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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第44节




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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 44

44. Once people realize that “David” means the Lord, they can know why David so often wrote about the Lord in his psalms when he was writing about himself. See Psalm 89, for example, where we find,

I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, “I will establish your seed even to eternity and build your throne for generation after generation. And the heavens will bear witness to your wondrous work, and to [your] truth, in the congregation of the saints.” Then you spoke to your holy one in a vision and said, “I have put [ability to] help in a mighty one; I have raised up a chosen one from among the people. I have found David, my servant; I have anointed him with my holy oil. With him my hand will be strong; my arm will strengthen him also. My truth and my mercy will be with him, and his horn will be exalted in my name. And I will place his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers. He will cry out to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’ I will also make him the firstborn, high above the monarchs of the earth. My covenant will be established with him. I will make his seed endure to eternity and his throne as the days of the heavens. I have sworn once by my holiness; I will not lie to David. His seed will endure forever and his throne will be like the sun before me; it will be as established as the moon to eternity and a faithful witness in the clouds.” (Psalms 89:3-5, 19-21, 24-29, 35-37)

There is similar material in other psalms, such as Psalm 45:2-17, Psalm 122:4-5, and Psalm 132:8-18.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 44

44. Someone who knows that the Lord is meant by David can see why David so many times in his Psalms wrote about the Lord when writing about himself, as in Psalms 89, where we find the following:

I have made a covenant with My chosen, I have sworn to My servant David: “Your seed I will firmly establish even to eternity, and build up your throne to all generations....”

And the heavens will praise Your wonders..., Your truth also in the assembly of the saints....

Then You spoke in a vision to Your holy one, and said: “I have given help to one who is mighty; I have exalted one chosen from the people. I have found My servant David; with My holy oil I have anointed him, with whom My hand shall be firm; Also My arm shall strengthen him....

“My truth and My mercy shall be with him, and in My name his horn shall be exalted. Also I will set his hand on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers. He shall call to Me, ‘You are my Father, My God, and the rock of my salvation.’ Also I will make him My firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.... My covenant shall stand firm with him. His seed also I will make to endure to eternity, and his throne as the days of heaven....

“Once have I sworn by My holiness, I will not lie to David. His seed shall endure forever, and His throne as the sun before Me; like the moon it shall remain fixed to eternity, and be a faithful witness in the clouds.” (Psalms 89:3-5, 19-21, 24-29, 35-37)

And the like also in other Psalms, as in Psalms 45:1-17, 122:4-5, 132:8-18.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 44

44. He who knows that by David is meant the Lord is able to comprehend why David in the Psalms so often wrote concerning the Lord, when he spoke only of himself; as in Psalm 89, where these words occur:

I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,

Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations.

And the heavens shall praise thy wonders ... thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints ... Then thou spakest in vision to thy Holy One, and saidst, I have laid help upon One that is mighty; I have exalted One chosen out of the people.

I have found David my servant; with my Holy oil have I anointed Him:

With whom my hand shall be established; mine arm also shall strengthen Him ...

My faithfulness and my mercy shall be with Him and in my name shall His horn be exalted.

I will set His hand also in the sea, and His right hand in the rivers.

He shall cry unto me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.

Also I will make Him my First-born, higher than the kings of the earth.

My covenant shall stand fast with Him.

His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and His throne as the days of the heavens.

Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David.

His seed shall endure for ever, and His throne as the sun before me.

It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in the clouds. Psalm 89:3-5, 19-21, 24-29, 35-37.

So also in other Psalms, as ; Psalm 122:4-5; 132:8-18.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 44

44. He who knows that the Lord is meant by David, may know why David so frequently wrote of the Lord in his Psalms while writing about himself; as in these words:

I have made a covenant with My chosen, I have sworn unto David My servant; thy seed will I establish to eternity, and will build up thy throne to generation and generation; and the heavens shall confess thy wonder, thy truth also in the congregation of the saints. Thou speakest in vision to Thine holy one and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty, I have exalted one chosen out of the people, I have found David My servant, with My holy oil have I anointed him, with whom My hand shall be established, Mine arm also shall strengthen him, My truth and My mercy shall be with him, and in My name shall his horn be exalted, I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. He shall cry unto Me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. I will also make him My firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth; My covenant shall stand fast with him his seed will I make to endure to eternity, and his throne as the days of the heavens. Once have I sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David; his seed shall endure to eternity, and his throne as the sun before Me it shall be established to eternity as the moon, and a faithful witness in the clouds (Psalm 89:3-5, 19-21, 24-29, 35-37).

And so in other Psalms, as Psalm 45:1-17, 122:4, 5; 132:8-18.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 44 (original Latin 1763)

44. Qui novit quod Dominus per "Davidem" intelligatur, ille scire potest cur David in suis psalmis toties de Domino scripsit, cum de semet: ut in Psalmo 89, ubi haec:

"Pepigi foedus electo meo, juravi Davidi servo meo; in aeternum usque firmabo semen tuum, et aedificabo in generationem et generationem thronum tuum; et confitebuntur caeli mirabile tuum,... etiam veritatem... in congregatione sanctorum... Tunc locutus es in visione Sancto tuo, et dixisti, Posui auxilium super potentem; exaltavi electum e populo: inveni Davidem servum meum, oleo sanctitatis meae unxi Eum: cum quo manus mea firma erit: etiam brachium meum corroborabit Eum:... veritas mea et misericordia mea cum Eo, et in nomine meo exaltabitur cornu Ejus: et ponam in mari manum Ejus, et in fluviis dextram Ejus: Ille vocabit Me, Pater meus Tu, Deus meus et Petra salutis meae: etiam Ego Primogenitum dabo Eum, altum regibus terrae:... foedus meum stabile Illi:... ponam in aeternum semen Ejus; et thronum Ejus sicut dies caelorum... Semel juravi per sanctitatem meam, si Davidi mentiar; semen Ejus in aeternum erit, et thronus Ejus sicut sol coram Me, sicut luna firmus erit in aeternum, et testis in nubibus fidelis" (vers. 4-6, 20-22, 25-30, 36-38 (B.A. 3-5, 19-21, 24-29, 35-37)).

(Similiter in aliis psalmis, ut Psalm 45:2-18 (B.A. Psalm 45:1-17); Psalm 4, 5 1[NCBSP: 122:4-5]; Psalm 132:8-18.)


1. In editio princeps, numerales capitum romani sunt, et versus arabici sunt. Hic numerus arabice est, ut versus denotat, sed numerus capitis non dabit. Psalm 122:4-5 optima conjectura est. - NCBSP

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