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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第60节



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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 60

60. The assertions in this doctrinal statement that God and a human being in the Lord are not two but one person, and are one altogether the way the soul and the body are one, show through clearly in many of the things that the Lord himself said; for example, that the Father and he are one [John 10:30], that all that is the Father’s is his, and all that is his is the Father’s [John 17:10], that he is in the Father and the Father is in him [John 14:10], that all things have been given into his hand [John 13:3], that he has all power [Matthew 28:18], that he is the God of heaven and earth [Matthew 28:18], that those who believe in him have eternal life [John 6:47], and so on; also that both the divine nature and the human nature were raised into heaven and that in both respects he sits at the right hand of God [Mark 16:19] (that is, that he is almighty), and more passages from the Word concerning his divine human nature that have been cited above in ample number, all of which testify that God is one both in person and in essence, in whom there is a trinity, and that that God is the Lord.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 60

60. God and man in the Lord are, according to the doctrine, not two, but one person, and altogether one, as soul and body are one, as is clearly apparent from many things that the Lord Himself said. For example, that He and the Father are one. That all things that the Father has are His, and all that are His are the Father’s. That He is in the Father and the Father in Him. That all things have been given into His hand. That He has all authority. That He is God of heaven and earth. That whoever believes in Him has eternal life. And in addition we are told that both the Divine and the human were taken up into heaven, and that He sits at the right hand of God in respect to both, which is to say that He is omnipotent.

Presented above are also a great abundance of passages from the Word regarding the Lord’s Divine humanity, all of which testify to the fact that there is one God in both person and essence, in whom is a trinity, and that that God is the Lord.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 60

60. God and Man in the Lord, according to the Creed, are not two but one Person, and altogether one as soul and body are one. This appears clearly from many things which the Lord Himself said; as, that the Father and He are one; that all things of the Father are His, and all His the Father's that He is in the Father, and the Father in Him that all things are given into His hand; that He has all power; that He is the God of heaven and earth; that whosoever believeth on Him hath eternal life. Further, it is said that both the Divine and the Human were taken up into heaven, and that, as to both, He sitteth at the right hand of God; which means that He is Almighty. There are many more passages from the Word copiously quoted above concerning His Divine Human, all testifying that GOD IS ONE BOTH IN PERSON AND IN ESSENCE, IN WHOM IS THE TRINITY AND THAT THE LORD IS THAT GOD.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 60

60. That in the Lord, God and Man (as is said in the Creed) are not two, but one Person, yea, altogether one, as soul and body are one, is clear from many things said by the Lord Himself, as that the Father and He are one; that all things of the Father are His, and all His the Father's; that He is in the Father, and the Father in Him; that all things are given into His hand; that He has all power; that He is the God of heaven and earth; that whosoever believes in Him has eternal life; and further from its being said of Him that He was taken up into heaven as to both the Divine and the Human, and that, with respect to both, He sits on the right hand of God, which means that He is Almighty: not to repeat many passages of the Word treating of His Divine Human which are copiously quoted above, and all of which bear witness that God is ONE IN BOTH PERSON AND ESSENCE; THAT THE TRINITY IS IN HIM; AND THAT THIS GOD IS THE LORD.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 60 (original Latin 1763)

60. Quod Deus et Homo in Domino, secundum Doctrinam, non sint duo, sed una Persona, et prorsus una, sicut anima et corpus sunt unum, patet clare a multis quae Ipse dixerat: ut, Quod "Pater et Ipse unum sint;" quod "omnia Patris sua sint, et omnia sua Patris;" quod "Ipse in Patre et Pater in Ipso sit:" quod "omnia data sint in manum Ipsius;" quod "Ipsi omnis potestas sit;" quod "Deus caeli et terrae sit;" quod "qui credit in Ipsum, vitam aeternam habeat;" et porro, quod et Divinum et Humanum sublatum sit in caelum, et quod quoad utrumque "sedeat ad dextram Dei," hoc est, quod omnipotens sit: et plura quae supra ex Verbo de Divino Humano Ipsius in multa copia allata sunt, quae omnia testantur quod Deus sit unus tam Persona quam Essentia, in quo Trinitas; et quod ille Deus sit Dominus.

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