is drawn out of hell and elevated into heaven when from the Lord he conquers in temptations; and this again is why man becomes spiritual, and therefore an angel, by means of temptations, or combats against evils. The Lord, however, fought from His own power against all the hells, and completely mastered and subjugated them; and as He at the same time glorified His Human, He holds them so to eternity.

[3] For before the Lord's advent the hells had grown up to such a height that they were beginning to infest the very angels of heaven, and also every man that came into the world and went out of it. The cause of so high a growth of the hells was the complete devastation of the church, and the consequent prevalence of idolatries which caused the men of this world to be in mere falsities and evils; and the hells are from men. Hence it was that no man could have been saved unless the Lord had come into the world.

[4] Of these combats of the Lord the Psalms and Prophets treat much, but the Evangelists little. It is these combats which are meant by the temptations that the Lord endured, the last of which was the passion of the cross. And it is on account of them that the Lord is called Savior and Redeemer. This is so far known in the church as to lead them to say that the Lord conquered death or the devil (that is, hell), and that He rose again victorious; and also that without the Lord there is no salvation. That the Lord also glorified His Human, and thereby became the Savior, Redeemer, Reformer, and Regenerator to eternity, will be seen in what follows.

[5] That by means of these combats or temptations the Lord has become our Savior, is evident from the passages quoted above in Isaiah 63:4, 6, 8).

This chapter treats of the Lord's combats.

Also from this passage in David:

Lift up your heads, ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye doors of the world, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah mighty and a Hero, Jehovah a Hero of war (Psalm 24:7, 8).

These words also treat of the Lord.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 33 (original Latin 1763)

33. ((iv.)) Quod Dominus Humanum suum Divinum fecerit per Tentationes in Se admissas, et per continuas tunc victorias, actum est supra (12-14); quibus hoc solum addendum est. Tentationes non aliud sunt quam pugnae contra mala et falsa; et quia mala et falsa ab inferno sunt, sunt quoque pugnae contra infernum; etiam apud homines qui tentationes spirituales subeunt, sunt mali spiritus ab inferno, qui illas inducunt. Quod mali spiritus inducant tentationes, homo nescit; quod tamen sint, ex multa experientia datum est scire.

[2] Ex eo est, quod homo, dum ex Domino vincit in tentationibus, ab inferno extrahatur, ac in caelum elevetur: inde est, quod homo per tentationes seu pugnas contra mala fiat spiritualis, ita angelus. Dominus autem ex propria potentia pugnavit contra omnia inferna, et illa prorsus domavit et subjugavit; et per id, quod simul glorificaverit Humanum suum, illa in aeternum domata et subjugata tenet.

[3] Inferna enim ante Domini adventum usque ad illam altitudinem succreverunt, ut ipsos angelos caeli inciperent infestare, et similiter omnem hominem venientem in mundum et exeuntem e mundo. Quod inferna in talem altitudinem succreverint, erat causa, quia ecclesia prorsus devastata fuit, et homines mundi ex idololatriis in meris falsis et malis fuerunt; et ex hominibus sunt inferna: inde fuit, quod nisi Dominus in mundum venisset, nemo hominum potuisset salvari.

[4] De his Domini pugnis, multis agitur in Psalmis Davidis et in Prophetis, at parum in Evangelistis. Pugnae illae sunt, quae intelliguntur per tentationes quas Dominus sustinuit, quarum ultima fuit passio crucis. Ex illis est, quod Dominus dicatur Salvator et Redemptor. Hoc in ecclesia in tantum notum est, ut dicant quod Dominus vicerit mortem seu diabolum, hoc est, infernum, et quod cum victoria resurrexerit: tum etiam quod absque Domino nulla salus. Quod etiam glorificaverit Humanum suum, et quod per id Salvator, Redemptor, Reformator et Regenerator in aeternum factus sit, in sequentibus videbitur.

[5] Quod Dominus per pugnas seu tentationes Salvator factus sit, ex locis supra (12-14) in copia allatis, patet: et ex hoc apud Esaiam,

"Dies vindictae in corde meo, et annus redemptorum meorum venerat. ...Conculcavi" illos "in ira mea descendere feci in terram victoriam illorum;... id factus est illis in Salvatorem" (63:4, 6, 8);

Agitur in eo capite de pugnis Domini. Et apud Davidem,

"Attollite portae capita vestra,... extollimini ostia mundi, ut ingrediatur Rex gloriae. Quid hic Rex gloriae? Jehovah fortis et Heros, Jehovah Heros belli" (Psalm 24:7-8);

Haec etiam de Domino,

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