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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第103节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 103

103. The reason all these things are related to love for our neighbor or caring is that, as explained just above [85-96], everyone is our neighbor, but in differing ways. A community, whether small or large, is more of a neighbor than an individual is, the country is still more of a neighbor, the Lord's kingdom still more, and the Lord is the neighbor above all. In the most universally applicable sense the goodness that comes from the Lord is our neighbor, and this means that what is honest and fair is our neighbor as well. So people who do anything good because it is good and who do what is honest and fair because it is honest and fair are loving their neighbor and practicing caring. This is because their actions are motivated by a love of what is good, honest, and fair and therefore by a love for people in whom there is goodness, honesty, and fairness.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 103

103. The reason loving other people (or kindness) has this meaning is that, as I said before, every person is our friend, but each in a different way. Smaller and larger communities are our friends in a higher way, our country in an even higher way, the Lord’s realm in a still higher way, and the Lord highest of all. In the broadest sense, the goodness that comes from the Lord is our friend. This means honesty and fairness are also our friends.

So if we do good things for people just because we want to do what is good, and if we do things honestly and fairly just because we want to be honest and fair, we love other people, and we are showing kindness. Our actions come from a love of goodness, honesty, and fairness — which means we are doing things out of a love for good, honest, and fair people.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 103

103. The reason why all these things are a part of love towards the neighbour or charity is that, as was said before, each individual is the neighbour, but in a different way. A smaller or larger community is more of a neighbour, one's country even more so. Even more so is the Lord's kingdom; and the Lord is the neighbour above all. In a universal sense the good proceeding from the Lord is the neighbour, and as a result so are honesty and justice. Anyone therefore who does any kind of good for good's sake, and acts honestly and justly for the sake of honesty and justice, loves the neighbour and exercises charity. For his actions are motivated by a love for good, honesty and justice, and so by a love for those in whom good, honesty and justice are to be found.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 103

103. These things belong to the love of the neighbour, that is to charity, because, as was said above, every man is a neighbour, yet in a different manner. A smaller or larger society is a neighbour in a higher degree; one's country in a still higher degree; the Lord's kingdom in a higher degree still; and the Lord Himself is a neighbour more than all; and, in a universal sense, the good which proceeds from the Lord is the neighbour; consequently also sincerity and justice. Wherefore he who does good of whatever kind, for the sake of good, and who acts sincerely and justly for the sake of sincerity and justice, loves the neighbour, and practises charity; for he acts from the love of what is good, sincere and just; and, consequently, from the love of those in whom is good, sincerity and justice.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 103

103. The reason why such things belong to love towards the neighbor, or charity, is because, as was said above, every man is the neighbor, but in a different manner. A less and greater society is more the neighbor; our country is still more the neighbor; the Lord's kingdom still more; and the Lord above all; and in a universal sense, good, which proceeds from the Lord, is the neighbor; consequently also sincerity and justice. Wherefore he who does any good for the sake of good, and he who acts sincerely and justly for the sake of sincerity and justice, loves the neighbor and exercises charity; for he does so from the love of what is good, sincere, and just, and consequently from the love of those in whom good, sincerity, and justice are.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 103 (original Latin 1758)

103. Quod illa amoris erga proximum seu charitatis 1sint, est quia, ut supra dictum est, unusquisque homo est proximus, sed diversimode; societas minor et major est magis proximus; patria adhuc magis proximus; regnum Domini adhuc magis; et Dominus supra omnes: et in sensu universali Bonum, quod procedit ex Domino, est proximus; consequentur etiam est sincerum et justum: quapropter qui facit bonum quodcunque propter bonum, ac qui sincere et juste agit propter sincerum et justum, is amat proximum, et exercet charitatem; nam facit ex amore boni, sinceri et justi, ac inde ex amore illorum in quibus bonum, sincerum et justum sunt.


.-1 sint pro "sit"

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