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《新耶路撒冷教义之主篇》 第61节







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The Lord (Dole translation 2014) 61

61. The reason these facts about the Lord are now being made known for the first time is that in Revelation 21; 22 it was foretold that a new church would be established by the Lord at the close of the former one, a church in which this teaching would be first and foremost. This church is what is meant in Revelation by the New Jerusalem [Revelation 3:12; 21:2] into which only those who recognize the Lord alone as God of heaven and earth can enter. This I can proclaim: that the whole heaven acknowledges the Lord alone, and anyone who does not share in this acknowledgment is not allowed into heaven. The fact of the matter is that heaven is heaven because of the Lord. That very acknowledgment, made in the spirit of love and faith, causes the people there to be in the Lord and the Lord to be in them. This is what the Lord himself is telling us in John:

On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. (John 14:20)

And again,

Abide in me, and I [will abide] in you. I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and in whom I abide bear much fruit, because without me you cannot do anything. If any do not abide in me, they are cast out. (John 15:4-6; and 17:22-23)

[2] The reason this has not been seen in the Word before is that if it had been seen too early it would not have been accepted. That is, the Last Judgment had not been carried out yet, and before that happened the power of hell was stronger than the power of heaven. We are in between heaven and hell, so if this had been seen too early, the Devil (that is, hell) would have snatched it out of our hearts and then proceeded to profane it. This state of hell’s power was decisively broken by the Last Judgment that has now been carried out. Since then-now, that is-anyone who wants to be enlightened and wise can be: see what is written about this in Heaven and Hell 589-603 as well as the booklet Last Judgment 65-74.

Doctrine of the Lord (Rogers translation 2014) 61

61. All of what we have said about the Lord has now for the first time been published, because it was foretold in the book of Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, that at the end of the former church the Lord would establish a new church, in which this doctrine would be primary.

This new church is the one meant in that book by the New Jerusalem, which no one can enter unless he acknowledges the Lord alone to be God of heaven and earth. I can also report that the whole of heaven acknowledges the Lord alone, and that anyone who does not acknowledge Him is not admitted into heaven. For heaven is heaven owing to the Lord. That very acknowledgment out of love and faith causes the inhabitants there to be in the Lord and to have the Lord in them. As the Lord Himself teaches in John:

At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. (John 14:20)

And again in John:

Abide in Me, and I in you.... I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out.... (John 15:4-6; see also 17:22-23)

[2] This has not previously been seen in the Word because if it had been seen before, it would still not have been accepted. For the Last Judgment had not yet been accomplished, and prior to that the power of hell prevailed over the power of heaven; and since people exist in between heaven and hell, if they had seen it then, the devil, that is, hell, would have snatched it from their hearts, and moreover profaned it.

This exercise of power by hell was completely broken by the Last Judgment, which has now been accomplished. Since then — thus at the present time — every person who wishes to be enlightened and become wise, can be.

For more on this subject, see what we wrote in the book Heaven and Hell 589–596, and nos. 597–603; and in the short work The Last Judgment 73, 74.

Doctrine of the Lord (Dick translation 1954) 61

61. These truths relating to the Lord are now for the first time made known, because it is foretold in Revelation 21 and 22 that a New Church, in which this doctrine will hold the chief place, is to be instituted by the Lord at the end of the former Church. This Church is what is there meant by the New Jerusalem, into which none can enter but they who acknowledge the Lord alone as the God of heaven and earth. Moreover, I am enabled to declare that the universal heaven acknowledges the Lord alone, and that whosoever does not acknowledge Him is not admitted into heaven: for heaven is heaven from the Lord. This acknowledgment itself, from love and faith, causes those in heaven to be in the Lord and the Lord in them, as the Lord Himself teaches in John:

At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. John 14:20.

Also in the same:

Abide in me, and I in you ...

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth ... John 15:4-6; 17:22-23.

[2] This was not seen from the Word before, because if it had been seen before, still it would not have been received. For the Last Judgment had not yet been accomplished; and prior to that the power of hell prevailed over the power of heaven. Now man is in the midst between heaven and hell; and therefore if this (doctrine concerning the Lord) had been seen before, the devil, that is, hell, would have plucked it out of the hearts of men, and would, moreover, have profaned it. This state of power of hell was completely broken by the Last Judgment, which has now been accomplished. After that Judgment, that is, now, every man who desires may become enlightened and attain wisdom.

On this subject see what is written in the work on HEAVEN AND HELL 589-603; and also in the small treatise on THE LAST JUDGMENT 65-74.

Doctrine of the Lord (Potts translation 1904) 61

61. The reason why these truths relative to the Lord are now for the first time made publicly known, is that it has been foretold in the Revelation (chapters 21 and 22) that a New Church, in which this doctrine will hold the chief place, is to be instituted by the Lord at the end of the former church. It is this Church which is meant by the "New Jerusalem," and no one can come into it who does not acknowledge the Lord as the God of heaven and earth. This I can declare-that the universal heaven acknowledges the Lord alone; and that no one who does not acknowledge Him is admitted into heaven; for heaven is heaven from the Lord. It is precisely this acknowledgment from love and faith which causes all there to be in the Lord and the Lord in them, as the Lord Himself teaches in John:

In that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you (14:20).

Abide in Me, and I in you. I am the vine, ye are the branches he that abideth in Me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without Me ye can do nothing; if any one abide not in Me, he is cast forth (15:4-6; 17:22-23).

The reason why this has not been previously seen from the Word, is that if it had been previously seen it would not have been received, because the Last Judgment had not been effected. Before that event the power of hell prevailed over the power of heaven, and as man is in the midst between the two, it is evident that the devil (which is hell) would have plucked it out of men's hearts, and would also have profaned it. But this state of power on the part of hell was completely broken by the Last Judgment, which has now been executed. Since that Judgment-thus now-every man who craves to be enlightened and wise can be so. (On this subject see the work on Heaven and Hell, 589-596, 597-603 and also Last Judgment, 65-72, 73-74)

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 61 (original Latin 1763)

61. Quod haec de Domino nunc primum evulgata sint, est quia praedictum est in Apocalypsi 21; 22; quod nova ecclesia in fine prioris a Domino instituenda sit, in qua hoc primarium erit. Haec ecclesia est, quae per "Novam Hierosolymam" ibi intelligitur, in quam nemo intrare potest, nisi qui solum Dominum pro Deo caeli et terrae agnoscit. Et hoc possum annuntiare, quod universum caelum Dominum solum agnoscat; et quod qui non agnoscit, non in caelum admittatur: caelum enim est caelum ex Domino. Ipsa illa agnitio ex amore et fide, facit ut sint ibi in Domino et Dominus in illis, ut Ipse Dominus docet apud Johannem,

"In die illo cognoscetis quod Ego in Patre meo, et vos in Me, et Ego in vobis" (14:20):

Tum apud eundem,

"Manete in Me, etiam Ego in vobis. ...Ego... vitis, vos palmites; qui manet in Me et Ego in illo, hic fert fructum multum, nam sine Me non potestis facere quicquam nisi quis manserit in Me, ejectus est foras" (15:4-6; tum 17:22-23).

[2] Quod hoc non prius e Verbo visum sit, est quia si prius visum fuisset, usque non receptum fuisset: nondum enim Ultimum Judicium fuit peractum; et ante illud, potentia inferni valuit supra potentiam caeli; et homo est in medio inter caelum et infernum; quare si prius visum fuisset, Diabolus, hoc est, infernum, eripuisset illud e cordibus illorum, et insuper profanavisset illud. Hic status potentiae inferni prorsus fractus est per Ultimum Judicium, quod nunc peractum est: post illud, ita nunc, omnis homo qui vult illustrari et sapere, is potest. (De qua re videantur quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno 589-596, et 597-603; tum in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 65-74, scripta sunt.)

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